7051 | Gochev V. P., Gocheva, P. V., Hinov, N. L., | NET implementation of electronic circuit design (2021) | |
7052 | Zhilevski, M. M., Mikhov, M. R., | Study of Spindle Drives for Machining Centers with Computer Numerical Control (2021) | |
7053 | Hinov, N. L., Hristov, I. S., | Practical approach for modeling and simulation closed loop DC-DC converters (2021) | |
7054 | Ganev, B. T., Ivanov A. I., Marinov, M. B., Nikolov, N. L., Kochev, L. L., | Pendulum Experimental Study and Analysis with MEMS Accelerometer (2021) | |
7055 | Angelov, G. V., Rusev, R. V., Nikolov, N. N., Rusev, R. P., | Identifying of Delamination in Integrated Circuits using Surface Acoustic Microscopy (2021) | |
7056 | Grasiani, B. S., | Study of fractal regulators (2021) | |
7057 | Nikolov, G. T., Ganev, B. T., Marinov, M. B., Galabov, V. T., | Comparative Analysis of Sensors for Soil Moisture Measurement (2021) | |
7058 | Galarniotis A.I., Tsakoumis A.C., Fessas P., Vladov, S. S., Mladenov, V. M., | Using Elman and FIR neural networks for short term electric load forecasting (2003) | |
7059 | Nikolov, N. K., Nakov, O. O., Gotseva, D. A., | Operating Systems for IoT Devices (2021) | |
7060 | Николов, Н. К., Наков, О. Н., Гоцева, Д. А., | Research of MQTT versus LwM2M IoT communication protocols for IoT (2021) | |
7061 | Nikolov, N. K., Gotseva, D. O., | Design and research of IoT room monitoring system (2021) | |
7062 | Ганчева, В. С., Георгиев, В. Е., Чотров, Д. И., Калчева-Йовкова, Е. П., Горанова, М. Е., Момчев, И. М., Димитрова, В. Т., Чакъров, К. К., | Програмиране и използване на компютри. Записки от лекции с примери на програмен език С (2021) | |
7063 | Митрев, Р. П., Иванова, М. Й., Панов, В. К., | Моделиране и изследване на удар в буфер на роботизиран строителен манипулатор (2021) | |
7064 | Stoilova, S. D., Munier, N., | Analysis of policies of railway operators using swot criteria and the Simus method: A case for the Bulgarian railway network (2021) | |
7065 | Stoilova, S. D., Munier,N., | A novel fuzzy simus multicriteria decision‐making method. An application in railway passenger transport planning (2021) | |
7066 | Stoilova, S. D., Farooq,A., Ahmad,F., Alam,M., Nassar,H., Qaiser,T., Iqbal,K., Qadir,A., Ahmad,M., | An Integrated Multicriteria Decision-Making Approach to Evaluate Traveler Modes' Priority: An Application to Peshawar, Pakistan (2021) | |
7067 | Ivanova, D. A., Kadurin, V. V., | A new proposed software development methodology for healthcare industry (2021) | |
7068 | Ivanova, D. A., Mitev, D. M., | Usability strategy and guidelines for building an accessible web portal (2021) | |
7069 | Petkova, N. S., Terzieva, S. D., | Challenges of Online Laboratory Electrical Engineering Exercises (2021) | |
7070 | Iatcheva, I. I., Petkova, N. S., | Study of electrical insulation in the presence of heterogeneous inclusions (2016) | |
7071 | Събев, С. Т., Касабов П., | Определяне на динамичния модул на ъглови деформации на алуминиеви сплави (2021) | |
7073 | Petrinska, I. C., Gueorgiev, V. T., Ivanov, D. D., | Lighting control system for public premises, based on evolutionary optimization algorithm (2018) | |
7075 | Илиева, С. Д., | Задачи и проблеми свързани с проектирането на експозиционни щандове, представени чрез реализации с универсални модулни конструкции (2021) | |
7076 | Илиева, С. Д., Антонова В.Н., | Вкусът на цветовете и дизайнът на опаковки за хранителната промишленост. (2021) | |
7077 | Prodanova, K. S., Uzunova Y., | Nuclear Medical Diagnostic in Bulgarien Patients (2021) | |
7078 | Negreva M., Prodanova, K. S., Vitlianova K., | Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is associated with early coagulation activity regardless of risk factors for embolism (2021) | |
7079 | Sabev, E. V., Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., Raynova, K. S., | Cybersecurity analysis of wind farm SCADA systems (2021) | |
7080 | Borovska, P. I., Ivanova, D. A., Kadurin, V. V., | Experimental Framework for the Investigations in Internet of Medical Imaging Things Ecosystem (2018) | |
7081 | Negreva M., Georgiev S., Prodanova, K. S., Nikolova J., | Early changes in the antithrombin and thrombin-antithrombin complex in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (2016) | |
7082 | Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., Ivan Nikolov Chavdarov., Lyubomira Miteva., Kaloyan Yovchev., | Manipulability Analysis of Redundant Robotic Manipulator (2020) | |
7083 | Shindjalova R., Prodanova, K. S., Svestarov V., | Modeling data for tilted implants in grafted with bio-oss maxillary sinuses using logistic regression (2014) | |
7084 | Prodanova, K. S., Gerova G., | Management of Electricity Demand using Probability Forecast (2021) | |
7085 | Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., Ivaylo Georgiev., Lyubomira Miteva., Ivan Nikolov Chavdarov., | Analysis of the kinematic characteristics of a 3D printed finger of robotic humanoid hand (2021) | |
7086 | Lazarova, M. D., Krasimira Yankova Kostadinova., | Counting distributions in risk theory (2021) | |
7087 | Dimitrov, S. I., | On a diophantine inequality with prime powers of a special type (2017) | |
7088 | Dimitrov, S. I., | , A ternary diophantine inequality over special primes (2017) | |
7089 | Chobanov, V. Y., | Electrical Infrastrucure in Hospitals risks and opportunity for quality healthcare (2021) | |
7090 | Chobanov, V. Y., | Power Quality and financial risk for RES investments (2021) | |
7091 | Chobanov, V. Y., M. Asenova., | Evaluation of an electrical infrastructure of an existing building and economic and environmental benefits of its modernization (2021) | |
7092 | Chobanov, V. Y., Kalin Bojkov., | Evaluation of Economic and Social Effects of Integrating a BMS System in Residential and Commercial Housing (2021) | |
7093 | Ivanova, D. A., Kadurin, V. V., | Mobile Application for Interactive Discovery of Bulgarian Cultural and Historical Places (2021) | |
7094 | Hristov, V. P., | REMOTE CONTRL OF DEVICES TROUGH SSH TUNNEL (2019) | |
7095 | Hristov, V. P., | Conducting a cycle of remote laboratory exercises (2020) | |
7096 | Pavlova, G. V., Krastev, Aleksandar., Ivan Nikolov Chavdarov., Naydenov, Bozhidar., | Analysis and experiments with a 3D printed walking robot to improve climbing obstacle (2020) | |
7097 | Hinov, N. L., Vacheva, G. I., Zlatev, Z. L., | Modelling a charging process of a supercapacitor in MATLAB/Simulink for electric vehicles (2018) | |
7098 | Nedelchev, M. V., Biljana P. Stošic., Piero Belforte., | Wave Digital Frameworks for Simulation of Microwave Couplers: Transmission Line versus Equivalent Lumped Circuit (2021) | |
7099 | Hinov, N. L., Hranov, T. H., | Using mathematical software to design power electronic converters (2017) | |
7100 | Hinov, N. L., | Generalized models of basic DC-DC converters (2018) | |