2151 | Dishovsky N., Ruskova, K. G., Marinov M., Vassilev V., | Rubber thin films microwave absorbers obtained by magnetic field application (2000) | |
2152 | Ruskova, K. G., Taneva L., Lirkov A., | Materials for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding (2016) | |
2153 | Рускова, К. Г., Lirkov A., | Химията- нашият живот, нашето бъдеще - Нови материали и технологии (2011) | |
2154 | Ruskova, K. G., Dishovsky N., | Constant Magnetic Fields Influence on the Properties of Some Elastomers and Elastomeric Materials (2010) | |
2155 | Miladinov L., Ruskova, K. G., Dishovsky N., Borros S., Shoilev N., | Vulcanization of Unfilled Natural Rubber Based Composites in Constant Magnetic Field (2003) | |
2156 | Dishovsky N., Ruskova, K. G., Shoilev N., | Constant External Magnetic Field Influence on the Vulcanization Process in Some Elastomers, (2001) | |
2157 | Ruskova, K. G., Malinova P., Nikolov R., | Design of Synthesized Hybrid Magnetite Filler in Porous Texture of Activated Carbon and Influence on the Microwave Properties of Natural Rubber Composites (2017) | |
2158 | Zahariev, A. S., A. Girginov., | Formation of complex anodic films on porous alumina matrices (2003) | |
2159 | Ruskova, K. G., Damianov B., | How Does 10% Ethanol composition of Gasoline Affect Car Engine Performance (2016) | |
2160 | Zahariev, A. S., A. Girginov., | Formation and properties of complex anodic films on aluminium (a review) (2003) | |
2161 | Ruskova, K. G., Dimitrova V., Spassova I., Tzvetkova P., Nikolov R., | Design and Catalytic Performance in NO Reduction with CO of Hybrid-Supported Nickel Catalysts (2014) | |
2162 | Танева Л., Рускова, К. Г., Юсуф Юсуф., | Изследване на свойствата на някои материали за защита от електромагнитни лъчения (2016) | |
2163 | Рускова, К. Г., Дамянов Б., | Етанолът като биогориво (2012) | |
2164 | Ruskova, K. G., Dishovsky N., | Constant Magnetic Field Influence on the vulcanization of Unfield Rubber Based Blends (2008) | |
2165 | Dishovsky N., Ruskova, K. G., Dimitrov R., | Changes in Properties of Polar Elastomers under the action of Constant Magnetic Fields (1999) | |
2166 | Naydenova, I. I., Petrova, T. S., Ganev, I. G., | Combustion intermediates relevant to gas phase soot precursor`s formation in acetylene flames (2013) | |
2167 | A. Girginov., Zahariev, A. S., I. Kanazirski., Tz. Tzvetkoff., | Some aspects of the kinetics of reanodization of porous alumina films (2004) | |
2168 | Д. Стойчев., Н. Разказов., Ек. Добрева., Георгиева, М. Г., | Електролит и метод за електрохимично получаване върху неметални и метални подложки на медни композитни слоеве, съдържащи диамантени частици, приложими при изработката на абразивни инструменти (2015) | |
2169 | Sandov O.L., Dimitrov E.D., Petrova, T. S., Naydenova, I. I., Filipov D., | Combustion characteristics of solid biofuels (2017) | |
2170 | Petrova, T. S., | Fields of use of a Stirling engine and its modelling in the context of renewable energy sources (2018) | |
2171 | Velichkova, R. T., Markov, D. G., Simova, I. S., Petrova, T. S., Naydenova, I. I., Pachev V., | A Review Of The Technologies For Hydrogen Supfide Removal And Utilization From Biogas Installation (2017) | |
2172 | Christian Girginov., Sashka Petkova., Zahariev, A. S., | Breakdown phenomena during anodization of aluminium in galvanostatic and voltastatic regimes (2006) | |
2173 | A. Girginov., A. Popova., I. Kanazirski., Zahariev, A. S., | Characterization of complex anodic alumina films by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (2006) | |
2174 | Марковски, А. Г., | Учебна система “Hardware in the loop” (2017) | |
2175 | C. Andreeva., Cinins A., Ekers A., Tretyakov D., Entin V., Yakshina E., Beterov I., Ryabtsev I., Markovski, A. G., | Radio-frequency-induced Förster resonances in a few cold Rb Rydberg atoms (2014) | |
2176 | C. Andreeva., A. Cinins., A. Ekers., D. Tretyakov., V. Entin., E. Yakshina., I. Beterov., I. Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., | Simple digital system for tuning and long-term frequency stabilization of a CW Ti:Sapphire laser (2015) | |
2177 | I. I. Beterov., S. M. Kobtsev., E. A. Yakshina., V. M. Entin., D. B. Tretyakov., V. I. Baraulya., I. I. Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., | A Simple Cost-efective Digital System for Tuning and Long-Term Frequency Stabilisation of a CW Ti:Sapphire Laser (2015) | |
2178 | C. Andreeva., A. Cinins., A. Ekers., . Tretyakov., V. Entin., I. Beterov., E. Yakshina., I. Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., | Realization of radio-frequency assisted Förster resonances in an ensemble of a few cold Rb Rydberg atoms (2015) | |
2179 | Ilya Beterov., Sergey Kobtsev., Elena Yakshina., Vasily Entin., Denis Tretyakov., Vladimir Baraulya., Igor Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., | Digital system for tuning and long-term stabilization of a CW Ti:Sapphire laser – experimental set-up (2016) | |
2180 | Ilya Beterov., Sergey Kobtsev., Elena Yakshina., Vasily Entin., Denis Tretyakov., Vladimir Baraulya., Igor Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., | Performance of a digital sstem for tuning and long-term stabilization of a CW Ti:Sapphire laser (2016) | |
2181 | E. A. Yakshina., D. B. Tretyakov., I. I. Beterov., V. M. Entin., C. Andreeva., A. Cinins., Z. Iftikhar., A. Ekers., I. I. Ryabtsev., Markovski, A. G., | Line shapes and time dynamics of the Förster resonances between two Rydberg atoms in a time-varying electric field (2016) | |
2182 | C. Andreeva., A.Krasteva., S.Tsvetkov., S. Gateva., S. Gozzini., S. Cartaleva., Markovski, A. G., | Excitation transfer from the Second to the First resonance line of Potassium observed in a hot atomic vapor (2017) | |
2183 | Georgieva, H. I., Kunchev, L. P., | Vehicle trajectory modeling under the influence of lateral sliding (2015) | |
2184 | Georgieva, H. I., Kunchev, L. P., | Experimental Determination of Tyre Lateral Force: Application to Tyre Cornering Stiffness (2015) | |
2185 | Тренчева, Х. Г., Кунчев, Л. П., | Моделиране поведението на лек автомобил при движение с престрояване (2015) | |
2186 | Georgieva, H. I., Pavlov, N. L., Kunchev, L. P., | Tester for Study the Influence of Tire Vertical Load and Tire Internal Pressure on Tire Cornering Stiffness (2016) | |
2187 | Georgieva, H. I., Serbezov, V. S., Dimitrov, I. D., | Mathematical Model for Aircraft Landing Trajectory (2016) | |
2188 | Zahariev, A. S., Ivan Kanazirski., Assen Girginov., | Anodic alumina films formed in sulfamic acid solution (2008) | |
2189 | Цонев, В. Ц., Борисов, Б. А., Мухтаров, И. В., Кузманов, Н. И., | Изпитвателна машина за експериментални изследвания в условията на високи температури (2017) | |
2190 | Christian Girginov., Zahariev, A. S., Ivan Kanazirski., | Breakdown phenomena during the formation of complex anodic oxide films on aluminium (2011) | |
2191 | Chr. Girginov., I. Kanazirski., Zahariev, A. S., P. Stefchev., | Electrolytic colouring of anodic alumina films in metal ions containing solution, part one: electrolytic colouring in NiSO4 containing solution (2012) | |
2192 | Zahariev, A. S., | Breakdown behaviour during reanodization of thick porous anodic alumina in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions (2015) | |
2193 | Zahariev, A. S., | Modification of the anode foil for aluminium electrolytic capacitors – recent developments (short review) (2015) | |
2194 | Tzaneva, B. R., Petrova T.M., Hristov J., Fachikov L.B., | Electrochemical investigation of cementation process (2016) | |
2196 | Tonchev, K., Panev, S., Manolova, A. H., Neshov, N. N., Boumbarov, O. L., Poulkov, V. K., | Facial Orientation Determination, Face and Emotion Recognition in 3D Space for Neurorehabilitation Applications (2015) | |
2197 | Georgieva, H. I., Serbezov, V. S., | Mathematical model of aircraft ground dynamics (2017) | |
2198 | Georgieva, H. I., | Modeling of shimmy oscillations in aircraft landing gear (2017) | |
2200 | Agrian Augistin Pop., Mircea Radulescu., Horatiu Balan., Kanchev, H. C., | Electromagnetic torque capabilities of axial-flux and radial-flux permanent-magnet machines (2013) | |