8601 | Rusev, R. P., Ruskova, I. N., Tzaneva, B. R., Aleksandrova, M. P., Tzonev A. N., | Piezo Effect of Collagen Layer with Rochelle Salt Nanocrystals (2022) | |
8602 | Rusev, R. P., Angelov, G. V., Tzaneva, B. R., Aleksandrova, M. P., | Improving Piezo Effect of Egg Shell Composition by Rochelle Salt Nanocrystals (2022) | |
8603 | Angelov, G. V., Nikolov, D. N., Rusev, R. V., Rusev, R. P., | Application of B-Scan for identification of delamination in Integrated Circuits (2022) | |
8604 | Димов, Д. С., Пенчева, Цв., | Съвременни методи за генериране на иновационни идеи и създаване на иновации (2022) | |
8605 | Димов, Д. С., Тошева, В., | Проучване относно онлайн платформите и методите за търсене на работа (2022) | |
8607 | Димов, Д. С., | Методика за проектиране на система за управление на иновационната дейност в иновативни предприятия (2022) | |
8608 | Nenova, M. V., Preis S., Iliev P., Nenova V., | New Advances in Development of Clinical Trial Management Systems (2022) | |
8609 | Павлова М. Цв., Атанасова Р.П., Божкова Г. К., Стефанова С.Ст., | Устойчива мода – проектиране на колекция облекла с 3D елементи (2022) | |
8610 | Baraharska, M. B., Slavov, T. N., Markovsky I., | Improvement of measurement dynamics based on extended kalman filter (2022) | |
8611 | Zarkov, Z. J., Milenov, V. A., | Study of PV System for Electricity Production for Self-Consumption (2022) | |
8612 | Zarkov, Z. J., Milenov, V. A., | Study of PV System for Electricity Production for Self Consumption (2022) | |
8613 | Pavlov, D. T., Kassev, K. M., Petrov, V. E., Aleksandrov, A. A., | Creative Lighting Solutions for Ski Slopes & Resorts (2022) | |
8614 | Gechev, T. M., Punov, P. B., Barta, D., | Simple 1-D model performance comparison of a single cylinder ICE fueled by gasoline and methane (2022) | |
8615 | Rizanov, S. M., Yakimov, P. I., Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B., | The Role of Thermography in Cattle Smart Farming: A Review (2022) | |
8616 | Angelova, R. A., Sofronova, D. ., | Sustainable Textiles: Design of New Weave Patterns Based on Texts (2023) | |
8617 | Ivanova, M. S., | Technology landscape in MOOCs platforms (2016) | |
8618 | Славчева, Й. Т., Петров, И. С., Славчева, В. С., | Алгоритъм на лабораторно упражнение по дисциплината „инженерна графика” от учебния план за ОКС „бакалавър”, всички специалности (2022) | |
8619 | Hristov, V. D., Hristov, K. H., Stoyanov, H. L., Slavov, D. V., | Laboratory stand for research of energy characteristics on electric drives with two direction energy exchange (2022) | |
8620 | Hristov, V. D., Stoyanov, H. L., Slavov, D. V., | Development of Software for Research of Static Mechanical Characteristics in Condenser Mode of Asynchronous Motor (2022) | |
8621 | Kostov, B. V., Hristov, V. D., | Implementation Of Robot Get-Position-Quick Function To MELFA Robots (2022) | |
8622 | Kostov, B. V., Hristov, V. D., | Programming methods comparison in Mitsubishi MELFA robots (2022) | |
8624 | Ilieva, R. Y., Gaydarov, N. P., | The Never-Ending Story of Digital Transformation - How to Embed it in an Organization (2021) | |
8625 | Hensel, S., Marinov, M. B., Kupitz, C., Trendafilov, D., | Evaluation of Kalman Filter Configurations for Robot Localization Using Sensor Data Fusion (2022) | |
8626 | Хрисчев, Р. Н., | Интегрирани информационни системи в индустрията (2022) | |
8627 | Hensel, S., Marinov, M. B., Kupitz, C., Trendafilov, D., | Experimental Setup for Testing and Evaluation of Kalman Filter Configurations (2022) | |
8628 | Budakova, D. V., Vasilev, V. E., Stefanov, S. B., | Machine Learning and Virtual Reality Technology in Power Engineering (2024) | |
8629 | Tzanova, A. I., Zahariev, A. S., Kaloyanov, N., Ruskova, K. G., | Influence of novel [Bi6O6(OH)3](C7H7SO3)3 complex on the biogas production (2022) | |
8630 | Perev, K. L., | Control Theory I (2023) | |
8631 | Пулева, Т. Т., Хараланова, Е. А., Славов, Ц. Н., | Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по Теория на управлението II част (2022) | |
8632 | Kountchev, R. K., Mironov, R. P., Kountcheva, R. A., | Third-Order Tensor Decorrelation Based on 3D FO-HKLT with Adaptive Directional Vectorization (2022) | |
8633 | Кунчева Р. А., Mironov, R. P., Kountchev, R. K., | MLTSP: New 3D Framework, Based on the Multilayer Tensor Spectrum Pyramid (2022) | |
8634 | Draganov, I. R., Mironov, R. P., | Moving Objects Detection in Video by Various Background Modelling Algorithms and Score Fusion (2022) | |
8635 | Dobrev, G. L., | S.Gogocheva-Ilieva and G.Dobrev (2022), Study of the tensile strength of alloy street using polynomial regression.,AIP Conference proceedings2522,05000(2022);https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0101206 (2022) | |
8636 | Добрев, Г. Л., | Махало на Обербег -универсален макет за упражнения и експерименти в раздел "Механика" (2022) | |
8637 | Puleva, T. T., Slavov, T. N., | Hydro Turbine Speed Control based on Adaptive Disturbance Rejection (2022) | |
8638 | Добрев, Г. Л., | Еврестични задачи , генерирани с LED -лампа със соларен панел (2022) | |
8639 | Sherif, S. Y., Kralev, J. K., Slavov, T. N., Kanchev, V. V., | Design of the H∞ regulator for the control of glucose concentration in patients with first type diabetes (2020) | |
8640 | Nedelchev, K. I., Gieva, E. E., Ruskova, I. N., Kralov, I. M., Georgieva, T. I., | MODERN PASSIVE NOISE-INSULATING BARRIERS FOR TRANSPORT ACOUSTIC NOISE – REVIEW. PART II (2022) | |
8641 | Petrinska, I. C., | Energy Efficient and Economically Effective Reconstruction of the Lighting System of a Lecture Hall (2022) | |
8642 | Petrinska, I. C., Ivanov, D. D., | Color Consistency of Retrofit LED Lamps (2022) | |
8643 | Nakov, O. N., Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., Nakov, P. O., | Comparative Analysis of the Interoperability Assessment Methods and Approaches in the Industry 4.0 (2022) | |
8644 | Petrinska, I. C., Ivanov, D. D., | Illuminance Meters Calibration - Deviation of the Readings with Time (2022) | |
8645 | Petrinska, I. C., Ivanov, D. D., | Influence of the Operational Temperature on the Characteristics of LED Retrofit Lamps (2022) | |
8646 | Trifonov, R. I., S. Manolov., Tsochev, G. R., Pavlova, G. V., Raynova, K. S., | Analytical Choice of an Effective Cyber Security Structure with Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Control Systems (2022) | |
8647 | Ivanova, D. A., | Proactive intelligent system for early detection of thyroid anomalies (2022) | |
8648 | Pachamanov, A. A., Pavlov, D. T., Kassev, K. M., | Management of street lighting by relative value of the rate of change of natural light (2022) | |
8649 | Ivanova, D. A., V. Zlatanov., | Anomaly detection of thyroid hormones disorder based on machine learning (2022) | |
8650 | Ivanova, D. A., Kadurin, V. V., Mitev, D. M., | Design and Development Challenges for Building an Interactive App for Cultural and Historical Heritage (2022) | |