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# Автор
2151 Ruskova, K. G., Malinova P., Nikolov R., Design of Synthesized Hybrid Magnetite Filler in Porous Texture of Activated Carbon and Influence on the Microwave Properties of Natural Rubber Composites (2017)
2152 Zahariev, A. S., A. Girginov., Formation of complex anodic films on porous alumina matrices (2003)
2153 Ruskova, K. G., Damianov B., How Does 10% Ethanol composition of Gasoline Affect Car Engine Performance (2016)
2154 Zahariev, A. S., A. Girginov., Formation and properties of complex anodic films on aluminium (a review) (2003)
2155 Ruskova, K. G., Dimitrova V., Spassova I., Tzvetkova P., Nikolov R., Design and Catalytic Performance in NO Reduction with CO of Hybrid-Supported Nickel Catalysts (2014)
2156 Танева Л., Рускова, К. Г., Юсуф Юсуф., Изследване на свойствата на някои материали за защита от електромагнитни лъчения (2016)
2157 Рускова, К. Г., Дамянов Б., Етанолът като биогориво (2012)
2158 Ruskova, K. G., Dishovsky N., Constant Magnetic Field Influence on the vulcanization of Unfield Rubber Based Blends (2008)
2159 Dishovsky N., Ruskova, K. G., Dimitrov R., Changes in Properties of Polar Elastomers under the action of Constant Magnetic Fields (1999)
2160 Naydenova, I. I., Petrova, T. S., Ganev, I. G., Combustion intermediates relevant to gas phase soot precursor`s formation in acetylene flames (2013)
2161 A. Girginov., Zahariev, A. S., I. Kanazirski., Tz. Tzvetkoff., Some aspects of the kinetics of reanodization of porous alumina films (2004)
2162 Д. Стойчев., Н. Разказов., Ек. Добрева., Георгиева, М. Г., Електролит и метод за електрохимично получаване върху неметални и метални подложки на медни композитни слоеве, съдържащи диамантени частици, приложими при изработката на абразивни инструменти (2015)
2163 Sandov O.L., Dimitrov E.D., Petrova, T. S., Naydenova, I. I., Filipov D., Combustion characteristics of solid biofuels (2017)
2164 Petrova, T. S., Fields of use of a Stirling engine and its modelling in the context of renewable energy sources (2018)
2165 Velichkova, R. T., Markov, D. G., Simova, I. S., Petrova, T. S., Naydenova, I. I., Pachev V., A Review Of The Technologies For Hydrogen Supfide Removal And Utilization From Biogas Installation (2017)
2166 Christian Girginov., Sashka Petkova., Zahariev, A. S., Breakdown phenomena during anodization of aluminium in galvanostatic and voltastatic regimes (2006)
2167 A. Girginov., A. Popova., I. Kanazirski., Zahariev, A. S., Characterization of complex anodic alumina films by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (2006)
2168 Марковски, А. Г., Учебна система “Hardware in the loop” (2017)
2169 C. Andreeva., Cinins A., Ekers A., Tretyakov D., Entin V., Yakshina E., Beterov I., Ryabtsev I., Markovski, A. G., Radio-frequency-induced Förster resonances in a few cold Rb Rydberg atoms (2014)
2170 C. Andreeva., A. Cinins., A. Ekers., D. Tretyakov., V. Entin., E. Yakshina., I. Beterov., I. Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., Simple digital system for tuning and long-term frequency stabilization of a CW Ti:Sapphire laser (2015)
2171 I. I. Beterov., S. M. Kobtsev., E. A. Yakshina., V. M. Entin., D. B. Tretyakov., V. I. Baraulya., I. I. Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., A Simple Cost-efective Digital System for Tuning and Long-Term Frequency Stabilisation of a CW Ti:Sapphire Laser (2015)
2172 C. Andreeva., A. Cinins., A. Ekers., . Tretyakov., V. Entin., I. Beterov., E. Yakshina., I. Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., Realization of radio-frequency assisted Förster resonances in an ensemble of a few cold Rb Rydberg atoms (2015)
2173 Ilya Beterov., Sergey Kobtsev., Elena Yakshina., Vasily Entin., Denis Tretyakov., Vladimir Baraulya., Igor Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., Digital system for tuning and long-term stabilization of a CW Ti:Sapphire laser – experimental set-up (2016)
2174 Ilya Beterov., Sergey Kobtsev., Elena Yakshina., Vasily Entin., Denis Tretyakov., Vladimir Baraulya., Igor Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., Performance of a digital sstem for tuning and long-term stabilization of a CW Ti:Sapphire laser (2016)
2175 E. A. Yakshina., D. B. Tretyakov., I. I. Beterov., V. M. Entin., C. Andreeva., A. Cinins., Z. Iftikhar., A. Ekers., I. I. Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., Line shapes and time dynamics of the Förster resonances between two Rydberg atoms in a time-varying electric field (2016)
2176 C. Andreeva., A.Krasteva., S.Tsvetkov., S. Gateva., S. Gozzini., S. Cartaleva., Markovski, A. G., Excitation transfer from the Second to the First resonance line of Potassium observed in a hot atomic vapor (2017)
2177 Georgieva, H. I., Kunchev, L. P., Vehicle trajectory modeling under the influence of lateral sliding (2015)
2178 Georgieva, H. I., Kunchev, L. P., Experimental Determination of Tyre Lateral Force: Application to Tyre Cornering Stiffness (2015)
2179 Тренчева, Х. Г., Кунчев, Л. П., Моделиране поведението на лек автомобил при движение с престрояване (2015)
2180 Georgieva, H. I., Pavlov, N. L., Kunchev, L. P., Tester for Study the Influence of Tire Vertical Load and Tire Internal Pressure on Tire Cornering Stiffness (2016)
2181 Georgieva, H. I., Serbezov, V. S., Dimitrov, I. D., Mathematical Model for Aircraft Landing Trajectory (2016)
2182 Zahariev, A. S., Ivan Kanazirski., Assen Girginov., Anodic alumina films formed in sulfamic acid solution (2008)
2183 Цонев, В. Ц., Борисов, Б. А., Мухтаров, И. В., Кузманов, Н. И., Изпитвателна машина за експериментални изследвания в условията на високи температури (2017)
2184 Christian Girginov., Zahariev, A. S., Ivan Kanazirski., Breakdown phenomena during the formation of complex anodic oxide films on aluminium (2011)
2185 Chr. Girginov., I. Kanazirski., Zahariev, A. S., P. Stefchev., Electrolytic colouring of anodic alumina films in metal ions containing solution, part one: electrolytic colouring in NiSO4 containing solution (2012)
2186 Zahariev, A. S., Breakdown behaviour during reanodization of thick porous anodic alumina in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions (2015)
2187 Zahariev, A. S., Modification of the anode foil for aluminium electrolytic capacitors – recent developments (short review) (2015)
2188 Tzaneva, B. R., Petrova T.M., Hristov J., Fachikov L.B., Electrochemical investigation of cementation process (2016)
2190 Tonchev, K., Panev, S., Manolova, A. H., Neshov, N. N., Boumbarov, O. L., Poulkov, V. K., Facial Orientation Determination, Face and Emotion Recognition in 3D Space for Neurorehabilitation Applications (2015)
2191 Georgieva, H. I., Serbezov, V. S., Mathematical model of aircraft ground dynamics (2017)
2192 Georgieva, H. I., Modeling of shimmy oscillations in aircraft landing gear (2017)
2194 Agrian Augistin Pop., Mircea Radulescu., Horatiu Balan., Kanchev, H. C., Electromagnetic torque capabilities of axial-flux and radial-flux permanent-magnet machines (2013)
2195 Kanchev, H. C., Lazarov, V. D., Bruno François., Environmental and economical optimization of microgrid long term operational planning including PV-based active generators (2012)
2196 Arnaudov, D. D., Hinov, N. L., Kanchev, H. C., Stanev, R. H., Modelling and Control of a Grid-connected PV System for Smart Grid Integration (2018)
2197 Kanchev, H. C., Lazarov, V. D., B. François., F. Colas., Emission Reduction and Economical Optimization of an Urban Microgrid Operation Including Dispatched PV-Based Active Generators (2014)
2198 Hinov, N. L., Kanchev, H. C., Vacheva, G. I., Smart grid integration of small-scale trigeneration systems (2017)
2199 Vacheva, G. I., Kanchev, H. C., Hinov, N. L., Stanev, R. H., An approach for estimation of optimal energy flows in battery storage devices for electric vehicles in the smart grid (2017)