Autors: Milanov, K. G., Georgiev, M. G., Gospodinova, D. N., Georgieva, A. N., Marinchev, A. P.
Title: Voltage Waveform Improvement at Speed Regulation of a Robotic System
Keywords: universal motor, phase regulation, voltage waveform, electro

Abstract: The article discusses a robotic system designed for various parts machining and its control. The proposed control system is realized by suitable three-phase frequency regulators for speed regulation of single-phase universal motors. The problem is that three-phase frequency regulators must be used in single-phase circuits for electric motor control. The article offers an electric scheme solution to the formulated problem.



    2021 13th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference (BulEF), 2021, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/BulEF53491.2021.9690834

    Copyright IEEE

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