Autors: Mihov, G. S., Badarov, D. H.
Title: Combined Filter for Rejection of 1st and 3rd Powerline Interference Harmonic from ECG signals
Keywords: ECG signals, interference suppression, mains interference, n

Abstract: The article presents a combined notch filter that removes the first and third harmonics of power-line interference from ECG signals. The filter is based on two second-order notch filters for the first and third harmonics, respectively. An additional procedure determines the variation in the mains frequency first harmonic. According to this variation, the coefficients of the combined filter are tuned so that its zeros coincide with the first and third harmonics of the power-line interference. Experiments were performed in a MATLAB environment with real signals and synthesized mains interference. Results of research are presented with appropriate tables and graphs.



    30th International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2021, 2021, Bulgaria,

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