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# Автор
7351 Ralchev, M. L., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Measurement of AC Electric Arc Discharge Acoustic Spectrum (2021)
7352 Ralchev, M. L., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., IoT System for Electric Discharge Acoustic Spectrum Monitoring (2021)
7353 Todorova, M. K., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Magnetic Gear Design Optimization by Genetic Algorithm with ANN Controlled Crossover and Mutation (2021)
7354 Lozanov, Y. Y., Assessment of the technical condition of electric contact joints using thermography (2021)
7355 Стоянов, Й. С., Относно видовете трактори и изискванията към тях във връзка с предназначението им. (2020)
7356 Stoyanov, Y. S., Soil chip thickness of a spading machine with differentoperating modes (2000)
7357 Stoyanov, Y. S., Grain combines productivity according to various unloading methods – in the field and at the edge of the field (2016)
7358 Stoyanov, Y. S., Justification of a method for determining the moment for switching on the level one signaling of filled grain harvester hoppers (2017)
7359 A. Dakova., D. Dakova., Kasapeteva, Z. A., V. Slavchev., L. Kovachev., Degenerate four-photon parametric processes, energy exchange between the components and nonlinear polarization rotation (2021)
7360 Stoyanov, Y. S., Soil structure after treatment with different operation modes of spading machine (2018)
7362 Стоянов, Й. С., Влияние на режина на работа на копачната машина върху раздробяването на почвата (2017)
7364 Kasapeteva, Z. A., A. Dakova., V. Slavchev., D. Dakova., L. Kovachev., K. Kovachev., Energy exchange during third harmonic generation in multi-mode optical fibers (2021)
7365 Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., Petleshkov, A. S., Determination of the Periodicity for Thermographic Tests of the Electrical Equipment (2021)
7366 Колев, В. Г., Драганова-Златева, И. Д., Влияние на ВЕИ върху системната адекватност на РБългария (2021)
7367 Kolev, V. G., Kerolli, I. I., DraganovaZlateva, I. D., The development of ancillary services as a tool for balancing the electricity system and the functions of slow tertiary regulation (2021)
7368 Kolev, V. G., Draganova Zlateva, I. D., Voltage deviation in medium voltage electrical networks when connecting renewable energy sources (2021)
7369 Valeva K., Gigova, T. B., Nikolova-Alexieva V., Software Systems and Technologies in the Conditions of Industry 4.0 (2021)
7370 Puleva, T. T., Vesely V., Osusky J., Gain Scheduling Control Design for Hydro Generator (2013)
7371 Draganova Zlateva, I. D., Georgiev, D. N., Digital Substations (2021)
7372 Драганова-Златева, И. Д., Съвременни аспекти в осветлението на енергийни обекти (2021)
7373 Tzvetkova, S. G., Interruptions of the Power Supply in Low Voltage Cable Networks (2021)
7374 Илиев, Г. С., Минков, С. Д., Чучуганов, К. Й., Оптимизиране на кинематичните и динамични параметри на асансьорите чрез честотно управление (2006)
7375 Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., Petleshkov, A. S., Thermal Diagnostic Model of Induction Motor Operating in Steady State Mode (2021)
7376 Anguelov, K. P., Angelova, M., Home office effects on the motivation of ICT companies' employees (2021)
7377 Mitrev, R. P., Fursov A.A., Krylov P.A., Todorov, T. S., On the Existence of a Periodic Mode in a Nonlinear System. Differential Equations (2021)
7378 Mitrev, R. P., Todorov, T. S., Multicriteria Optimal Selection of a Hydraulic Cylinder for Drive Mechanisms (2021)
7379 Dimov, G. S., Tzvetkova, S. G., Lozanov, Y. Y., Petleshkov, A. S., Influence of PV Power Stations on the Indicators for Power Supply Continuity in Bulgaria (2021)
7380 Илиев, Г. С., Минков, С. Д., Чучуганов, К. Й., Изследване на предпазно устройство „Захващащ механизъм” по процедура „Изследване на типа” при оценяване на съответствието с техническите изисквания за асансьори (2006)
7381 Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B., Electronics Structures Hidden Defect Evaluation by Electro-Thermal Simulation (2021)
7382 Dimov, G. S., Tzvetkova, S. G., Petleshkov, A. S., Lozanov, Y. Y., Organization of the Operational Management and Change of the Indicators for Continuity of the Electric Power Supply in Bulgaria (2021)
7383 Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B., Rizanov, S. M., Thermographic Study of Thermal Processes during Battery Charging and Discharging (2021)
7384 Илиев, Г. С., Минков, С. Д., Чучуганов, К. Й., Методика за якостно изследване на въжета за повдигателни съоражения с повишена опасност (2008)
7385 Илиев, Г. С., Минков, С. Д., Чучуганов, К. Й., Методика за изследване на теглителната способност на фрикционна шайба за въжени линии (2008)
7386 Илиев, Г. С., Минков, С. Д., Чучуганов, К. Й., Изследване процесите на спиране на подемник за инвалиди (2008)
7387 Илиев, Г. С., Минков, С. Д., Чучуганов, К. Й., Изследване на движението на верижен подемник при скъсване на веригата (2008)
7388 Илиев, Г. С., Чучуганов, К. Й., Изследване на динамичните параметри на хидравличните асансьори (2010)
7389 Ralchev, M. L., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., 3D Printed Electrically Conductive Composites by FFF/FDM Technology (2021)
7390 Tsekov RP., Kaloyanov NK., Penkova NP., Modelling and numerical simulation of the transport phenomena in water thermal energy storage tanks (2021)
7391 Ralchev, M. L., Mateev, V. M., Ivanov, G. I., Marinova, I. Y., Remote Monitoring of On-Load Tap Changer Switching Cycle Based on Acoustic Sensing (2021)
7392 Todorova, M. K., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Radial and Tangential Magnetic Flux Densities Influence on the Transmitted Torque for a Coaxial Magnetic Gear (2021)
7393 Kotlarski G., Valkov S., Andreeva A., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Petrov P., Electrical contact resistance of tungsten coatings deposited on Cu and Al conductors (2021)
7394 Kamburov, V. V., Valkanov, S. T., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Dimitrova, R. B., Nikolov, A. A., Penyashki T., Kostadinov G., Kandeva, M. K., Microstructural Analysis and Electroresistance Investigation of Hardalloyed Electrospark-Deposited Coatings on TiAl6V4 Alloy (2021)
7395 Mitrev, R. P., Todorov T.S., Fursov A.S., Fomichev V.V., Valtechev S. S., Ilin A.V., Energy Harvesting with Thermally Induced Vibrations in Shape Memory Alloys by a Constant Temperature Heater (2021)
7396 Mitrev, R. P., Todorov, T. S., Fursov A.S., Ganev, B. T., Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Thermo-Mechanical Model of a Shape Memory Alloy Actuator Considering Minor Hystereses (2021)
7397 Mitrev, R. P., Todorov, T. S., Fursov A.S., Fomichev V.V., ILin A.A., A Case Study of Combined Application of Smart Materials in a ‎Thermal Energy Harvester with Vibrating Action. (2021)
7398 Todorova, M. K., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Permanent magnets for a magnetic gear (2016)
7399 Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Shape determination of conductive objects by eddy currents (2007)
7400 Marinova, I. Y., Todorova, M. K., Mateev, V. M., Harmonic analysis of the magnetic field of a coaxial magnetic gear (2017)