Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Tabov, JB., Велчев, А. П., Dobreva, MP., Sotirova, K.
Заглавие: Chronological distribution of the Bulgarian mediaeval manuscripts preserved in Bulgaria
Ключови думи: Chronological distribution, mediaeval manuscripts

Абстракт: The article presents an approach to “measuring” the dynamics of manuscript writing in Bulgaria from the 13th to the 19th centuries, by constructing of appropriate functions, which present it. We consider scientific data for the preserved Bulgarian manuscripts in our country.



    Сборник с доклади „Математика и математическо образование” на 33-та пролетна конференция на СМБ, стр. стр. 257 – 261, 2004, България, кк Боровец, Съюз на Математиците в България
    Autors: Tabov, JB., Velchev, A. P., Dobreva, MP., Sotirova, K.
    Title: Chronological distribution of the Bulgarian mediaeval manuscripts preserved in Bulgaria
    Keywords: Chronological distribution, mediaeval manuscripts




      Proceedings of the 33th Spring Conference of the UBM, pp. 257 – 261, 2004, Bulgaria, Borovets resort, Union of Bulgarian Matematicians Press

      Вид: пленарен доклад в национален форум с межд. уч.