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7353 | Todorova, M. K., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., | Magnetic Gear Design Optimization by Genetic Algorithm with ANN Controlled Crossover and Mutation (2021) | |
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7373 | Tzvetkova, S. G., | Interruptions of the Power Supply in Low Voltage Cable Networks (2021) | |
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7375 | Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., Petleshkov, A. S., | Thermal Diagnostic Model of Induction Motor Operating in Steady State Mode (2021) | |
7376 | Anguelov, K. P., Angelova, M., | Home office effects on the motivation of ICT companies' employees (2021) | |
7377 | Mitrev, R. P., Fursov A.A., Krylov P.A., Todorov, T. S., | On the Existence of a Periodic Mode in a Nonlinear System. Differential Equations (2021) | |
7378 | Mitrev, R. P., Todorov, T. S., | Multicriteria Optimal Selection of a Hydraulic Cylinder for Drive Mechanisms (2021) | |
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7383 | Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B., Rizanov, S. M., | Thermographic Study of Thermal Processes during Battery Charging and Discharging (2021) | |
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7389 | Ralchev, M. L., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., | 3D Printed Electrically Conductive Composites by FFF/FDM Technology (2021) | |
7390 | Tsekov RP., Kaloyanov NK., Penkova NP., | Modelling and numerical simulation of the transport phenomena in water thermal energy storage tanks (2021) | |
7391 | Ralchev, M. L., Mateev, V. M., Ivanov, G. I., Marinova, I. Y., | Remote Monitoring of On-Load Tap Changer Switching Cycle Based on Acoustic Sensing (2021) | |
7392 | Todorova, M. K., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., | Radial and Tangential Magnetic Flux Densities Influence on the Transmitted Torque for a Coaxial Magnetic Gear (2021) | |
7393 | Kotlarski G., Valkov S., Andreeva A., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Petrov P., | Electrical contact resistance of tungsten coatings deposited on Cu and Al conductors (2021) | |
7394 | Kamburov, V. V., Valkanov, S. T., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Dimitrova, R. B., Nikolov, A. A., Penyashki T., Kostadinov G., Kandeva, M. K., | Microstructural Analysis and Electroresistance Investigation of Hardalloyed Electrospark-Deposited Coatings on TiAl6V4 Alloy (2021) | |
7395 | Mitrev, R. P., Todorov T.S., Fursov A.S., Fomichev V.V., Valtechev S. S., Ilin A.V., | Energy Harvesting with Thermally Induced Vibrations in Shape Memory Alloys by a Constant Temperature Heater (2021) | |
7396 | Mitrev, R. P., Todorov, T. S., Fursov A.S., Ganev, B. T., | Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Thermo-Mechanical Model of a Shape Memory Alloy Actuator Considering Minor Hystereses (2021) | |
7397 | Mitrev, R. P., Todorov, T. S., Fursov A.S., Fomichev V.V., ILin A.A., | A Case Study of Combined Application of Smart Materials in a Thermal Energy Harvester with Vibrating Action. (2021) | |
7398 | Todorova, M. K., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., | Permanent magnets for a magnetic gear (2016) | |
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7400 | Marinova, I. Y., Todorova, M. K., Mateev, V. M., | Harmonic analysis of the magnetic field of a coaxial magnetic gear (2017) | |