Autors: Kumar V., Singh H., Saxena K., Kapse V. M., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R.
Title: Smart Channel Modelling for Rain Attenuation Using ML for Designing of 6G Networks at D and G Bands
Keywords: ANN; ML; Rain attenuation; Satellite communications

Abstract: In the future, communication technologies are expected to achieve data rates exceeding 100 Gbps by utilizing higher spectrum, like terahertz wavebands, which have broader bandwidth than 5G. In order to accomplish this goal, the research and development efforts for 6G will concentrate on the utilization of terahertz waves, which have frequencies having range of 100–200 GHz. Nonetheless, application of these bands faces challenges due to their vulnerability to external environmental factors, such as cloud cover, fog, dust, and rain. This research proposes a Machine Learning Models to estimate the Rain induced attenuation at the D and G bands to address these challenges. AMSER-2 Satellite data was used to train the model. Different optimization strategies are used to improve the training model. The obtained results were compared to various related state of art.



    Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 132, issue 3, pp. 2069 - 2096, 2023, Netherlands, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11277-023-10701-z

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