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# Автор
10551 Nakov, G. N., Ivanova, N. V., Zlatev Z., Dimov I., Food waste management using statistical analysis to obtain new functional products. (2020)
10552 Nakov, G. N., Ivanova, N. V., Stamatovska V., Damyanova S., Godjevargova Tz., Komlenić D. K., Physicochemical characteristics of functional biscuits and In vivo determination of glucose in blood after consumption of functional biscuits (2018)
10553 Ivanova, N. V., Godjevargova T., Dimov Ar., Immobilization of glucose oxidase using acrylonitrile copolymer membranes (1994)
10554 Ivanova, N. V., Mehandjiev M. R., Modelling of membrane filtration accelerated by magnetic impact (1991)
10555 Ivanova, N. V., Godjevargova Ts., Velikova M., Dimova N., Damyanov D., Metallochelate immobilization of urease on to amorphous SiO2 (2005)
10556 Sirakova, N. D., Sirakov, N. M., Diagnosis and assessment of the motivation and mathematical competence of students majoring in systems programming (2022)
10557 Menxhiqi, L. I., Marinova, G. I., Knowledge base assisting PCB Design tool selection and combination in Online CADCOM platform (2023)
10558 Zylfiu, B. I., Marinova, G. I., Hajrizi E., Design of an Online Platform EDA-DYVI to study the Dynamics and Forecast the Viability of EDA Companies (2023)
10560 Ivanova, N. V., Godjevargova Ts., Simeonova A., Konsulov V., Turmanova S., Behaviour of immobilized glucose oxidase on membranes from polyacrylonitrile and copolymer of methylmethacrylate-dichlorophenylmaleimide (2006)
10561 Iliev, I. T., Bogdanov, L. V., Tabakov, S. D., FPGA-Based Implementation for QRS Detection in Electrocardiogram (2023)
10562 Димитров, В. П., Колев Ст., Димитрова, В. К., Комбиниран ролков инструмент за рязане и ППД с възможност за ротация на ролката (2014)
10563 Dimitrova, V. K., Dimitrov, V. P., Approach for determining the quantity of single flute end mill cutters for high-speed milling, planned out for recovering (2014)
10564 Vasileva, E. P., Investigating a Technological System Through FTA Analysis (2023)
10565 Angelova, R. A., Georgieva, E. C., Kyosov M., Stankov, P. Y., Experimental study and numerical simulation of the air permeability of systems of woven macrostructures (2016)
10566 Dimitrov, V. P., Dimitrova, V. K., Optimization of machining conditions for high-speed milling with single flute end mill cutters of element from aluminium sheets, HPL panеls and aluminum composite panelsl (2014)
10567 Фердинандов Е. С., Пачеджиева, Б. К., Бонев, Б. Г., Димитров, К. Л., Влияние на флуктуациите на атмосферната прозрачност върху Bit-Error Rate на откритите лазерни комуникационни системи от типа "земя-земя" (2006)
10568 Dimitrova, V. K., Dimitrov, V. P., Physicochemical properties of materials for single flute end mill cutters (2015)
10569 Димитров, К. Л., Пачеджиева, Б. К., Математичен модел на инфрачервен радиометър – отношение сигнал-шум (2008)
10570 Димитров, К. Л., Пачеджиева, Б. К., Математичен модел на инфрачервен радиометър – разделителна способност по температура (2008)
10571 Dimitrov, V. P., Dimitrova, V. K., Dechkova, S. V., Mitev B., Design of a metal canopy with HPL panels (2016)
10572 Станков, И. С., EU Cybersecurity Theory and Practice (2023)
10573 Димитров, К. Л., Фердинандов Е. С., Дандаров А. A., Сапарев С. С., Байракова Г. С., Бакалски И. М., Анализ на въздействието на инерционността върху фотонната регистрация при силициевите фотоумножители (2009)
10574 Станков, И. С., Христов, Г. К., Младенова, Д. К., CyberAttacks and robotics (2023)
10575 Станков, И. С., Стефанова-Стоянова, В. В., Digital Twin Management Systems – challenges, application, development (2023)
10576 Станков, И. С., Алексиева-Петрова, А. П., Христов, Г. К., CyberAttacks and Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Mapping (2023)
10577 Пенева, Т. Е., D.R. Balabanova., G. G. Dolapchieva., K. Krastev., Research on the relation between the percentage of elastomeric threads in the yarn and the stretch of punto di roma jersey (2021)
10578 Todorov, G. D., Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, T. T., Examination of Damage in Industrial Technology Process through Virtual Prototyping (2023)
10579 Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, T. T., Design improvement of component plastic behaviour by virtual prototyping (2023)
10580 Todorov, G. D., Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, T. T., Numerical analysis of an impact system for non-invasive medical aesthetics tool, 49th International Conference (2023)
10581 Todorov, G. D., Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, T. T., Improvement Of EGR Valve Performance Using A Virtual Prototyping-Based Methodology (2023)
10582 Penev, B. G., One New Property of a Class of Linear Time-Optimal Control Problems (2023)
10583 Todorov, G. D., Ivanov, A. P., Zlatev, B. N., A comparison study of the efficiency between an asynchronous radial electrical machine and a synchronous reluctance motor (2021)
10584 Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, A. P., Zlatev, B. N., A Novelty Design of an Axial Flux Induction Electrical Machine with Low Manufacturing Cost (2021)
10585 Пенева, Т. Е., D. R. Balabanova., A study on the application of a system for pattern design of women’s dresses from knitted fabrics containing elastomeric threads (2023)
10587 Илиева-Михайлова, Б. П., Станчев, Г. С., РАЗВИТИЕ НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКА СТАНДАРТИЗАЦИЯ (2023)
10588 Пенева, Т. Е., D. R. Balabanova., G. G. Dolapchieva., Determining the deformation properties of jacquard single jersey for pattern designing dresses, by the percentage of Elastane in the yarn (2021)
10589 Тодорова, Е. А., Приложение на 3D PDF на модел на детайл в дистанционното обучение по инженерна графика (2022)
10590 Georgiev, K. K., Koparanov, K. A., Minkovska, D. V., Predicting Financial Time Series for Value Investment (2023)
10591 Ujkan, B. T., Minkovska, D. V., Nakov, O. N., Understanding Student Success Prediction Using SHapley Additive exPlanations (2023)
10592 Koparanov, K. A., Antonova, E. V., Nakov, O. N., Minkovska, D. V., Georgiev, K. K., Stoyanova, L. Y., Input Data Time Range Impact on Forecast Quality Using Automated Procedures (2023)
10593 Minkovska, D. V., Antonova, E. V., Koparanov, K. A., Georgiev, K. K., Minkovska P. M., Determining The Qualities of Tests Designed for Students’ Knowledge Assessment (2023)
10594 Koparanov, K. A., Minkovska, D. V., Antonova, E. V., Univariate & Multivariate Forecasting of Time Series Through a Contemporary Manner (2023)
10595 Симеонова-Ингилизова, М. Д., Stress in students from primary education - causes, consequences and ways to manage (2024)
10596 Rakov, B. Y., Ruzhekov, G. T., H∞ Multivariable PID Control of a Thermal Plant (2023)
10597 Rakov, B. Y., Ruzhekov, G. T., H∞ Reduced Order Control of a Thermal Plant (2023)
10598 Горанов, П. В., Георгиева, Д. С., Относно пресмятане на размерни вериги със звена хлабини (2023)
10599 Горанов, П. В., Георгиева, Д. С., Методика за пресмятане на система размерни вериги с MS excel (2023)
10600 Петкова, Р. А., Янчева-Попова, М. К., Електростатични методи за нанасяне на покрития в индустриалният дизайн (2022)