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# Автор
8201 Petrova, D. L., Applying Protein Structure Comparison Methods for Studying SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein (2022)
8202 Iatcheva, I. I., Stancheva, R. D., Tahrilov H., Lilianova I., Coupled electromagnetic-thermal field investigation in induction heating device (2009)
8203 Petrova, D. L., Stoichev, S. D., An Application of an Algorithm for Common Subgraph Detection for Comparison of Protein Molecules (2009)
8204 Hadzhiev, I. S., Malamov D., Balabozov, I. S., Yatchev, I. S., Study of electromagnetic field distribution and force characteristics of a DC electromagnetic actuator with T-shaped armature (2016)
8205 Balabozov, I. S., Yatchev, I. S., Hartmut B., Obtaining resonance frequency and corresponding circuit parameters in an induction heating system (2018)
8206 Kanter, I. Y., Ginchev, D. G., Model of a Liquid-Gas Rocket Engine (2021)
8207 Vlahova, M. P., Lazarova, M. K., Collecting a custom database for image classification in recommender systems (2022)
8208 Angelov, S. A., Lazarova, M. K., Convolutional autoencoders for image comparison in printing industry quality control (2022)
8209 Nakov, P. O., Myhailova E., Lazarova, M. K., Nakov, O. N., Mladenov, V. M., A software platform for digital assessment of pedagogical specialists’ qualification progress in Bulgaria (2022)
8210 Tsokov, S. A., Lazarova, M. K., Aleksieva-Petrova, A. P., A Hybrid Spatiotemporal Deep Model Based on CNN and 2 LSTM for Air Pollution Prediction (2022)
8211 Yatchev, I. S., Balabozov, I. S., Hinov, K. L., Minchev, M., Gueorgiev, V. T., Electromagnetic Field Analysis of a Hybrid Electromagnetic System with Magnetic Flux Modulation with One Permanent Magnet and Two Collecting Coils (2018)
8212 B, P. I., G, V. S., Massively Parallel Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment Based on Artificial Bee Colony (2013)
8213 Angelova, J. S., Florance Wijsbroek., Integrating sustainable development in higher education - a vision in building a common future (2021)
8214 Angelova, J. S., Kuzmov, V. Y., Study the share price in the investment process (2021)
8215 Mateev, V. M., Ralchev, M. L., Marinova, I. Y., Filament Supply Sensing and Control for FFF/FDM 3D Printing Technology (2022)
8216 Mateev, V. M., Ralchev, M. L., Marinova, I. Y., Electric Arc Discharge Power Estimation by CNN Image Classification (2022)
8217 Hadzhiev, I. S., Malamov, D. V., Yatchev, I. S., Influence of overall dimensions and materials of a switchboard on the thermal field distribution (2014)
8218 Slavov, V. D., Deliyski, R. T., MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS LABORATORY MANUAL (PART 1) (2022)
8219 Karapetkov, S. M., Uzunov, H. V., Dechkova, S. V., Uzunov, V. H., Dynamic Modelling of Vehicle Collisions using the Finite Element Method. Cauchy Problem (2022)
8220 Кожухарова, Н. А., Халова, Е. Й., 100 години по-късно – Алберт Айнщайн и Нобеловата награда по физика 1921г (2021)
8221 Халова, Е. Й., Кожухарова, Н. А., Изобретенията на Леонардо да Винчи изпреварили времето си (2022)
8222 Кожухарова, Н. А., Халова, Е. Й., Фундаменталните науки – общо начало и хиляди възможности за развитие (2022)
8223 Goranova, Zh., Василева, А. Л., Durakova, A., Yerenova, B., Sorption Characteristics of Flour Mixtures Enriched with Apple Pomace (2022)
8224 Hinov, N. H., Gilev, B. G., Ivan S. Hristov., MATLAB/Simulink-Based Linearization Model of a Boost DC-DC Converter (2022)
8225 Andreev, O. D., BabamovaTsenova, V. B., Tsenov, G. T., Application of Neural networks for time series electrical consumption forecasts (2021)
8226 Павлова, Г. В., Давид Авишай., Академично обучение по интелигентно инженерство, подготовка на инженерни кадри за четвъртата индустриална революция (2022)
8227 Павлова, Г. В., Изкуствен интелект и роботика (2022)
8228 Трифонов, Р. И., Павлова, Г. В., Цочев, Г. Р., Проблеми на колаборативната работа на хoра и роботи (2019)
8229 Rizanov, S. M., Yakimov, P. I., Stoynova, A. V., Evaluation of IR micro-grid livestock wellbeing monitoring stand (2022)
8230 Tzvetkov, P.M., Galabov, K.S., Kodjabashev, I.N., Algorithm for measurement and processing of results from total harmonic distortion calibration of power quality analyzers by using standard periodic non-harmonic signals (2021)
8231 Ivanova, D. A., Batchkova I., Panjaitan S., Frey G., Combining IEC 61499 and ISA S88 for batch control (2009)
8232 Pavlova, G. V., Pavlov, V. I., Petrov, B., Dimitrov, N., Avishay, David., Industry 4.0-Robots with distributed mobility and elements of artificial intelligence (2019)
8233 Алексиева-Петрова, А. П., Наков, О. Н., Моллов, В. С., Изграждане на инфраструктура за електронни форми на обучение на студенти по компютърно инженерство (2019)
8234 Mollov, V. S., Combined approach for evaluation and calculation of CMOS logic circuits timing capabilities (2018)
8235 Gilev, B. G., Vacheva, G. V., Plamen Stanchev., Hinov, N. H., Design Consideration of Charging Station with Hybrid Energy Sources (2022)
8236 Angelov, G. V., Note on an Generalized Solution of the Three-Conductor Transmission Line Equations (2020)
8237 Angelov, G. V., Analysis of a 3-Conductor Transmission Line with Nonlinear Resistive Loads (2021)
8238 Ivanova V. D., Tashev, T. A., Draganov, R. I., SURVEY ON IOT BOTNETS (2021)
8239 Vita, V., Christodoulou C.A., Zafeiropoulos E., Mladenov, V. M., Chobanov, V. Y., Asprou M., Kyriakides E., Flexibility adequacy assessment in the SEE region with new technology integration (2022)
8240 Marinov, M. B., Nikolov, N. L., Dimitrov S. V., Todorov, T. S., Stoyanova, Y. P., Nikolov, G. T., Linear Interval Approximation for Smart Sensors and IoT Devices (2022)
8241 Zagorski, M. H., Todorov, G. D., Nikolov, N. L., Sofronov, Y. P., Kandeva, M. K., Investigation on wear of biopolymer parts produced by 3D printing in lubricated sliding conditions (2022)
8242 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Bessel type functions as multi-index Mittag-Leffler functions: Erdélyi–Kober integral relations (2021)
8243 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Series in Le Roy type functions: Theorems in the complex plane (2021)
8244 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Series in Le Roy type functions: A set of results in the complex plane –A survey (2021)
8245 Dimitrov, S. I., The quaternary Piatetski-Shapiro inequality with one prime of the form p=x^2+y^2+1 (2022)
8246 Dimitrov, S. I., On an equation with prime numbers close to squares (2022)
8247 Dimitrov, S. I., On a logarithmic equation by primes (2022)
8248 Karakolev, R. G., Dimitrov, L. V., Analysis of electrical motor mechanical failures due to bearings (2018)
8249 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., From Bessel to Multi-Index Mittag-Leffler Functions: Enumerable Families, Series in them and Convergence (2016)
8250 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Theorems on the convergence of series in generalized Lommel-Wright functions (2007)