Autors: Andreev, O. A., Peneva, G. P.
Keywords: Industry 4.0

Abstract: Undoubtedly, industrial production is the backbone of the national economy. The manufacturing enterprise, besides a source of profit for its owners, is also a generator of a national gross product and hence of economic prosperity. Industrial enterprises are one of the largest employers and importers of taxes in the state budget. When talking about industry, however, we must not forget that its development depends directly on scientific and technological progress and in particular on the achievements in automation, mechanization and robotics. The innovation in enterprises is a continuous process. Industrial production today takes maximum advantage of the scientific and technological achievements of the 1980s and 1990s – Internet, mechanization, advanced production lines, computational power, maximum flexibility and production systems integrity. It is the accelerated automation and robotization that makes experts believe that we are on the verge of a fourth industrial revolution, and



    X INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “E-Governance & E-Communications”, 2018, Bulgaria, Sozopol

    Full text of the publication

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