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8102 | Zhmud V., Dimitrov, L. V., | Using the Fractional Differential Equation for the Control of Objects with Delay (2022) | |
8103 | Nikolova, I. D., Lemu H G., Dahterova, D. S., Ivanov, V. D., | Comparative study of PROMETHEE II and RAZOR methods for multi-criteria optimization of electromechanical modules (2018) | |
8104 | Hristov, V. P., Hristov A., | Optimizing Packet Transmission Mechanism with Multipath Technologies (2022) | |
8105 | Vasileva, A. L., Durakova, A., Petrova, T., Choroleeva, K., | Moisture sorption characteristics of white mulberry (Morus Alba) as a natural alternative to sugar (2022) | |
8106 | Karakolev, R. G., Dimitrov, L. V., | Investigation of Low to Medium Load Operating Regimes for Roller Bearings in Heavy Industrial Equipment (2022) | |
8107 | Mihov, G. S., Badarov, D. H., | Band-stop Filter Tuning for Power-line Interference Rejection in ECG Signals (2021) | |
8108 | Badarov, D. H., Mihov, G. S., | FPGA Implementation of All Digital Phase Locked Loop for ADC Synchronization with the Mains Frequency (2021) | |
8109 | Mihov, G. S., Badarov, D. H., | Combined Filter for Rejection of 1st and 3rd Powerline Interference Harmonic from ECG signals (2021) | |
8110 | Янева, С. Ц., Николова В., | Материали използвани за бронеплочи. Балисртична устойчивост на бронеплочите (2022) | |
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8113 | Iliev I., Beloev I., Kamburova V., Terziev, A. K., | Experimental Validation Data for CFD of Heat Transfer Processes in a New Thermosyphon Heat Exchanger (2017) | |
8114 | Zlateva P., Terziev, A. K., Yordanov K., | Study of regime parameters of the fermenter in the production of biogas from animal liquid waste materials (2021) | |
8115 | Slavov, D. V., Hristov, V. D., | 3D Machine Vision System for Defect Inspection and Robot Guidance (2022) | |
8116 | Dimitrov, E. T., Gigov, B. I., Pantchev, S. E., Michaylov, P. I., Peychev, M. H., | A study of hydrogen fuel impact on compression ignition (2018) | |
8117 | Колибаров, Д. С., | Оптимизиране на нормативни изисквания и процедури при проектиране и експлоатация на летателна площадка (2021) | |
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8119 | Христов, А. В., Трифонов, Р. И., | Система за симулиране на кибератаки и събиране на данни за мрежовия трафик, натоварването на процесора и паметта (2022) | |
8120 | Zhmud V., Dimitrov, L. V., Sablina G., Roth H., Nosek J., Hardt W., | ON THE EXPEDIENCY AND POSSIBILITIES OF APPROXIMATING A PURE DELAY LINK (2022) | |
8121 | Inoilov A., Zhmud V., Trubin V., Dimitrov, L. V., | Detection of unrevealed non-linearities in the layout of the balancing robot (2016) | |
8122 | Zhmud V., Sablina G., Dimitrov, L. V., Trubin V., | The use of bypass channel for feedback control of oscillatory object well-known as difficult one for control (2016) | |
8123 | Kobilarov, R. G., | Statistical analysis of content of Cs-137 in soils in Bansko-Razlog region (2014) | |
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8130 | Sinapov, P. V., Nikolov, N. D., | Damping Ratio Determination of a Cantilever Steel Beam (2022) | |
8131 | Kumar V., Singh H., Saxena K., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., | An ANN Model for Predicting Radio Wave Attenuation due to Rain and its Business Aspect (2021) | |
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8138 | Bonev, B. G., | Influence of random fluctuations of laser beam propagation direction on FSO power design (2013) | |
8139 | Кобиларов, Р. Г., | Екологичната обстановка през 21 век: подобрение или деградация? (2019) | |
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8141 | Кобиларов, Р. Г., | Основа за бързо локализиране на евентуален радиологичен терористичен акт в района на курортния център Банско (2014) | |
8142 | Tonchev K., Bozhilov I., Petkova, R. R., Poulkov, V. K., Manolova, A. H., Lindgren P., | Implementation Requirements and System Architecture for Mixed Reality Telepresence Application Scenario (2021) | |
8143 | Ruskova, I. N., Gieva, E. E., | Modelling of Gallium Arsenide Hall element with COMSOL Process Simulation Software (2022) | |
8144 | Milan S. Dimitrijević., Christova, M. D., Cristina Yubero., | Stark broadening data for Si II multiplets within 3s3p(3P0)nl configuration (2023) | |
8145 | Баева, С. К., | Моделиране на бизнес процеси (2022) | |
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8147 | Draganov, I. R., Mironov, R. P., | Object Motion Detection in Video by Fusion of RPCA and NMF Decompositions (2022) | |
8148 | Babic, R. J., Amelio, A., Draganov, I. R., | Writer Identification from Historical Documents Using Ensemble Deep Learning Transfer Models (2022) | |
8149 | Amelio, A., Babic, R. J., Draganov, I. R., | Measuring the Similarity in 2D: The Case Study of the Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field (2022) | |
8150 | Ivanova, V., Tashev, T. A., Draganov, I. R., | Random Forest Detector and Classifier of Multiple IoT-based DDoS Attacks (2022) | |