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# Автор
7501 Атанасов, К. Т., Димитрова, В. К., Изследване на химичния състав, структурата и твърдостта на образци от корпусни елементи със специално предназначение (2021)
7502 Михов, Е., Димитров, В. П., Димитрова, В. К., Проектиране на механична профилоогъвaща машина BENDEM (2020)
7503 Божериков С.В., Димитров, В. П., Йорданова Н., Конструиране на фрезова 4-осна CNC машина за обработване на дребногабаритни детайли, сп. Машиностроителна техника и технологии (2019)
7504 Божериков С.В., Димитров, В. П., Милчева П., Конструиране на машина за утилизиране на отпадъци от електроламповата промишленост (2019)
7505 Dimitrov, V. P., Binici O., Design of adjustable articulated multi spindle drilling head (2019)
7506 Dimitrov, V. P., Tumer M.B., Optimization of reservation of manual roll bender, Journal of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (2019)
7507 Milushev, G. M., Verification of the Calculation Method on CLAMP-ON Resistance Testing and Measurement (2019)
7508 Iatcheva, I. I., Some Opportunities to Improve the Learning Process of Students Based on Computer Simulations (2021)
7509 Milushev, G. M., Kirilova-Blagoeva K. S., Accredited Testing of Energy Consumption of Electrical Vehicles According to E-SORT protocol (2018)
7510 Milushev, G. M., Usable Energy of Electrical Vehicles and Charging Station Efficiency According to E-SORT protocol (2018)
7511 Christodoulou C. A., Vita V., Voglitsis D., Milushev, G. M., Ekonomou L., A Heuristic Method for the Reduction of the Outage Rate of High-Voltage Substations Due to Atmospheric Overvoltages (2018)
7512 Iatcheva, I. I., Stancheva, R. D., Andreev A., Lilianova I., Electromagnetic flow meter field distribution maximizing device sensitivity (2016)
7513 Aleksieva-Petrova, A. A., Students’ attitudes toward personal and learning data usage in aptitude project learner taxonomy (2021)
7514 Christodoulou C.A., Vita V., Perantzakis G., Ekonomou L., Milushev, G. M., Adjusting the Parameters of Metal Oxide Gapless Surge Arresters’ Equivalent Circuits Using the Harmony Search Method (2017)
7515 Aleksieva-Petrova, A. A., Survey on the importance of using personal data for learning analytics and of data privacy (2020)
7516 Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B., Improvement the temperature signal filtering in lock-in thermography (2018)
7517 Stoynova, A. V., Brayanov N., Multi-Microcontroller Emulation of Sensors, Actuators and Systems for Flexible Integration of Complex Devices (2018)
7518 Brayanov N., Stoynova, A. V., Evaluation of Model-Based Code Generation for Embedded System-Mature Approach for Development in Evolution (2019)
7519 Bonev, B. B., Stoynova, A. V., Shopov A., Computation of Geometric Characteristics from Thermal Images of a Corroded Surface Object (2020)
7520 Aleksandrova I., Stoynova, A. V., Aleksandrov A., Modelling and Multi-objective Optimization of Elastic Abrasive Cutting of C45 and 42Cr4 Steels (2021)
7521 Stoynova, A. V., System with Infrared Thermography for Diagnostics of Batteries' Technical Condition (2021)
7522 Matanov, N. S., Zahov, A. T., Angelov, I. K., Modeling of the Electric Vehicle Charging Process - Part1 (2021)
7523 Martinov, S. V., Kostova-Toleva, S., Popov, V., Zhelev, M., System for automated management of the logistic process through control points (2018)
7524 Georgieva A., Naydenova, I. T., Numerical Method for Solving Two-dimensional Nonlinear Hammerstein-Fredholm Fuzzy Functional Integral Equations (2021)
7525 Matanov, N. S., Nankinsky, P. N., Modern aspects of the digitalization in distribution systems (2021)
7526 Georgieva A., Naydenova, I. T., Adomian's Decomposition Method and Homotopy Perturbation Method in Solving Two-Dimensional Volterra-Fredholm Fuzzy Integral Equations (2021)
7527 Matanov, N. S., Penev, H. P., Algorithm for selection of passive harmonics filters (2017)
7528 R, K. S., RL., An Automated Irrigation System Using Arduino (2020)
7529 P, M. M., M, E. M., R, K. S., Performance Study and Optimization Design for Gesture Controlled IoT Ecosystem, Using Parallel Signal Processing with Thread Pool (2020)
7530 H, S. I., H, D. A., Y, G. M., S. Hesapchieva, D Hlebarski, GYanachkov, Experimental Determination of the Impact of Load Transfer on the Basic Geometrical Parameters of the Motorcycle during Braking (2021)
7532 Мартинов, С. В., Логистичен модел за манипулиране на интермодални транспортни единици в многофункционален железопътен терминал (2021)
7533 Bratovanov, N. G., CAD-Based Wafer Scanning Simulations Applicable to the Field of Semiconductor Device Manufacturing (2021)
7534 Bratovanov, N. G., Implementation of pick-and-place algorithms for the purposes of wafer handling robotics simulations (2021)
7535 Мартинов, С. В., Нинов, М., Процесно-ориентирано проектиране на интермодален терминал (2021)
7537 Georgieva, V. M., An Approach for Pit Pattern Recognition in Colonoscopy Images (2015)
7538 Georgieva, V. M., Vassilev S G., Kidney Segmentation in US Images via Active Contours (2016)
7539 Гиндева Ст. Ив., Петров, И. С., Граменова, М. В., Иванова, М. С., Славчева, Й. Т., Методическа разработка на лабораторно упражнение по дисциплината „механика” от учебния план за ОКС „Бакалавър”, специалности „КТМ“, „ОВКТ” и „АТ“ (2021)
7540 Popov, V. L., Shakev, N. G., Topalov, A. V., Ahmed, S. A., Detection and following of moving target by an indoor mobile robot using multi-sensor information (2021)
7541 Gramenova, M. V., Ivanova, M. S., Ivanov D., Petrov, I. S., Krastev, A. H., Simulating Model of the Dynamic Processes in Motor-Vehicles with Low-Frequency Internal Combustion Engines (2021)
7542 Yatchev, I. S., Gueorgiev, V. T., Ivanov, R. M., Hinov, K. L., Simulation of the dynamic behaviour of a permanent magnet linear actuator (2010)
7543 Karastoyanov D., Kotev V., Yatchev, I. S., Development of a Braille tactile device driven by linear magnet actuators (2014)
7544 Kirilov, S. M., Zaykov, I. D., A Neural Network with HfO2 Memristors (2021)
7545 Chotrov, D. I., Bachvarov, A. G., A flexible framework for web-based virtual reality presentation of cultural heritage (2021)
7546 Yatchev, I. S., Miltchev, R. I., CAD system-boundary integral equation method for 3D electric field analysis of voltage transformers (2017)
7547 Танева, С. П., Амбарев, К. М., Определяне на собствените честоти и форми на колянов вал на двигател с вътрешно горене (2021)
7548 Balabozov, I. S., Yatchev, I. S., Karastoyanov D., Stoimenov N., Brauer H., Open source electronic system for controlling of hybrid electromagnetic systems with magnetic flux modulation (2021)
7549 Танева, С. П., Амбарев, К. М., Якостен анализ на колянов вал от бензинов двигател (2021)
7550 Yatchev, I. S., Balabozov, I. S., Hinov, K. L., Hadzhiev, I. S., Gueorgiev, V. T., Influence of the shape of the input pulses on the characteristics of hybrid electromagnetic system with magnetic flux modulation (2021)