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7502 | Михов, Е., Димитров, В. П., Димитрова, В. К., | Проектиране на механична профилоогъвaща машина BENDEM (2020) | |
7503 | Божериков С.В., Димитров, В. П., Йорданова Н., | Конструиране на фрезова 4-осна CNC машина за обработване на дребногабаритни детайли, сп. Машиностроителна техника и технологии (2019) | |
7504 | Божериков С.В., Димитров, В. П., Милчева П., | Конструиране на машина за утилизиране на отпадъци от електроламповата промишленост (2019) | |
7505 | Dimitrov, V. P., Binici O., | Design of adjustable articulated multi spindle drilling head (2019) | |
7506 | Dimitrov, V. P., Tumer M.B., | Optimization of reservation of manual roll bender, Journal of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (2019) | |
7507 | Milushev, G. M., | Verification of the Calculation Method on CLAMP-ON Resistance Testing and Measurement (2019) | |
7508 | Iatcheva, I. I., | Some Opportunities to Improve the Learning Process of Students Based on Computer Simulations (2021) | |
7509 | Milushev, G. M., Kirilova-Blagoeva K. S., | Accredited Testing of Energy Consumption of Electrical Vehicles According to E-SORT protocol (2018) | |
7510 | Milushev, G. M., | Usable Energy of Electrical Vehicles and Charging Station Efficiency According to E-SORT protocol (2018) | |
7511 | Christodoulou C. A., Vita V., Voglitsis D., Milushev, G. M., Ekonomou L., | A Heuristic Method for the Reduction of the Outage Rate of High-Voltage Substations Due to Atmospheric Overvoltages (2018) | |
7512 | Iatcheva, I. I., Stancheva, R. D., Andreev A., Lilianova I., | Electromagnetic flow meter field distribution maximizing device sensitivity (2016) | |
7513 | Aleksieva-Petrova, A. A., | Students’ attitudes toward personal and learning data usage in aptitude project learner taxonomy (2021) | |
7514 | Christodoulou C.A., Vita V., Perantzakis G., Ekonomou L., Milushev, G. M., | Adjusting the Parameters of Metal Oxide Gapless Surge Arresters’ Equivalent Circuits Using the Harmony Search Method (2017) | |
7515 | Aleksieva-Petrova, A. A., | Survey on the importance of using personal data for learning analytics and of data privacy (2020) | |
7516 | Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B., | Improvement the temperature signal filtering in lock-in thermography (2018) | |
7517 | Stoynova, A. V., Brayanov N., | Multi-Microcontroller Emulation of Sensors, Actuators and Systems for Flexible Integration of Complex Devices (2018) | |
7518 | Brayanov N., Stoynova, A. V., | Evaluation of Model-Based Code Generation for Embedded System-Mature Approach for Development in Evolution (2019) | |
7519 | Bonev, B. B., Stoynova, A. V., Shopov A., | Computation of Geometric Characteristics from Thermal Images of a Corroded Surface Object (2020) | |
7520 | Aleksandrova I., Stoynova, A. V., Aleksandrov A., | Modelling and Multi-objective Optimization of Elastic Abrasive Cutting of C45 and 42Cr4 Steels (2021) | |
7521 | Stoynova, A. V., | System with Infrared Thermography for Diagnostics of Batteries' Technical Condition (2021) | |
7522 | Matanov, N. S., Zahov, A. T., Angelov, I. K., | Modeling of the Electric Vehicle Charging Process - Part1 (2021) | |
7523 | Martinov, S. V., Kostova-Toleva, S., Popov, V., Zhelev, M., | System for automated management of the logistic process through control points (2018) | |
7524 | Georgieva A., Naydenova, I. T., | Numerical Method for Solving Two-dimensional Nonlinear Hammerstein-Fredholm Fuzzy Functional Integral Equations (2021) | |
7525 | Matanov, N. S., Nankinsky, P. N., | Modern aspects of the digitalization in distribution systems (2021) | |
7526 | Georgieva A., Naydenova, I. T., | Adomian's Decomposition Method and Homotopy Perturbation Method in Solving Two-Dimensional Volterra-Fredholm Fuzzy Integral Equations (2021) | |
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7532 | Мартинов, С. В., | Логистичен модел за манипулиране на интермодални транспортни единици в многофункционален железопътен терминал (2021) | |
7533 | Bratovanov, N. G., | CAD-Based Wafer Scanning Simulations Applicable to the Field of Semiconductor Device Manufacturing (2021) | |
7534 | Bratovanov, N. G., | Implementation of pick-and-place algorithms for the purposes of wafer handling robotics simulations (2021) | |
7535 | Мартинов, С. В., Нинов, М., | Процесно-ориентирано проектиране на интермодален терминал (2021) | |
7537 | Georgieva, V. M., | An Approach for Pit Pattern Recognition in Colonoscopy Images (2015) | |
7538 | Georgieva, V. M., Vassilev S G., | Kidney Segmentation in US Images via Active Contours (2016) | |
7539 | Гиндева Ст. Ив., Петров, И. С., Граменова, М. В., Иванова, М. С., Славчева, Й. Т., | Методическа разработка на лабораторно упражнение по дисциплината „механика” от учебния план за ОКС „Бакалавър”, специалности „КТМ“, „ОВКТ” и „АТ“ (2021) | |
7540 | Popov, V. L., Shakev, N. G., Topalov, A. V., Ahmed, S. A., | Detection and following of moving target by an indoor mobile robot using multi-sensor information (2021) | |
7541 | Gramenova, M. V., Ivanova, M. S., Ivanov D., Petrov, I. S., Krastev, A. H., | Simulating Model of the Dynamic Processes in Motor-Vehicles with Low-Frequency Internal Combustion Engines (2021) | |
7542 | Yatchev, I. S., Gueorgiev, V. T., Ivanov, R. M., Hinov, K. L., | Simulation of the dynamic behaviour of a permanent magnet linear actuator (2010) | |
7543 | Karastoyanov D., Kotev V., Yatchev, I. S., | Development of a Braille tactile device driven by linear magnet actuators (2014) | |
7544 | Kirilov, S. M., Zaykov, I. D., | A Neural Network with HfO2 Memristors (2021) | |
7545 | Chotrov, D. I., Bachvarov, A. G., | A flexible framework for web-based virtual reality presentation of cultural heritage (2021) | |
7546 | Yatchev, I. S., Miltchev, R. I., | CAD system-boundary integral equation method for 3D electric field analysis of voltage transformers (2017) | |
7547 | Танева, С. П., Амбарев, К. М., | Определяне на собствените честоти и форми на колянов вал на двигател с вътрешно горене (2021) | |
7548 | Balabozov, I. S., Yatchev, I. S., Karastoyanov D., Stoimenov N., Brauer H., | Open source electronic system for controlling of hybrid electromagnetic systems with magnetic flux modulation (2021) | |
7549 | Танева, С. П., Амбарев, К. М., | Якостен анализ на колянов вал от бензинов двигател (2021) | |
7550 | Yatchev, I. S., Balabozov, I. S., Hinov, K. L., Hadzhiev, I. S., Gueorgiev, V. T., | Influence of the shape of the input pulses on the characteristics of hybrid electromagnetic system with magnetic flux modulation (2021) | |