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6106 | Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., | Modelling of DC-DC Converter for Charging of Energy Storage Devices (2020) | |
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6108 | Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., | Modelling of Fuel Cell and Supercapacitor for Electric Vehicles (2020) | |
6109 | Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., | Current and Voltage Mode Control of DC-DC Converter in PSIM Environment (2020) | |
6110 | Vacheva, G. I., Gilev, B. N., Hinov, N. L., | Modeling of Hybrid Systems with Renewable Energy Sources for Smart Home (2020) | |
6111 | Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., | Modelling and Optimization of DC/DC Converter for Supplying of LED Lighting (2020) | |
6112 | Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., | Comparison Between Optimal Methods for Control of DC/DC Converter for Supplying of LED Lighting (2020) | |
6113 | Vetova, S. M., | Comparative Analysis on CNN and Wavelet Features Based Technology for Medical Image Classification (2020) | |
6114 | Vetova, S. M., | Big Heterogeneous Data Integration and Analysis (2020) | |
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6116 | Vetova, S. M., | The Internet of Medical Imaging Things and In Silico Knowledge Discovery (2020) | |
6117 | Stefanov, I. Z., | Mass-spin relation of black holes obtained by twin high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (2020) | |
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6119 | Stefanov, I. Z., | X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations and estimates of the mass and the spin of the neutron star in 4U 1728-34 (2020) | |
6120 | Naydenova, I. I., Sandv, O. L., Velichkova, R. T., | Primary gaseous emissions during biomass combustion (2021) | |
6121 | Velichkova, R. T., Antonov, I. S., | Modelling of Occurance and Development of Fire in Confined Spaces (2021) | |
6122 | Galabova, L. P., Daskalova, M. S., | Intellectual capital based management control systems (2020) | |
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6125 | Ilieva, R. J., Anguelov, K. P., Vladislav Lazarov., Goleshevska, V. L., | Virtual Gaming Platform Customer Experience Evaluation (2018) | |
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6127 | Hinov, N. L., Madzharov, N.D., Grozdanov, D. N., | Electromagnetic analysis of a contactless charging station for electric vehicles (2020) | |
6128 | Cepenas, M., Peng, B., Andriukaitis, D., Ravikumar, C., Markevicius, V., Dubauskiene, N., Navikas, D., Valinevicius, A., Zilys, M., Merfeldas, A., Hinov, N. L., | Research of pvdf energy harvester cantilever parameters for experimental model realization (2020) | |
6129 | Dimitrov D. I., Peev, M. P., | Starting Regime of an Electronic Startup Regulating Apparatus for Fluorescent Lamps (2020) | |
6130 | Mironov, R. P., Draganov, I. R., | Multidimensional Graphic Objects Filtration Using HoSVD Tensor Decomposition (2021) | |
6131 | Draganov, I. R., Mironov, R. P., | Tracking of Domestic Animals in Thermal Videos by Tensor Decompositions (2021) | |
6132 | Неделчева, С. И., Мацанков, М. И., | Ръководство за курсово проектиране по комутационна и защитна техника (2019) | |
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6135 | Nedelchev, N. A., Matsankov, M. I., | Increasing The Sensitivity Of The Digital Relay Protection Against Turn-To-Turn Short Circuits And Asymmetries In Wind Power Generators (2020) | |
6136 | Nedelcheva, S. I., Matsankov, M. I., Mehmed Hassan., | Choice Of An Optimal Variant For Incorporation Of Decentralized Energy Sources Into Electrical Networks (2020) | |
6137 | Nedelcheva, S. I., Matsankov, M. I., Mehmed Hassan., | Study of the options for joining decentralized electricity generation to the power distribution grid (2020) | |
6138 | J. N Bakardjieva., Matsankov, M. I., Svatoslav Slavov., | Sectioning of branches of distribution networks with connected wind power plants (2020) | |
6139 | Mihova, T. B., Anguelov, K. P., Ferdov, A. L., | Specificity of Training of Employees in High-technological Enterprises (2018) | |
6140 | Pleshkova, S. P., Panchev, K. V., | Development of a MIDI Synthesizer for Test Signals to a Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network (2020) | |
6141 | Pleshkova, S. G., Panchev, K. V., | Acoustic Sensor Network for Acoustic Measurements in Closed Rooms (2020) | |
6142 | Pleshkova, S. G., Panchev, K. V., | Capturing and Transferring of Acoustic Information in a Closed Room via Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network (2021) | |
6143 | Anguelov, K. P., Miglena Angelova., Ivanova, M. D., | Mathematical approach for ex-ante evaluation of projects funded by European funds in state university (2018) | |
6144 | Anguelov, K. P., Tzvetana Stoyanova., Hristov, M. K., | Model for multi-objective optimization according to Pareto principle of business interactions in a production cluster composed by participant organizations with the same business activities (2018) | |
6145 | Georgiev, M. G., Stanev, R. H., Krusteva, A. P., | Flexible load control in electric power systems with distributed energy resources and electric vehicle charging" (2016) | |
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6147 | Илиев, Г. Л., Миховска, А., Вълкова-Джарвис, З. В., Михайлова, Д. А., | Практически сценарии за реализация на КФС (2020) | |
6148 | Danov, P. Y., Gotseva, D. A., Tomov, Y. K., | Web-Based Information System for City Transport Management (2020) | |
6149 | Papazyan, R. M., | Concepts for market-based MV cable operations and maintenance using insulation parameters measurements (2020) | |
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