Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Димов, Д. С., Тошева, В.
Заглавие: Проучване относно онлайн платформите и методите за търсене на работа
Ключови думи: questionnaire, job search, job platforms, social networks, o

Абстракт: During May 2022 a survey was conducted about the online platforms and the methods of job finding [1]. The research will be to analyze the respondents’ opinion for the job search platforms. Based on the results of the survey, suggestions will be made for improving the working networks. As a result of the 2020 pandemic, many online job finding platforms have become even more popular and used. Social networks usage is becoming more and more entrenched in our daily lives. For this reason, the use of different job finding platforms is convenient for both employers and those who are seeking jobs.



    МНК „Мениджмнт и инженеринг'22“, 2022, България, Созопол
    Autors: Dimov, D. S., Tosheva, V.
    Title: Research on Online Job Search Platforms and Methods
    Keywords: questionnaire, job search, job platforms, social networks, online recruitment

    Abstract: During May 2022 a survey was conducted about the online platforms and the methods of job finding [1]. The research will be to analyze the respondents’ opinion for the job search platforms. Based on the results of the survey, suggestions will be made for improving the working networks. As a result of the 2020 pandemic, many online job finding platforms have become even more popular and used. Social networks usage is becoming more and more entrenched in our daily lives. For this reason, the use of different job finding platforms is convenient for both employers and those who are seeking jobs.



      ISC Manahgement and Engineering'22, 2022, Bulgaria, Sozopol

      Вид: публикация в международен форум