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# Автор
2401 Arvizu, М.А., Triana, C.A., Stefanov, B. I., Granqvist, C.G., Niklasson, G.A., Electrochromism in sputter-deposited W–Ti oxide films: Durability enhancement due to Ti (2014)
2402 Topalian, Z., Stefanov, B. I., Granqvist, C.G., Österlund, L., Adsorption and photo-oxidation of acetaldehyde on TiO2 and sulfate-modified TiO2: Studies by in situ FTIR spectroscopy and micro-kinetic modeling (2013)
2403 Stefanov, B. I., Kaneva, N.V., Li Puma, G., Dushkin, C.D., Novel integrated reactor for evaluation of activity of supported photocatalytic thin films: Case of methylene blue degradation on TiO2 and nickel modified TiO2 under UV and visible light (2011)
2404 Stefanov, B. I., Österlund, L., Tuning the photocatalytic activity of anatase TiO2 thin films by modifying the preferred< 001> grain orientation with reactive DC magnetron sputtering (2014)
2405 Stefanov, B. I., Topalian, Z., Granqvist, C.G., Österlund, L., Acetaldehyde adsorption and condensation on anatase TiO2: Influence of acetaldehyde dimerization (2014)
2406 Stefanov, B. I., Lebrun, D., Mattsson, A., Granqvist, C.G., Österlund, L., Demonstration of a 3D printed gas-phase photocatalysis reactor and its use for on-line monitoring of degradation of air pollutants. (2015)
2407 Stefanov, B. I., Niklasson, G.A., Granqvist, C.G., Österlund, L., Gas-phase photocatalytic activity of sputter-deposited anatase TiO2 films: Effect of <001> preferential orientation, surface temperature and humidity (2016)
2408 Ivanova, T., Harizanova, A., Koutzarova, T., Vertruyen, B., Stefanov, B. I., Structural and morphological characterization of sol-gel ZnO: Ga films: Effect of annealing temperatures (2018)
2409 Stefanov, B. I., Niklasson, G.A., Granqvist, C.G., Österlund, L., Quantitative relation between photocatalytic activity and degree of <001> orientation for anatase TiO2 thin films (2015)
2410 Stefanov, B. I., Granqvist, C.G., Österlund, L., Fine control of the amount of preferential <001> orientation in DC magnetron sputtered nanocrystalline TiO2 films (2014)
2411 Kaneva, N.V., Stefanov, B. I., Dimitrov, D.T., Dushkin, C.D., Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene blue by ZnO photocatalyst doped with nickel (2011)
2412 Стоилов, Т. С., Софронова, Д. А., А. Георгиева., Определяване някои физико-механични показатели на заготовки за съдови протези (2009)
2413 Атанасова, Р. П., Павлова, М. Ц., Софронова, Д. А., Дизайнерска и конструктивно-технологична концепция за детско облекло (2018)
2416 Калдъшев, Ц. П., Разработване на кинематичен модел на машина стругов център с насрещно вретено с Vericut (2018)
2418 Gieva, E. E., Rusev, R. P., Angelov, G. V., Radonov, R. I., Takov, T. B., Hristov, M. H., Verilog-A modeling of electrical circuit with adding element based on branched hydrogen bonding network (2012)
2419 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Ivanov, I. G., Processing Efficiency of Plasma-Aided Porous Media Finishing (2017)
2420 Сотирова, Д. В., Новата административна култура. Организационни проблеми и лични стратегии за промяна (2005)
2421 Сотирова, Д. В., Бизнес етика. Управление на деловото поведение (2014)
2422 Gospodinova, D. G., Dineff, P. D., Low-frequency technological discharge at atmospheric pressure (2003)
2423 Gospodinova, D. G., Dineff, P. D., No-load resonance of low-frequency capacitive electric discharge (2003)
2424 Dienff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Electrical Characteristics of the No-load Regime of Electric Barrier Discharge (2003)
2425 Dienff, P. D., T. G. Vladkova., Gospodinova, D. N., N. Tipova., Plasma-Chemical Surface Modification (2003)
2426 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Electric characteristics of Barrier Electric Discharge (2003)
2427 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Using a Phase-Leading Electrical Discharge in Plasma System with Industrial Frequency at Atmospheric Pressure (2004)
2428 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., One Atmosphere Barrier Discharges with Electrode Edge Effect (2004)
2429 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Modelling the External Characteristic of Cold-Plasma Reactors (2004)
2430 T. G. Vlakova., Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Wood flour: A New Filler for the Rubber Processing Industry. II Cure Characteristic and Mechanical Properties of NBR Compounds Filled with Corona-Treated Wood Flour (2004)
2431 Vladkova, T., Dineff, D. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Wood Flour - a new Filler for Rubber Processing Industry: Cure Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of NBR - Compounds filled by Corona Treated Wood Flour (2003)
2432 Динев, П. Д., Николова, Д. Н., Energy-effective Regimes of the Technological Corona Discharge (2003)
2433 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Characteristics of the Electric Low-Frequency Capacitive Discharge (2003)
2434 Gospodinova, D. N., Dineff, P. D., Conditions for an Electric Resonance in Various Technological Regimes of Low-Frequency Capacitive Discharge (2003)
2435 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Polymer Modification - New Visions, Challenges and Solutions. (2004)
2436 Ризов, П. М., Спасов, Р. Л., Стоянов, Ц. М., Захариев, В. З., Определяне на зависимостта на потокосцепленията от натоварването при синхронни машини с постоянни магнити за хибридни автомобили (2014)
2437 T. G. Vladkova., Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Wood Flour: A New Filler for Rubber Processing Industry III. Cure Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of NBR Compounds Filled by Wood Flour in Presence of Phenol-formaldehyde Resin (2004)
2438 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Gadjeva, E. D., PSpice simulation of atmospheric pressure air glow discharge plasma applicator systems (2006)
2439 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Gadjeva, E. D., PSpice Simulation of Atmospheric Pressure Air Glow Discharge current-voltage characteristic (2006)
2440 T. G. Vladkova., Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., I. Avramova., Wood Flour: New Filler for the Rubber Processing Industry. IV. Cure Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber Compounds Filled by Non-Modified or Corona Treated Wood Flour (2006)
2441 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Plasma aided capillary impregnation of hardwood with ionic water solutions (2007)
2442 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Plasma Aided Capillary Impregnation of Softwood and Products with Ionic Water Solutions. (2007)
2443 Спасов, Р. Л., Ризов, П. М., Захариев, В. З., Стоянов, Ц. М., Приложение на метода на крайни елементи за определяне на момента и загубите в зъбите на статора при синхронни двигатели с вътрешни магнити (2014)
2444 Rizov, P. M., Spasov, R. L., Stoyanov, T. M., Zahariev, V. Z., The application of finite element method for determining the THD in the electromotive force in a synchronous machine with permanent magnets rnder different loads (2015)
2445 Спасов, Р. Л., Ризов, П. М., Стоянов, Ц. М., Захариев, В. З., Изследване на вида на статорната намотка на синхронна машина с постоянни магнити за постигане на максимална енергийна ефективност (2016)
2446 Спасов, Р. Л., Ризов, П. М., Захариев, В. З., Стоянов, Ц. М., Разпределителни трансформатори за фотоволтаични централи (2016)
2447 Спасов, Р. Л., Ризов, П. М., Захариев, В. З., Стоянов, Ц. М., Разпределителни трансформатори за фотоволтаични електроцентрали с намотка ниско напрежение двоен зиг-заг (2018)
2448 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., L. Kostova., Ion-activated Water Solution Containing Flame Retardant for Plasma Aided Technology of Fire Protection and Safety (2007)
2449 Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N., Magnetron Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Low Frequency (2007)
2450 П. Динев., Николова, Д. Н., Технологични характеристики на магнетронен диелектричен бариерен разряд при атмосферно налягане (2007)