Autors: Ivanova, D. A., V. Zlatanov.
Title: Anomaly detection of thyroid hormones disorder based on machine learning
Keywords: Big Data, knowledge discovery, thyroid hormones disorder, ma

Abstract: The new paradigms and trends in information technologies and innovations foster the development of the new digital world and society. Big Data Analytics based on machine learning revolutionized the services and the way of knowledge discovery in almost all industries. Healthcare and medicine are part of this revolution with development of intelligent systems and platforms for personalized diagnostics and treatment. The paper proposed an approach for anomaly detection of thyroid hormones disorders and anomalies in the thyroid gland based on machine learning. The experimental investigation is implemented on Windows based machine, with machine learning using NaYve Bayes algorithm, ResNet-50 DNN and ML.NET Image Classification algorithm. The software is written in C#. The results are discussed and analyzed



    AIP Publishing, vol. 2505, pp. 020003-1–020003-10;, 2022, United States, AIP Publishing,

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