10601 | Петкова, Р. А., Янчева-Попова, М. К., | Декоративни прахови покрития в индустриалният дизайн (2022) | |
10602 | Т. Пешева., | Kалокагатията като отживял идеал в аспекта на материалистичното общество (2023) | |
10603 | Ivanov V., Dimitrov, L. V., Ivanova Sv., Volkova M., | Influence of the Shape of Bevel Gear Wheel Bodies on Their Deformability (2023) | |
10604 | Пеев, И. И., | За емоционалната интелигентност на педагога – мястото на чувствата и емоциите в педагогическата интеракция (2024) | |
10605 | Arnaudov K., Karaivanov D., Dimitrov, L. V., | Some practical problems of distribution and equalization of internal loads in planetary gear trains (2013) | |
10606 | Petrov, D. G., | Motion simulation of an overrunning clutch using CAD modeling (2024) | |
10607 | Marinova, G. I., Tola, K. L., | Innovations in a CEEPUS academic network and their impact on management effectiveness and research achievements (2024) | |
10608 | Ibro, M. K., Marinova, G. I., | FPGA Power Consumption Optimization Methods Analysis (2023) | |
10609 | Ibro, M. K., Marinova, G. I., | Web-based calculator tool for FPGA power consumption estimation for teaching purposes (2023) | |
10610 | Tola, K. L., Marinova, G. I., | Comparison and Rule-Based Implementation in IMA-NET of PHP Compression Functions (2023) | |
10611 | Malaj, E. G., Marinova, G. I., | Study of the secrecy in hardware logical encryption with multiple bit keys (2023) | |
10612 | Malaj, E. G., Marinova, G. I., | Effect of the Hardware Logical Encryption Type and Location on the Corruption Factor (2023) | |
10613 | Hrischev, R. N., Stoykova, S. G., | Modeling Workflows and Processes in the Cloud ERP Platform SAP BTP (2024) | |
10614 | Hrischev, R. N., | Dynamical modeling with Vensim PLE of the process of data collection in the ERP systems (2024) | |
10615 | Kumar V., Singh H., Saxena K., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., | A Deep Learning Based Model for Prediction of RF Wave Attenuation Due to Rain (2023) | |
10616 | Singh H., Kumar V., Saxena K., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., | ANN: A Deep Learning Model for Prediction of Radio Wave Attenuation Due to Clouds (2023) | |
10617 | Kumar V., Singh H., Saxena K., Kapse V. M., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., | Smart Channel Modelling for Rain Attenuation Using ML for Designing of 6G Networks at D and G Bands (2023) | |
10618 | Pavlov, N. L., Dacova, D. I., | Study the Launch Process and Acceleration of a Rear-Wheel Drive Electric Vehicle (2023) | |
10619 | Bonev, B. G., | Impact of Laser Beam Divergence on Power Design of Free Space Optics Communication Systems (2013) | |
10620 | Patil S. M., Petkov, P. Z., Bonev, B. G., | A prototype model design of wideband standard reference rod-dipole antenna for 3-axial EMC measurement with hybrid balun for 0.9 to 3.2GHz range (2018) | |
10621 | Dermendzhiyski, Y. H., Dimanov, R., Pavlov, N. L., | A Method and Equipment for Measuring Electrical Parameters of an Electric Vehicle (2023) | |
10622 | Singh H., Kumar R., Bonev, B. G., Petkov, P. Z., | Cloud Attenuation issues in Satellite Communications at millimeter Frequency Bands-State of Art (2017) | |
10623 | Dacova, D. I., Angelov, M., Pavlov, N. L., Dermendzhiyski, Y. H., | A Study on the Dynamics and Performance of Personal Watercraft Using GPS Data Acquisition System (2023) | |
10624 | Nikolov, N. K., Shterev, V. A., Pavlov, N. L., Dacova, D. I., | Creating Software for Automotive High Beam Assist System: A Case Study (2023) | |
10625 | Dermendzhiyski, Y. H., Pavlov, N. L., Dacova, D. I., | Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption Measurement Using GPS Data Logger (2023) | |
10626 | Mihaylova, D. A., Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V., Iliev, G. L., Soynov, V. R., | Statistical Evaluation of Classification Models for PCA Detection (2023) | |
10627 | Marinov, C. M., Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V., Iliev, G. L., | Performance Comparison and Analysis of AODV, DSDV and DSR Routing Protocols in VANET for Urban Scenario (2023) | |
10628 | Bonev, B. G., Radkova Z., Dimcheva, L. D., Petkov, P. Z., | Minkowski Fractal Yagi Antenna (2018) | |
10629 | Тодорова, Е. А., Ценколовска, И. Н., Петкова, Р. А., Янчева-Попова, М. К., Колева, Д. С., | Ръководство за упражнения и курсова работа по Инженерна графика (2023) | |
10630 | Patil S. M., Petkov, P. Z., Bonev, B. G., | A review on recent antenna designing techniques For electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test (2017) | |
10631 | Pepedzhiev, D. P., Hristov, V. D., | Software for image analysis and inspection of optical lens (2023) | |
10632 | Miletiev, R. G., Mladenov, G. D., Yordanov, R. S., Saliev, D. N., Hristov, V. D., | Road traffic analysis for management of the intelligent transport system (2023) | |
10633 | Bonev, B. G., Petkov, P. Z., Spassova N., | Modified Fractal Super J-pole Antenna (2016) | |
10634 | Lozanov, Y. Y., Petleshkov, A. S., Tzvetkova, S. G., | Assessment of the Quality of Electrical Energy in a Group of Buildings of the Internal Order Forces - A Case Study (2023) | |
10635 | Tzvetkova, S. G., Lozanov, Y. Y., Petleshkov, A. S., | Study of the faults in a photovoltaic power plant (2023) | |
10636 | Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., Petleshkov, A. S., | Simulation modeling of microgrid with battery energy storage and fuel cells integration (2023) | |
10637 | Malakov, I. K., Zaharinov, V. V., | Classification and Mathematical Models of the Problems for Size Ranges Optimization of Technical Products (2023) | |
10638 | Todorov, T. T., Todorov, G. D., Romanov, B. G., | Validation of design and ergonomics of a protective mask by creating a silicone replication in a 3D printed mold tool (2023) | |
10639 | Todorov, T. T., Todorov, G. D., Romanov, B. G., | Validation of virtual complex polymer component through test measurements on physical prototype (2023) | |
10640 | Todorov, T. T., Dimova, K. D., Kamberov, K. H., | Validation of Virtual Prototyping through Test Measurements on Physical Prototype (2023) | |
10641 | Nakov, P. O., Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., | Comparative Analysis of Web-Based Enterprise Solutions in the Field of Configuration Management Databases, IT Management and Business Process Management (2023) | |
10642 | Nakov, P. O., Nakov, O. N., Kotov, G. Y., | A Comprehensive Review of ITIL v4, TOGAF, ISO Standards, and the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle in the Era of Information Management and Business Process Management (2023) | |
10643 | Lazarov, V. D., Daniel Roye., Димитър Спиров., Zarkov, Z. J., | New control strategy for variable speed wind turbine with DC-DC converters (2010) | |
10644 | Angelov, I. K., | Short Circuits Through an Electric Arc for a Physical Model of AC Traction Networks (2023) | |
10645 | Vetova, S. M., | Workflow Design for Implementation of In-silico Experiments with Big Biomedical DataStreams (2023) | |
10646 | Krastev, I., Vetova, S. M., Budakova, D., | Protein Sequence Alignment Analysis Using "Biosequence Alignments" Database and Bioinformatics System (2023) | |
10647 | Vetova, S. M., Lazarova, M. K., | Biomedical Image Processing Workflow using Segmentation (2023) | |
10648 | Pachedjieva, B. K., Grigorova, T. G., | Investigation of the influence of the inertia of the photon counting system on the acceptance accuracy in photon counting mode (2024) | |
10649 | Tzanova, A. I., | Biogas Production Potential from Cultivated Bulgarian Mushrooms (2024) | |
10650 | Tomov, P. K., Alexieva, J. A., | A Conceptual Generalised Nets Model for Checking the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications (2022) | |