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# Автор
7601 Deliyska, B., Ilieva, R. Y., Ontology-based model of e-governance (2011)
7602 Alexandrova, S., Szekeres A., Halova, E. Y., “Variable frequency C–V analysis for observation of oxide charge in MOS structures with LPCVD-silicon oxynitride film” (2004)
7603 Halova, E. Y., Alexandrova, S., Szekeres, A., Modreanu, M., “LPCVD-silicon oxynitride films: interface properties” (2005)
7604 Kaschieva, S., Halova, E. Y., Vlaikova, E., Alexandrova, S., Valcheva, E., Dmitriev, S., “Investigation of p-Type MOS Structure Irradiated with 23 Mev Electrons” (2006)
7605 Halova, E. Y., Alexandrova, S., ”Electrical characterization of MOS structures with 10 nm SiO2, thermally grown on plasma hydrogenated (100)-pSi” (2007)
7606 Halova, E. Y., Alexandrova, S., Szekeres A., “Fixed oxide charge, interface traps and border traps in MOS structures, grown on plasma hydrogenated (100)-pSi”. (2009)
7607 Halova, E. Y., Kobilarov, R. G., “Advantages and Disadvantages of the Test Method for Checking and Evaluating of the Knowledge, the Skills and the Habits of Students” (2010)
7608 Kobilarov, R. G., Halova, E. Y., “Electric Field Pressure and Its Application in Material Science” (2010)
7609 Alexandrova, S., Szekeres, A., Halova, E. Y., „Defects in SiO2/Si Structures Formed by Dry Thermal Oxidation of RF Hydrogen Plasma Cleaned Si” (2010)
7610 Halova, E. Y., Alexandrova, S., Kaschieva, S., Dmitriev, S N., “Interface trap generation in MOS structures by high-energy electron irradiation” (2010)
7611 Alexandrova, S. P., Mikhailova, V. E., Kobilarov, R. G., Halova, E. Y., “Formation of thin SiOxNy films on Si by ion implantation” (2004)
7612 Александрова, С. П., Халова, Е. Й., Димитров, Д., “Модификация на Si повърхност чрез N+ имплантация” (2011)
7613 Marinova, I. Y., Midorikawa Y., Hayano S., Saito Y., Thin film transformer and its analysis by integral equation method (1995)
7614 Midorikawa Y., Marinova, I. Y., Hayano S., Saito Y., Electromagnetic field analysis of film transformer (1995)
7615 Lazarova, M. K., Angelova, M. A., GIS Web services for distributed computing systems (2008)
7616 Ivanova, T. I., A metic and approach for fuzzy ontology evaluation. (2008)
7617 Tzvetkova, S. G., Klaassens B., Preventive Maintenance for Industrial Application (2001)
7618 Yonov, T. I., Lozanov, Y. Y., Analysis of the possibilities for implementation of charging columns of electric cars at gas stations (2021)
7619 Yonov, T. I., Lozanov, Y. Y., Comparison by economic indicators of vehicles with various driving systems (2021)
7620 Boycheva, S. V., Marinov I., Zgureva, D. M., Studies on the CO2 capture by coal fly ash zeolites: Process design and simulation (2021)
7621 Lazarova, K., Boycheva, S. V., Vasileva, M., Zgureva, D. M., Georgieva, B., Babeva, T., Acetone-sensitive thin films comprising coal fly ash Na-X zeolites and Sol–Gel Nb2O5 matrix (2021)
7622 Kountchev, R. K., Mironov, R. P., Shengqing Li., Preface - New Approaches for Multidimensional Signal Processing (2021)
7623 Hristova-Vasileva, T., Vassilev, V., Aljihmani, L., Boycheva, S. V., Glass formation in the As2Se3-As2Te 3-Sb2Te3 system (2008)
7624 Nikolov, A. Y., Integral Form of the Generalized Solution of a Darboux-Goursat Problem with Third-Type Boundary Condition (2021)
7625 Nikolov, A. Y., Pasheva, V. V., Gerova G. G., A Simulator of Vertical U-tube Steam Generator in SCILAB Environment (2021)
7626 Nikolov, A. Y., Protter-Morawetz Problem for a Keldysh-Type Equation with Power-Type Degeneracy of Order m = 4/3 (2018)
7627 Nikolov, A. Y., Improved Asymptotic Representation of the Singular Solutions of a 4-D Problem for Keldysh-Type Equations (2018)
7628 Nikolov, A. Y., On the Generalized Solutions of a Boundary Value Problem for Multidimensional Hyperbolic and Weakly Hyperbolic Equations (2018)
7629 Георгиев, М. Г., Георгиева, А. Н., Николова, Д. Н., Миланов, К. Г., Neural Networks Application for Modelling of RES production (2021)
7630 Ivanova, V., Tashev, T. A., Draganov, I. R., Detection of IoT based DDoS Attacks by Network Traffic Analysis using Feedforward Neural Networks (2022)
7631 Brodic, D., Draganov, I. R., Self-organizing maps classification with application to the low-frequency magnetic field emitted by portable computers (2017)
7632 Brodic, D., Amelio, A., Draganov, I. R., Self-Organizing Map Classification of the Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Produced by Typical Tablet Computers (2018)
7633 Vasileva, G., Draganov, I. R., Localization of a single sound source from binaural recordings (2018)
7634 Robert Kazała., Sławomir Luściński., Paweł Strączyński., Taneva, A. M., An Enabling Open-Source Technology for Development and Prototyping of Production Systems by Applying Digital Twinning (2022)
7635 Brodic, D., Amelio, A., Draganov, I. R., Jankovic, R., Exploring the usability of the dice CAPTCHA by advanced statistical analysis (2018)
7636 Draganov, I. R., Dinev, P., Boumbarov, O. L., Accelerated search of human activity registered by non-invasive sensors (2017)
7637 Brodic, D., Draganov, I. R., Milivojevic, Z., Tasic, V., Comparison of vertical projection profile, moment-based and initial skew rate algorithm for text skew estimation (2017)
7638 Popova, A. A., Garcia, J., Neshov, N. N., Draganov, I. R., Brodic, D., Finding URLs in images by text extraction in DCT domain, recognition and matching in dictionary (2015)
7639 Draganov, I. R., Kountchev, R. K., Georgieva, V. M., Compression of CT images with branched inverse pyramidal decomposition (2014)
7640 Georgieva, V. M., Kountchev, R. K., Draganov, I. R., An adaptive approach for noise reduction in sequences of CT images (2014)
7641 Brodic, D., Maluckov, C., Milivojevic, Z., Draganov, I. R., Differentiation of the script using adjacent local binary patterns (2014)
7642 Draganov, I. R., Inverse pyramid decomposition of wavelet spectrum for image compression (2014)
7643 Draganov, I. R., Kountchev, R. K., Georgieva, V. M., Medical images transform by multistage PCA-Based algorithm (2013)
7644 Georgieva, V. M., Kountchev, R. K., Draganov, I. R., An adaptive enhancement of X-Ray images (2013)
7645 Draganov, I. R., Popova, A. A., Neshov, N. N., Asymptotic state of one-dimensional SOM at normal point density input passed through non-linear channel (2010)
7646 Draganov, I. R., Popova, A. A., Ivanov, L., Multilingual names database searching enhancement (2008)
7647 Draganov, I. R., Popova, A. A., Handwritten text preprocessing algorithm applying SUSAN principle (2007)
7648 Ivanova, M. S., Science Education in Bulgaria (2022)
7649 Panagiev, O. B., Reception of DVB-T signals: peculiarities and problems (2017)
7650 Панагиев, О. Б., Радио- и телевизионни системи и мрежи: ръководство за лабораторни упражнения (2018)