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6202 | Peng, J., Michael, M., Kimmig, A., Marinov, M. B., Wang, J., Ovtcharova, J., | An Advanced IoT Platform and its Implementations Focused on Modern Information Technology Generation (2020) | |
6203 | Grethler, M., Ovtcharova, J., Marinov, M. B., | Service Prototyping Based on Digital Twins for Virtual Commissioning Scenarios (2020) | |
6204 | Marinov, M. B., | In-situ Calibration of Networked Air-Quality Sensor Nodes (2020) | |
6205 | Hensel, S., Marinov, M. B., Schmitt, M., | System Setup for Synchronized Visual-Inertial Localization and Mapping (2020) | |
6206 | Hensel, S., Marinov, M. B., Sprich, F., | Automated Acoustic Hit Detection and Score Calculation on a Steel Dartboard (2019) | |
6207 | Минков, Д. А., | Стандарти за управление на качеството и околната среда (2020) | |
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6216 | Vassilev, V. A., Miteva, R. P., Nikolova, H. N., Diakov, D. I., | Double Reverse Method for Calibration of Standards for Perpendicularity (2020) | |
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6218 | Mitrev, R. P., Atamas, E.I., Goncharov, O.I., T, T. S., Iatcheva, I. I., | Modeling and study of a novel electrothermal oscillator based on shape memory alloys (2020) | |
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6222 | Iatcheva, I. I., Dimitrova, M., | Influence of power line parameters on the configuration of the magnetic field distribution in its vicinity (2020) | |
6223 | Raicevic, N.B., Aleksic, S.R., Iatcheva, I. I., Barukcic, M., | Enhanced method for pulse skin effect calculation of cylindrical conductors (2020) | |
6224 | Draganova, I. D., Kolev, V. G., | Smart Lighting in the House (2020) | |
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6226 | Nikolov, D. N., Marinov, M. B., Ganev, B. T., Djamiykov, T. S., | Nonintrusive Measurement of Elevator Velocity Based on Inertial and Barometric Sensors in Autonomous Node (2020) | |
6227 | Tasheva Y.Ts., Dimitrov, E. T., Kuntchev L. P., | Effect of treated gasoil under effective performance of engine (2020) | |
6228 | Ganev, B. T., Nikolov, D. N., Marinov, M. B., | Performance Evaluation of MEMS Pressure Sensors (2020) | |
6229 | Fursov A.S., Todorov, T. S., Krylov P.A., Mitrev, R. P., | On the Existence of Oscillatory Modes in a Nonlinear System with Hystereses (2020) | |
6230 | Todorov, T. S., Mitrev, R. P., Yatchev, I. S., Fursov A., Ilin A., Fomichev V., | A parametric study of an electrothermal oscillator based on shape memory alloys (2020) | |
6231 | Tashev, T.D., Marinov, M. B., Tasheva, R.P., Alexandrov, A.K., | Generalized nets model of the LPF-algorithm of the crossbar switch node for determining LPF-execution time complexity (2021) | |
6232 | Manikandan R., C. Justin Raj., Simon E. Moulton., Todorov, T. S., Kook Hyun Yu., Kim B C., | High energy density heteroatom (O, N and S) enriched activated carbon for rational design of symmetric supercapacitors (2021) | |
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6236 | Няголов, Д. А., Желязков, Ю. К., | Моделиране и изследване на комуникационна инфраструктура базирана на пасивна оптична мрежа при изграждане на активно адаптивните електрически мрежи (2017) | |
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6238 | Hadzhiev, I. S., Malamov, D. V., Balabozov, I. S., Yatchev, I. S., | Influence of the Cables on the Heating of a Power Distribution Block (2020) | |
6239 | Karastoyanov D., Doukovska L., Angelova G., Yatchev, I. S., | Intelligent Approach for Analysis of 3D Digitalization of Planer Objects for Visually Impaired People (2020) | |
6240 | Lu, Z., Wang, H., Shen, X., Pencic, M., Liu, Y., Shan, C., Zhao, Y., Ilieva, R. Y., Nemec, B., Mernik, M., | Design of DCI-based robot assisted cerebral palsy rehabilitation facial expression training system (2021) | |
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6242 | Slavchev, Y. C., Tzeneva, R. T., Mateev, V. M., | Coupled mechanical-electric analysis of hemi-spherical bodies in hertzian contact (2020) | |
6243 | Mateev, V. M., Ivanov, G. I., Marinova, I. Y., | Comparison of electromagnetic formulations for multilayer HTS power cable modeling (2020) | |
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6250 | Желязков, Ю. К., Василева, Е. П., | Създаване и изследване на програмни модели за въздействието на преходното затихване и електромагнитните смущения в кабелите с усукани двойки проводници в среда на Matlab/Simulink (2020) | |