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# Автор
6551 Pavlov, N. L., Gigov, B. I., Stefanova-Pavlova, M. M., Normative Documents for Electric Vehicles and Possibilities for Their Application in the Education of E-Powertrain Engineers (2021)
6552 Zarkov, Z. J., Lazarov, V. D., Stoyanov, T. M., Stoyanov, L. S., Influence of magnet dimensions on torque components and cost of synchronous machine with interior magnets (2021)
6553 Stoyanov, T. M., Pavlov, D. T., Spasov, R. L., Rizov, P. M., Аlgorithm for design and analysis of multilayer and fractional-slot stator windings (2021)
6555 Stoyanov, T. M., Method for construction and verification of the stator winding on a permanent magnet synchronous motor (2021)
6556 Stankov, I. S., Analysis of Leading Systems for Electornic Learning in Educational Institutions (2019)
6558 Stankov, I. S., Cloud technologies in the public and business organizations (2020)
6559 Stankov, I. S., Productivity Research On The Newest Versions Of Frequently Used Relational Databases (2017)
6560 Станков, И. С., Христов, В. П., Славков К., Изследване на 5G мобилни мрежи (2019)
6561 Antonov, S. I., Swati Gade., Rahul Agrawal., Dipak Patil., Optimal utilization of UPQC at different operating condition using TLBO (2021)
6562 Stankov, I. S., Dunkina N., An application for most optimal route between tourist places (2017)
6563 Antonov, S. I., Sheiretsky K.G., Formal method for finding asymptotic approximations (2021)
6564 Antonov, S. I., Sheiretsky K.G., Criteria for the existence of a sustainable limit cycle. Application of the criteria in the first approximation for the Van der Pol equation (2021)
6565 Terziev, A. k., Penka Zlateva., Study of the possibilities for using methane as a transport fuel through biomass gasification process (2021)
6566 Terziev, A. k., Hristo Beloev., Iliya Iliev., Risk assessment and management during the implementation process of a small scale hydropower plants (2021)
6567 Terziev, A. K., Iliya Iliev., Hristo Beloev., Panteleev, Y. P., Impact assessment of terrain specifics on wind energy production over semi-complex terrains (2021)
6568 Цочев, Г. Р., Трифонов, Р. И., Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по Мрежова и информационна сигурност (2021)
6569 Momchilova, M. K., Effective Application of Blended Learning in ESP Courses (2021)
6570 Staneva A. D., Dimitrov D. K., Gospodinova, D. N., Vladkova T. G., Antibiofouling Activity of Graphene Materials and Graphene-Based Antimicrobial Coatings (2021)
6571 Ruskova, K. G., Manoilova L.V., Surface Modified Silica Gels and an Express Method for Determination of their Specific Surface Area (2021)
6572 Ruskova, K. G., Manoilova L.V., Evaluation of Protective Action of Poisoned Gas Substances of New Generated Activated Carbon for Gas Mask Application (2021)
6573 Ruskova, K. G., Toteva V., Gonsalvesh-Musakova L., Production of Activated Carbon Based on Oak Sawdust by Chemical Activation (2021)
6574 Ruskova, K. G., Ursheva M., Hybrid and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles and Initial Emergency Response Procedures related to Hybrid Batteries (2021)
6575 Rachev, E. H., Petrov, V. E., DC link capacitor selection for DC-DC converters (2020)
6576 Рачев, Е. Х., Аналитичен модел и параметри на индукционните (асинхронни) двигатели при изследване и управление (2021)
6577 Рачев, Е. Х., Безсензорно управление на синхронен двигател с постоянни магнити (2021)
6578 Рачев, Е. Х., Управление на постояннотокови задвижвания в плавателни съдове (2021)
6579 StefanovaStoyanova, V. V., Digitization of Quality Management Systems in the context of Industry 4.0 (2021)
6580 StefanovaStoyanova, V. V., Stoyanov, K. K., Danov, P. Y., Comparison Of Architectural Models Of IoT Systems - Advantages And Disadvantages (2021)
6581 Ivaylov, I. E., Lazarova, M. K., Manolova, A. H., Multimodal Motor Imagery BCI Based on EEG and NIRS (2021)
6582 Popov, S. A., Hinova, I. S., Baeva, S. K., Stochastic Method for Optimal Management of Short-Term Requests for Natural Gas Supply (2022)
6583 Popov, S. A., Baeva, S. K., Hinova, I. S., Application of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle in the Optimal Management of Short-Term Requests for Natural Gas Supply (2022)
6584 Karamukov S. R., Svinarov A. I., Baeva, S. K., Development of A Multicriteria Mathematical Model and A Computer Application for Optimal Selection of Terrains for The Construction of Photovoltaic Stations (2022)
6585 Krumov B. A., Kancheva S., Popov, S. A., Baeva, S. K., Development of A Mathematical Model and Computer Application for Optimal Replacement of Part of The Equipment of A Photovoltaic Station (2022)
6586 Hinova, I. S., Baeva, S. K., Risk Analysis and Assessment when Investing in Energy from Natural Gas and Photovoltaics (2021)
6587 Baeva, S. K., Hinova, I. S., Most Favorable Results for Forecasting Methods for Natural Gas and Photovoltaic Energy Consumption (2021)
6588 Christoff, N. V., Improving a Digital Elevation Model of Mars Based on Principal Curvature Directions (2021)
6589 Draganov, I. R., Gancheva, V. S., Unsharp Masking with Local Adaptive Contrast Enhancement of Medical Images (2021)
6590 Mironov, R. P., Draganov, I. R., Local Adaptive LMS Filtration of Multidimensional Images (2021)
6591 Draganov, I. R., Mironov, R. P., 3D SUSAN Filtering of CT Images With Adaptive Selection of the Brightness Threshold (2021)
6592 Janković, R., Mihajlović, I., Amelio, A., Draganov, I. R., Predicting the Ecological Footprint: A Case Study for Italy, Pakistan and China (2021)
6593 Brodić, D., Amelio, A., Draganov, I. R., Response time analysis of text-based CAPTCHA by association rules (2016)
6594 Venkov, G. P., Arnaoudov, I. N., Relations between spheroidal and spherical harmonics (2010)
6595 Venkov, G. P., Low–frequency electromagnetic scattering by a perfectly conducting torus. The Rayleigh approximations (2006)
6596 Angelova, R. A., High-Performance Apparel and Wearable Devices for Hot Environments (2019)
6597 Angelova, R. A., Failure of yarns in different textile applications (2020)
6598 Stankov, I. S., Perçuku A. Sh., The Prediction of Weather’s Data for Wind Power System Using Graph Database (2021)
6599 Nachev, I. N., Iliev, I. G., Improving an antenna radiation pattern using photonic band gap structure (2021)
6600 Marinova, G. I., Bitri, A. K., Review on Formalization of Business Model Evaluation for Technological Companies with Focus on the Electronic Design Automation Industry (2021)