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# Автор
8201 Gilev, B. G., Vacheva, G. V., Plamen Stanchev., Hinov, N. H., Design Consideration of Charging Station with Hybrid Energy Sources (2022)
8202 Angelov, G. V., Note on an Generalized Solution of the Three-Conductor Transmission Line Equations (2020)
8203 Angelov, G. V., Analysis of a 3-Conductor Transmission Line with Nonlinear Resistive Loads (2021)
8204 Ivanova V. D., Tashev, T. A., Draganov, R. I., SURVEY ON IOT BOTNETS (2021)
8205 Vita, V., Christodoulou C.A., Zafeiropoulos E., Mladenov, V. M., Chobanov, V. Y., Asprou M., Kyriakides E., Flexibility adequacy assessment in the SEE region with new technology integration (2022)
8206 Marinov, M. B., Nikolov, N. L., Dimitrov S. V., Todorov, T. S., Stoyanova, Y. P., Nikolov, G. T., Linear Interval Approximation for Smart Sensors and IoT Devices (2022)
8207 Zagorski, M. H., Todorov, G. D., Nikolov, N. L., Sofronov, Y. P., Kandeva, M. K., Investigation on wear of biopolymer parts produced by 3D printing in lubricated sliding conditions (2022)
8208 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Bessel type functions as multi-index Mittag-Leffler functions: Erdélyi–Kober integral relations (2021)
8209 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Series in Le Roy type functions: Theorems in the complex plane (2021)
8210 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Series in Le Roy type functions: A set of results in the complex plane –A survey (2021)
8211 Dimitrov, S. I., The quaternary Piatetski-Shapiro inequality with one prime of the form p=x^2+y^2+1 (2022)
8212 Dimitrov, S. I., On an equation with prime numbers close to squares (2022)
8213 Dimitrov, S. I., On a logarithmic equation by primes (2022)
8214 Karakolev, R. G., Dimitrov, L. V., Analysis of electrical motor mechanical failures due to bearings (2018)
8215 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., From Bessel to Multi-Index Mittag-Leffler Functions: Enumerable Families, Series in them and Convergence (2016)
8216 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Theorems on the convergence of series in generalized Lommel-Wright functions (2007)
8217 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Multi-index (3m-parametric) Mittag-Leffler functions and fractional calculus (2011)
8218 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., A family of hyper-Bessel functions and convergent series in them (2014)
8219 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Differential and integral relations in the class of multi-index Mittag-Leffler functions (2018)
8220 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Kiryakova, V. S., On the multi-index Mittag-Leffler functions and their Mellin transforms (2020)
8221 Hristov, V. D., Saliev, D. N., Slavov, D. V., Artificial Intelligence Systems For Warehouses Stocks Control (2022)
8222 Hristov, V. D., Slavov, D. V., Damyanov, I. S., Mladenov, G. D., Machine Learning for Automation of Warehouse Activities (2022)
8223 Borovska, P. I., Ivanova, D. A., Classifiers design and implementation for material recognition on a heterogeneous computer cluster (2010)
8224 Ivanova, D. A., Frey G., Batchkova I., Intelligent component based batch control using IEC61499 and ANSI/ISA S88 (2008)
8225 Mladenov, V. M., Zaykov, I. D., Kirilov, S. M., A Nonlinear Titanium Dioxide Memristor Model for Memory Crossbars Analysis (2022)
8226 Mladenov, V. M., Zaykov, I. D., Kirilov, S. M., Application of a Nonlinear Drift Memristor Model in Analogue Reconfigurable Devices (2022)
8227 Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M., Zaykov, I. D., A General Model for Metal Oxide-Based Memristors and Application in Filters (2022)
8228 Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M., A Modified Metal Oxide Memristor Model (2022)
8229 Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M., An Improved Model for Metal Oxide-Based Memristors and Application in Memory Crossbars (2022)
8230 Kirilov, S. M., Zaykov, I. D., A Metal Oxide Memristor-Based Oscillators and Filters (2022)
8231 Radoglou-Grammatikis, P., Sarigiannidis, P., Efstathopoulos, G., Lagkas, T., Sarigiannidis, A., Mladenov, V. M., Siaxabanis, N., Defending Industrial Internet of Things Against Modbus/TCP Threats: A Combined AI-Based Detection and SDN-Based Mitigation Solution (2022)
8233 Zhilevski, M. M., Mikhov, M. R., Analysis of Mechanical Operations in a Type of Machining Centers (2022)
8234 Zhilevski, M. M., Hristov, V. D., Approach for Implementation of Vending Machine through Verilog HDL (2022)
8235 Маринов, М. Ц., Лора Любомирова Маринова - Л Л Маринова., ПРИОРИТЕТНО КОМБИНИРАНЕ НА МЕТОДИ ЗА МАШИНЕН ПРЕВОД (2018)
8236 Yatchev, I. S., Balabozov, I. S., Gueorgiev, V. T., Hadzhiev, I. S., Optimization of a hybrid electromagnetic system with magnetic modulation (2022)
8237 Kolev, L., Mladenov, V. M., FilipovaPetrakieva, S. K., Interval criterion for stability analysis of discrete-time nural networks with partial state saturation nonlinearities (2004)
8238 Ruzhekov, G. T., Electroplating Plant Control System (2022)
8239 Kula А., Georgieva А., Ruzhekov, G. T., Modeling and Control of Rectification Column (2022)
8240 Glavev, V. V., Integration of document management system with e-government e-payments system (2023)
8242 Ibram, D. Y., Gueorgiev, V. T., Comparative analysis of two simulation models for reactive power compensation in grid tied single-phase photovoltaic systems (2022)
8243 Ibram, D. Y., Gueorgioev, V. T., Control and Compensation of Reactive Power of road tunnels (2022)
8244 Tashev, T. A., Blazheva Aneta., Draganov., AVIATION SERVICES IN TOURISM BEFORE THE COVID (2021)
8245 Ivanova V, D., Tashev, T. A., Draganov, I. R., SURVEY ON IOT BASED NETWORK ATTACKS (2021)
8246 Кобиларов, Р. Г., Емпирична формула за изчисляване на приноса на Ra-226 и U-235 към спеkтралната линия с енергия 186 keV (2021)
8247 Кобиларов, Р. Г., Проблеми и перспективи пред ядрената енергетика на XXI век (2021)
8248 Mladenov, V. M., Chobanov, V. Y., Zafeiropoulos, E., Vita, V., Flexibility Assessment Studies Worldwide-Bridging with the Adequacy Needs (2019)
8249 Vita, V., Zafiropoulos, E., Gonos, I., Mladenov, V. M., Chobanov, V. Y., Power System Studies in the Clean Energy Era: From Capacity to Flexibility Adequacy Through Research and Innovation (2020)
8250 Tsenev, V. P., Videkov, V. H., Combined Jet Printed and Screen Printed Solder Paste Deposit - Evaluation of Results (2022)