Оригинал (Original)
Автори: ас. Мадлена Жилевска., Жилевски, М. М.
Заглавие: Алгоритъм за разработка на ладер диаграма за металорежещи машини
Ключови думи: ladder diagram, algorithm, milling machines

Абстракт: An algorithm for development of ladder diagram for machine tools with digital program control is describes in this paper. The offered algorithm takes into account the developed control panel, user requirements and specific features of the various subsystems for the studied class of machines. A concrete example has been presented, illustrating the practical application of this algorithm. The research held as well as the results obtained can be used in the development of ladder diagram for the studied class of machine tools.



    Сборник доклади, том 1, стр. стр. 387-391, 2015, България, Gabrovo, Унитех-Габрово, ISSN 1313-230X

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: ас. Мадлена Жилевска., Zhilevski, M. M.
    Title: Algorithm for development of ladder diagram for machine tools
    Keywords: ladder diagram, algorithm, milling machines




      Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Unitech – Gabrovo, vol. 1, pp. 387-391, 2015, Bulgaria, Gabrovo, “Unitech – Gabrovo, ISSN 1313-230X

      Full text of the publication

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