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10552 | Nakov, G. N., Ivanova, N. V., Stamatovska V., Damyanova S., Godjevargova Tz., Komlenić D. K., | Physicochemical characteristics of functional biscuits and In vivo determination of glucose in blood after consumption of functional biscuits (2018) | |
10553 | Ivanova, N. V., Godjevargova T., Dimov Ar., | Immobilization of glucose oxidase using acrylonitrile copolymer membranes (1994) | |
10554 | Ivanova, N. V., Mehandjiev M. R., | Modelling of membrane filtration accelerated by magnetic impact (1991) | |
10555 | Ivanova, N. V., Godjevargova Ts., Velikova M., Dimova N., Damyanov D., | Metallochelate immobilization of urease on to amorphous SiO2 (2005) | |
10556 | Sirakova, N. D., Sirakov, N. M., | Diagnosis and assessment of the motivation and mathematical competence of students majoring in systems programming (2022) | |
10557 | Menxhiqi, L. I., Marinova, G. I., | Knowledge base assisting PCB Design tool selection and combination in Online CADCOM platform (2023) | |
10558 | Zylfiu, B. I., Marinova, G. I., Hajrizi E., | Design of an Online Platform EDA-DYVI to study the Dynamics and Forecast the Viability of EDA Companies (2023) | |
10560 | Ivanova, N. V., Godjevargova Ts., Simeonova A., Konsulov V., Turmanova S., | Behaviour of immobilized glucose oxidase on membranes from polyacrylonitrile and copolymer of methylmethacrylate-dichlorophenylmaleimide (2006) | |
10561 | Iliev, I. T., Bogdanov, L. V., Tabakov, S. D., | FPGA-Based Implementation for QRS Detection in Electrocardiogram (2023) | |
10562 | Димитров, В. П., Колев Ст., Димитрова, В. К., | Комбиниран ролков инструмент за рязане и ППД с възможност за ротация на ролката (2014) | |
10563 | Dimitrova, V. K., Dimitrov, V. P., | Approach for determining the quantity of single flute end mill cutters for high-speed milling, planned out for recovering (2014) | |
10564 | Vasileva, E. P., | Investigating a Technological System Through FTA Analysis (2023) | |
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10566 | Dimitrov, V. P., Dimitrova, V. K., | Optimization of machining conditions for high-speed milling with single flute end mill cutters of element from aluminium sheets, HPL panеls and aluminum composite panelsl (2014) | |
10567 | Фердинандов Е. С., Пачеджиева, Б. К., Бонев, Б. Г., Димитров, К. Л., | Влияние на флуктуациите на атмосферната прозрачност върху Bit-Error Rate на откритите лазерни комуникационни системи от типа "земя-земя" (2006) | |
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10570 | Димитров, К. Л., Пачеджиева, Б. К., | Математичен модел на инфрачервен радиометър – разделителна способност по температура (2008) | |
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10572 | Станков, И. С., | EU Cybersecurity Theory and Practice (2023) | |
10573 | Димитров, К. Л., Фердинандов Е. С., Дандаров А. A., Сапарев С. С., Байракова Г. С., Бакалски И. М., | Анализ на въздействието на инерционността върху фотонната регистрация при силициевите фотоумножители (2009) | |
10574 | Станков, И. С., Христов, Г. К., Младенова, Д. К., | CyberAttacks and robotics (2023) | |
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10576 | Станков, И. С., Алексиева-Петрова, А. П., Христов, Г. К., | CyberAttacks and Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Mapping (2023) | |
10577 | Пенева, Т. Е., D.R. Balabanova., G. G. Dolapchieva., K. Krastev., | Research on the relation between the percentage of elastomeric threads in the yarn and the stretch of punto di roma jersey (2021) | |
10578 | Todorov, G. D., Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, T. T., | Examination of Damage in Industrial Technology Process through Virtual Prototyping (2023) | |
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10580 | Todorov, G. D., Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, T. T., | Numerical analysis of an impact system for non-invasive medical aesthetics tool, 49th International Conference (2023) | |
10581 | Todorov, G. D., Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, T. T., | Improvement Of EGR Valve Performance Using A Virtual Prototyping-Based Methodology (2023) | |
10582 | Penev, B. G., | One New Property of a Class of Linear Time-Optimal Control Problems (2023) | |
10583 | Todorov, G. D., Ivanov, A. P., Zlatev, B. N., | A comparison study of the efficiency between an asynchronous radial electrical machine and a synchronous reluctance motor (2021) | |
10584 | Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, A. P., Zlatev, B. N., | A Novelty Design of an Axial Flux Induction Electrical Machine with Low Manufacturing Cost (2021) | |
10585 | Пенева, Т. Е., D. R. Balabanova., | A study on the application of a system for pattern design of women’s dresses from knitted fabrics containing elastomeric threads (2023) | |
10587 | Илиева-Михайлова, Б. П., Станчев, Г. С., | РАЗВИТИЕ НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКА СТАНДАРТИЗАЦИЯ (2023) | |
10588 | Пенева, Т. Е., D. R. Balabanova., G. G. Dolapchieva., | Determining the deformation properties of jacquard single jersey for pattern designing dresses, by the percentage of Elastane in the yarn (2021) | |
10589 | Тодорова, Е. А., | Приложение на 3D PDF на модел на детайл в дистанционното обучение по инженерна графика (2022) | |
10590 | Georgiev, K. K., Koparanov, K. A., Minkovska, D. V., | Predicting Financial Time Series for Value Investment (2023) | |
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10592 | Koparanov, K. A., Antonova, E. V., Nakov, O. N., Minkovska, D. V., Georgiev, K. K., Stoyanova, L. Y., | Input Data Time Range Impact on Forecast Quality Using Automated Procedures (2023) | |
10593 | Minkovska, D. V., Antonova, E. V., Koparanov, K. A., Georgiev, K. K., Minkovska P. M., | Determining The Qualities of Tests Designed for Students’ Knowledge Assessment (2023) | |
10594 | Koparanov, K. A., Minkovska, D. V., Antonova, E. V., | Univariate & Multivariate Forecasting of Time Series Through a Contemporary Manner (2023) | |
10595 | Симеонова-Ингилизова, М. Д., | Stress in students from primary education - causes, consequences and ways to manage (2024) | |
10596 | Rakov, B. Y., Ruzhekov, G. T., | H∞ Multivariable PID Control of a Thermal Plant (2023) | |
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10598 | Горанов, П. В., Георгиева, Д. С., | Относно пресмятане на размерни вериги със звена хлабини (2023) | |
10599 | Горанов, П. В., Георгиева, Д. С., | Методика за пресмятане на система размерни вериги с MS excel (2023) | |
10600 | Петкова, Р. А., Янчева-Попова, М. К., | Електростатични методи за нанасяне на покрития в индустриалният дизайн (2022) | |