Autors: Vasileva, A. L., Durakova, A., Petrova, T., Choroleeva, K.
Title: Moisture sorption characteristics of white mulberry (Morus Alba) as a natural alternative to sugar
Keywords: Monolayer moisture content; Morus Alba; Sorption isotherms;

Abstract: The current research of three different institution scientists in Plovdiv, Bulgaria concerning moisture sorption characteristics is focused on the white mulberry. Known as a bioproduct rich in bioactive compounds, Morus Alba is considered to be a good source and a natural substitute for sugar since it provides a better control on diabetes. The present study aims to investigate the moisture sorption isotherms of white mulberry using the static gravimetric method. We examined the adsorption and desorption processes at three different temperatures-10, 25, and 400C-and eight relative air humidity’s in the 11-87% range. These selected parameters were analyzed because they testify to the keeping qualities of the product in stores and on the market. The obtained equilibrium sorption isotherms were described by means of the modified three-parameter Halsey, Henderson, Chung-Pfost and Oswin models and evaluated with selected criteria-mean relative error, standard deviation and distribution of r



    Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, vol. 39, pp. 222-226, 2022, Macedonia, Consulting and Training Center - KEY, ISSN 18578489

    Copyright Consulting and Training Center - KEY

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