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# Автор
6101 Тодоров, Т. Г., Организация и особености на чуждоезиковото обучение във висшите технически училища на романоезичните страни (2020)
6102 Ferreira R., Petrova, T. S., Ferreira A.F., Costa M., Naydenova, I. I., Atanasova-Vladimirova S., Ranguelov B., Size-segregated particulate matter from gasification of Bulgarian agro-forest biomass residue (2021)
6103 Petrova, T. S., Naydenova, I. I., Ferreira R., Atanasova-Vladimirova S., Ranguelov B., Char Formed during Biomass Combustion and Gasification (2021)
6104 Petrova, T. S., Estimation of the higher heating values for lignocellulosic biofuels (2021)
6105 Ganev, I. G., Simova, I. S., Petrova, T. S., Possibilities for energy production from municipal waste biogas in Rousse region (2019)
6106 Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Modelling of DC-DC Converter for Charging of Energy Storage Devices (2020)
6107 Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., MATLAB Optimization of Boost DC-DC Converter (2020)
6108 Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Modelling of Fuel Cell and Supercapacitor for Electric Vehicles (2020)
6109 Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Current and Voltage Mode Control of DC-DC Converter in PSIM Environment (2020)
6110 Vacheva, G. I., Gilev, B. N., Hinov, N. L., Modeling of Hybrid Systems with Renewable Energy Sources for Smart Home (2020)
6111 Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Modelling and Optimization of DC/DC Converter for Supplying of LED Lighting (2020)
6112 Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Comparison Between Optimal Methods for Control of DC/DC Converter for Supplying of LED Lighting (2020)
6113 Vetova, S. M., Comparative Analysis on CNN and Wavelet Features Based Technology for Medical Image Classification (2020)
6114 Vetova, S. M., Big Heterogeneous Data Integration and Analysis (2020)
6115 Vetova, S. M., Big Data Workflow Platforms for Science (2020)
6116 Vetova, S. M., The Internet of Medical Imaging Things and In Silico Knowledge Discovery (2020)
6117 Stefanov, I. Z., Mass-spin relation of black holes obtained by twin high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (2020)
6118 Петрова, Ц. С., Вредни за околната среда продукти при газификация и изгаряне на твърди биогорива (2021)
6119 Stefanov, I. Z., X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations and estimates of the mass and the spin of the neutron star in 4U 1728-34 (2020)
6120 Naydenova, I. I., Sandv, O. L., Velichkova, R. T., Primary gaseous emissions during biomass combustion (2021)
6121 Velichkova, R. T., Antonov, I. S., Modelling of Occurance and Development of Fire in Confined Spaces (2021)
6122 Galabova, L. P., Daskalova, M. S., Intellectual capital based management control systems (2020)
6123 Daskalova, M. S., Ivanova, D. A., Interaction between management control systems and big data analytics: A conceptual framework (2021)
6125 Ilieva, R. J., Anguelov, K. P., Vladislav Lazarov., Goleshevska, V. L., Virtual Gaming Platform Customer Experience Evaluation (2018)
6126 Anguelov, K. P., Kaynakchieva, Vessela., Adapted managerial mathematical model to study the functions and interactions between enterprises in high-tech cluster (2017)
6127 Hinov, N. L., Madzharov, N.D., Grozdanov, D. N., Electromagnetic analysis of a contactless charging station for electric vehicles (2020)
6128 Cepenas, M., Peng, B., Andriukaitis, D., Ravikumar, C., Markevicius, V., Dubauskiene, N., Navikas, D., Valinevicius, A., Zilys, M., Merfeldas, A., Hinov, N. L., Research of pvdf energy harvester cantilever parameters for experimental model realization (2020)
6129 Dimitrov D. I., Peev, M. P., Starting Regime of an Electronic Startup Regulating Apparatus for Fluorescent Lamps (2020)
6130 Mironov, R. P., Draganov, I. R., Multidimensional Graphic Objects Filtration Using HoSVD Tensor Decomposition (2021)
6131 Draganov, I. R., Mironov, R. P., Tracking of Domestic Animals in Thermal Videos by Tensor Decompositions (2021)
6132 Неделчева, С. И., Мацанков, М. И., Ръководство за курсово проектиране по комутационна и защитна техника (2019)
6133 Мацанков, М. И., Краткосрочно прогнозиране на електрическите товари (2019)
6134 Dimitrov, E. T., Computer program for indicator diagram processing of the internal combustion engine (2020)
6135 Nedelchev, N. A., Matsankov, M. I., Increasing The Sensitivity Of The Digital Relay Protection Against Turn-To-Turn Short Circuits And Asymmetries In Wind Power Generators (2020)
6136 Nedelcheva, S. I., Matsankov, M. I., Mehmed Hassan., Choice Of An Optimal Variant For Incorporation Of Decentralized Energy Sources Into Electrical Networks (2020)
6137 Nedelcheva, S. I., Matsankov, M. I., Mehmed Hassan., Study of the options for joining decentralized electricity generation to the power distribution grid (2020)
6138 J. N Bakardjieva., Matsankov, M. I., Svatoslav Slavov., Sectioning of branches of distribution networks with connected wind power plants (2020)
6139 Mihova, T. B., Anguelov, K. P., Ferdov, A. L., Specificity of Training of Employees in High-technological Enterprises (2018)
6140 Pleshkova, S. P., Panchev, K. V., Development of a MIDI Synthesizer for Test Signals to a Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network (2020)
6141 Pleshkova, S. G., Panchev, K. V., Acoustic Sensor Network for Acoustic Measurements in Closed Rooms (2020)
6142 Pleshkova, S. G., Panchev, K. V., Capturing and Transferring of Acoustic Information in a Closed Room via Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network (2021)
6143 Anguelov, K. P., Miglena Angelova., Ivanova, M. D., Mathematical approach for ex-ante evaluation of projects funded by European funds in state university (2018)
6144 Anguelov, K. P., Tzvetana Stoyanova., Hristov, M. K., Model for multi-objective optimization according to Pareto principle of business interactions in a production cluster composed by participant organizations with the same business activities (2018)
6145 Georgiev, M. G., Stanev, R. H., Krusteva, A. P., Flexible load control in electric power systems with distributed energy resources and electric vehicle charging" (2016)
6146 Bardos L., Libra M., Krusteva, A. P., Probe diagnostics op the planar magnetron discharge (1986)
6147 Илиев, Г. Л., Миховска, А., Вълкова-Джарвис, З. В., Михайлова, Д. А., Практически сценарии за реализация на КФС (2020)
6148 Danov, P. Y., Gotseva, D. A., Tomov, Y. K., Web-Based Information System for City Transport Management (2020)
6149 Papazyan, R. M., Concepts for market-based MV cable operations and maintenance using insulation parameters measurements (2020)
6150 Papazyan, R. M., Eriksson, R., Calibration for time domain propagation constant measurements on power cables (2003)