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# Автор
6151 Velichkova, R. T., Simova, I. S., Petrova, T. S., Naydenova, I. I., Markov, D. G., Atanasov, K. T., Modelling a test- rig for influence of acid rain on crops, soils and people (2019)
6152 Popov, G. I., Anguelov, K. P., Application of stress strength analysis for investigation of investments in heterogeneous assets (2018)
6153 Popov, G. I., Popova, A. I., Structural Model of an Innovative Information System for Prevention and Detection of Financial Customs Violations (2020)
6154 Dimitrov, S. I., On the number of pairs of positive integers x, y < H such that x^2+y^2+1, x^2+y^2+2 are square-free (2020)
6155 Velichkova, R. T., Petrova, T. S., Simova, I. S., Bardarov G., Markov, D. G., Uzunova M., Water Resource Management in Bulgaria (2020)
6156 Димитров, К. П., Рахнев, И. Р., Определяне на контролни граници за вибро-контрол на нищелков механизъм на тъкачни машини с гъвкави рапири (2018)
6157 Dimitrov, S. I., Consecutive square-free values of the form [αp], [αp] + 1 (2020)
6158 Узунов, Х. В., Димитров, К. П., Симеонова-Ингилизова, М. Д., Анализ на ефективността на обучение при работа в среда на Blackboard learn (2019)
6159 Димитров, К. П., Планиране на експеримент в производствени условия за определяне на техническото състояние на машините (2020)
6160 Димитров, К. П., Приложение на мехатронни устройства в механизми с автоматично действие в тъкачната техника (2021)
6161 Маринов, М. Б., Карлова-Сергиева, В. А., Топалов, И. П., Амперометрични газови сензори за мобилен мониторинг на качеството на въздуха (2019)
6162 Hensel, S., Marinov, M. B., Sprich, F., Ganev, B. T., Image-Based Automated Hit Detection, and Score Calculation on a Steel Dartboard (2019)
6163 Iatcheva, I. I., Application of field modeling and determination of parameters in electrical engineering education (2018)
6164 Hensel, S., Marinov, M. B., Kehret, C., Stefanova-Pavlova, M., Experimental Set-up for Evaluation of Algorithms for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (2020)
6165 Arnaudov, D. D., Marinov, M. B., Stefanova-Pavlova, M., Analysis of Asymmetry in the Resonant Stage of Multiphase Converters for E-Mobility Charging Station (2020)
6166 Marinov, M. B., Nikolov, D. N., Ganev, B. T., Djamiykov, T. S., Smart Multisensor Node for Remote Elevator Condition Monitoring (2020)
6167 Николова-Ячева, И. И., Теоретична електротехника – ІІ част (2020)
6168 Yatchev, I. S., Hinov, K. L., Trifonov, N. N., Characteristics of a bistable permanent magnet linear actuator with soft magnetic mover (2008)
6169 Lazarova, M. K., Nakov, O. N., Mihaylova, E. M., Deep Learning Platforms for High-Performance and Distributed Computing Object Detection (2020)
6170 Borovska, P. I., Lazarova, M. K., S. Bahudejla., Strategies for Parallel Genetic Computation of Optimization Problems (2007)
6171 Peng, J., Michael, M., Kimmig, A., Marinov, M. B., Wang, J., Ovtcharova, J., An Advanced IoT Platform and its Implementations Focused on Modern Information Technology Generation (2020)
6172 Grethler, M., Ovtcharova, J., Marinov, M. B., Service Prototyping Based on Digital Twins for Virtual Commissioning Scenarios (2020)
6173 Marinov, M. B., In-situ Calibration of Networked Air-Quality Sensor Nodes (2020)
6174 Hensel, S., Marinov, M. B., Schmitt, M., System Setup for Synchronized Visual-Inertial Localization and Mapping (2020)
6175 Hensel, S., Marinov, M. B., Sprich, F., Automated Acoustic Hit Detection and Score Calculation on a Steel Dartboard (2019)
6176 Минков, Д. А., Стандарти за управление на качеството и околната среда (2020)
6177 Минков, Д. А., Физика (2021)
6178 Iatcheva, I. I., Bojilov, G. J., Saykova, I., Modelling of the electric field applied to the ensembles of microparticles (2016)
6179 Sen, M. M., Balabozov, I. S., Yatchev, I. S., Ivanov, R. M., Modelling of current sensor based on Hall effect (2017)
6180 Минков, Д. А., Основи на електротехниката (2021)
6181 Iatcheva, I. I., Bojilov, G. J., Saykova, I., Study of low frequency electric field treatment of granular materials (2013)
6182 Stancheva, R. D., Iatcheva, I. I., Dynamic behaviour investigation of electromagnetic force densities (2005)
6183 Iatcheva, I. I., Darzhanova, D. P., Manilova, M., Modeling of electric and heat processes in spot resistance welding of cross-wire steel bars (2018)
6184 Iatcheva, I. I., Stancheva, R. D., Metodiev M., FEM Investigation of Induction Heating System for Pipe Brazing (2010)
6185 Vassilev, V. A., Miteva, R. P., Nikolova, H. N., Diakov, D. I., Double Reverse Method for Calibration of Standards for Perpendicularity (2020)
6186 Diakov, D. I., Dichev, D. A., Zhelezarov, I., Dicheva, R. D., Nikolova, H. N., Cvetanov, G., Algorithm for estimation and correction of dynamic errors (2020)
6187 Mitrev, R. P., Atamas, E.I., Goncharov, O.I., T, T. S., Iatcheva, I. I., Modeling and study of a novel electrothermal oscillator based on shape memory alloys (2020)
6188 Yatchev, I. S., Sen, M. M., Balabozov, I. S., Kostov, I. G., Modelling of a Hall effect-based current sensor with an open core magnetic concentrator (2018)
6189 Iatcheva, I. I., Saykova, I., Investigation of heat effects in pulse electric field treatment of cellular materials (2020)
6190 Iatcheva, I. I., Saykova, I., Impact of the treatment media conductivity on the thermal effects in plant cellular materials during PEF processing (2020)
6191 Iatcheva, I. I., Dimitrova, M., Influence of power line parameters on the configuration of the magnetic field distribution in its vicinity (2020)
6192 Raicevic, N.B., Aleksic, S.R., Iatcheva, I. I., Barukcic, M., Enhanced method for pulse skin effect calculation of cylindrical conductors (2020)
6193 Draganova, I. D., Kolev, V. G., Smart Lighting in the House (2020)
6194 Kolev, V. G., Draganova, I. D., Smart Home Solutions - Technological Oasis With Unlimited Possibilities (2020)
6195 Nikolov, D. N., Marinov, M. B., Ganev, B. T., Djamiykov, T. S., Nonintrusive Measurement of Elevator Velocity Based on Inertial and Barometric Sensors in Autonomous Node (2020)
6196 Tasheva Y.Ts., Dimitrov, E. T., Kuntchev L. P., Effect of treated gasoil under effective performance of engine (2020)
6197 Ganev, B. T., Nikolov, D. N., Marinov, M. B., Performance Evaluation of MEMS Pressure Sensors (2020)
6198 Fursov A.S., Todorov, T. S., Krylov P.A., Mitrev, R. P., On the Existence of Oscillatory Modes in a Nonlinear System with Hystereses (2020)
6199 Todorov, T. S., Mitrev, R. P., Yatchev, I. S., Fursov A., Ilin A., Fomichev V., A parametric study of an electrothermal oscillator based on shape memory alloys (2020)
6200 Tashev, T.D., Marinov, M. B., Tasheva, R.P., Alexandrov, A.K., Generalized nets model of the LPF-algorithm of the crossbar switch node for determining LPF-execution time complexity (2021)