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7005 | Durakova, A., Gogova, Tzv., Vladeva, St., Vasileva, A. L., Slavov, A., Yanakieva, V., Temelkova, M., | Biscuits with flour of lucuma, spelt and carob for prophylactic and dietary nutrition (2021) | |
7006 | Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M., | A Simplified Tantalum Oxide Memristor Model, Parameters Estimation and Application in Memory Crossbars (2022) | |
7007 | Mladenov, V. M., Chobanov, V. Y., Seritan, G. C., Porumb, R. F., Enache, B. A., Vita, V., Stănculescu, M., Van, T. V., Bargiotas, D., | A Flexibility Market Platform for Electricity System Operators Using Blockchain Technology (2022) | |
7008 | Tsochev, G. R., Trifonov, R. I., Slavcho Manolov., N, O. N., S, S. V., | Analysis of Threats to a University Network Using Open Source Technologies (2021) | |
7009 | Trifonov, R. I., Nakov, O. N., Slavcho Manolov., Tsochev, G. R., Pavlova, G. V., | "Cyber-Security of Industrial Computer Systems" - Differentiaton as a Separate Discipline (2021) | |
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7015 | Tudjarov, B. N., Panov, V. K., | Web Based Approach for Discovering and Prevention of Customs Violations by Application of Emotional Model (2021) | |
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7019 | Romansky, R. P., | Privacy and Data Protection in the Contemporary Digital Age (2021) | |
7020 | Romansky, R. P., Noninska, I. S., | Deterministic Model Investigation of Processes in a Heterogeneous e-Learning Environment (2022) | |
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7022 | Prebreza, B. B., Gotseva, D. A., Nakov, P. O., | A Study of Documents Management System Based on Web, Case Study: University (2021) | |
7023 | Prebreza, R. R., Gotseva, D. A., Nakov, O. N., | Recommendation Systems Based on Textual Document Analysis (2021) | |
7024 | Копаранов, К. А., Минковска, Д. В., Георгиев, К. К., Стоянова, Л. Й., | Определяне влиянието на типа невронна мрежа върху прогнозата при моделиране на голяма последователност от стойности (2021) | |
7025 | Koparanov, K. A., Trifonov, R. I., Minkovska, D. V., Georgiev, K. K., | Comparison of the Results of Forecasting a Long Sequence of Values with a Neural Network Using Direct and Recurrent Approach (2021) | |
7026 | Ujkani, B. T., Minkovska, D. V., Stoyanova, L. Y., | A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Student Enrollment in the University (2021) | |
7027 | Ujikani, B. T., Minkovska, D. V., Stoyanova, L. Y., | Using Natural Language Processing for Quality Assurance Purposes in Higher Education (2021) | |
7028 | Koparanov, K. A., Trifonov, R. I., Minkovska, D. V., Georgiev, K. K., | Spectral analysis of neural network long-term predictions (2021) | |
7029 | Briasouli, A. I., Minkovska, D. V., Stoyanova, L. Y., | Development on advanced technologies – design and development of cloud computing model (2021) | |
7030 | Chervenkov, A. G., | Electromagnetic field evaluation in building located close to high-voltage overhead line (2021) | |
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7032 | Mirchev N., Lazarova D., Georgieva, M. G., Petrova M., Tachev D., Avdeev G., | “Preparation of Cu/ZrW2O8 Structures by Chemical Deposition from Formaldehyde-Free Solution” (2022) | |
7033 | Dimitrov, S. I., | Pairs of square-free values of the type n^2+1, n^2+2 (2021) | |
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7035 | Angelova V.T., Pencheva T., Buyukliev R., Yovkova, E. K., Valkova I., Momekov G., Vulcheva V., | Antimycobacterial Activity, In Silico ADME Evaluation, and Docking Study of Novel Thiazolidinedione and Imidazolidinone Conjugates (2021) | |
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7038 | Ivanova, D. A., Borovska, P. I., | In silico knowledge data discovery in the context of IoT ecosystem security issues (2021) | |
7039 | Madzharov N. D., Hinov, N. L., | High-performance power converter for charging electric vehicles (2021) | |
7040 | Hinov, N. L., | Quasi‐boundary method for design consideration of resonant dc‐dc converters (2021) | |
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7042 | Hinov, N. L., Hranov, T. H., | Automated LabVIEW measurement LLC system control GUI (2021) | |
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7044 | Hinov, N. L., Hranov, T. H., | Practical Approach for Improving the Dynamics of the Resonant DC-DC Converter (2021) | |
7045 | Hinov, N. L., Hranov, T. H., | Tolerance Analysis of Common Transistor DC-DC Converters (2021) | |
7046 | Hristov, I. S., Hinov, N. L., | Investigating the Impact of Passive Components Tolerances in Switch Mode Boost Converter Dynamic Characteristics (2021) | |
7047 | Mikhov, M. R., Zhilevski, M. M., | Study of Energy Efficiency in a Class of CNC Machine Tools (2021) | |
7048 | Chankov G. G., Hinov, N. L., | Testing The Applicability Of “ecologically Friendly” Energy Sources In Household Electricity Consumption In Bulgaria (2021) | |
7049 | Zhilevski, M. M., Hristov, V. D., | Design of an Automated Car Washing System with Verilog HDL (2021) | |
7050 | Hinov, N. L., Dimitrov, V. V., Vacheva, G. I., | Model for Vehicle to Home System with Additional Energy Storage for Households (2021) | |