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# Автор
6951 Софронов, Я. П., Тодоров, Г. Д., Камберов, К. Х., Реконструкция в CAD среда на сканирана геометрия на физически обекти при развитие на сложно формообразуване с методите на реверсивното инженерство (2014)
6952 Ivanova, M. S., Petkova, P. T., Petkov N. T., Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic in Electronics: Applying Intelligence in Practice (2021)
6953 Ivanova, M. S., Boneva A., Ilchev S., Learning Performance Facilitation in a Sensor-Based Intelligent Classroom (2021)
6954 Ivanova, T. I., Terzieva V., Ivanova, M. I., Intelligent Technologies in E-Learning: Personalization and Interoperability (2021)
6955 Ivanova, M. S., Petkova, P. T., Petkov N. T., Statistics and Machine Learning for Behavioral Prediction of Operational Transconductance Amplifiers with Focus on Regression Analysis (2021)
6956 Софронов, Я. П., Тодоров, Т. С., Гиева, Е. Е., Изследване на характеристиките на микро термоактуатор (2014)
6957 Trifonov, R. I., Tsochev, G. R., Slavcho Manolov., Radoslav Yoshinov., Pavlova, G. V., Cyber Trends in Industrial Control Systems (2021)
6958 Tsochev, G. R., Trifonov, R. I., Cloud computing security requirements: A Review (2021)
6959 Yakimov, P. I., Nikolov, G. T., Three Phase Power Monitoring using Virtual Techniques (2011)
6960 Димитрова, Р. Б., Софронов, Я. П., Камбуров, В. В., Определяне твърдостта на микронаварени дисперсно уякчени със SiCp слоеве чрез наноиндентация (2015)
6961 Софронов, Я. П., Тодоров, Г. Д., Стоичков, К. К., Цаков, Ю., Тодоров, А. А., Николов, Н. Л., Прогресивни методи за изработка на дентални импланти (2015)
6962 Goranov, P. V., Todorova, E. A., Georgieva, D. S., Top-down design methodology utilizing abstraction of mechanical interfaces (2019)
6963 Стоичков, К. К., Софронов, Я. П., Синтез и анализ на вариаторна трансмисия, съставена от фрикционен вариатор и затворен диференциален зъбен механизъм по коефициент на полезно действие на трансмисията (2015)
6964 Стоичков, К. К., Софронов, Я. П., Кочев, Л. Л., Кинематичен синтез и анализ на вариаторна трансмисия съставена от фрикционен вариатор и затворен диференциален зъбен механизъм по зададени диапазони на регулиране на трансмисията и вариатора (2015)
6965 Тодоров, Г. Д., Софронов, Я. П., Николов, Н. Л., Камберов, К. Х., Приложение на 3D CAD/CAM технологии в денталната медицината (2016)
6966 Sofronov, Y. P., Nikolov, N. L., Todorov, G. D., Analysis of technologies for rapid prototyping of dental constructions (2016)
6967 Софронов, Я. П., Гълъбов, В. Б., Частни случаи на шарнирни четиризвенни механизми, генериращи криви с една рогова точка (2017)
6968 Tonchev K., Manolova, A. H., Neshov, N. N., Poulkov, V. K., RGB-D Sensors Extrinsic Calibration In Controlled Environment (2021)
6969 Tonchev K., Petkova, R. P., Neshov, N. N., Manolova, A. H., Semantic Segmentation of 3D Facial Models Using 2D Annotations (2021)
6970 Durakova, A., Gogova, Tzv., Vladeva, St., Vasileva, A. L., Slavov, A., Yanakieva, V., Temelkova, M., Biscuits with flour of lucuma, spelt and carob for prophylactic and dietary nutrition (2021)
6971 Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M., A Simplified Tantalum Oxide Memristor Model, Parameters Estimation and Application in Memory Crossbars (2022)
6972 Mladenov, V. M., Chobanov, V. Y., Seritan, G. C., Porumb, R. F., Enache, B. A., Vita, V., Stănculescu, M., Van, T. V., Bargiotas, D., A Flexibility Market Platform for Electricity System Operators Using Blockchain Technology (2022)
6973 Tsochev, G. R., Trifonov, R. I., Slavcho Manolov., N, O. N., S, S. V., Analysis of Threats to a University Network Using Open Source Technologies (2021)
6974 Trifonov, R. I., Nakov, O. N., Slavcho Manolov., Tsochev, G. R., Pavlova, G. V., "Cyber-Security of Industrial Computer Systems" - Differentiaton as a Separate Discipline (2021)
6975 Sybev, E. V., Pavlova, G. V., Trifonov, R. I., Raynova, K. S., Tsochev, G. R., Analysis of practical cyberattack scenarios for wind farm SCADA systems (2021)
6976 Trifonov, R. I., Slavcho Manolov., Radoslav Yoshinov., Tsochev, G. R., Pavlova, G. V., Applying the Experience of Artificial Intelligence Methods for Information Systems Cyber Protection at Industrial Control Systems (2021)
6977 Iliev, I. T., Tabakov, S. D., Кръстева В. Ц., Combined High-pass and Power-line Interference Rejecter Filter for ECG Signal Processing (2008)
6978 Tudjarov, B. N., Mitrev, R. P., Gotseva, D. A., Web-based Virtual Reality for Planning and Simulation of Lifting Operations Performed by a Hydraulic Excavator (2021)
6979 Nenova B. D., Iliev, I. T., Non-Invasive Methods of Peripheral Pulse Detection: Advantages and Disadvantages (2009)
6980 Tudjarov, B. N., Panov, V. K., Web Based Approach for Discovering and Prevention of Customs Violations by Application of Emotional Model (2021)
6981 Nenova B. D., Iliev, I. T., An automated algorithm for fast pulse wave detection (2010)
6982 Iliev, I. T., Tabakov, S. D., Доцински И. А., Two steps approach for falls detection in the elderly (2011)
6983 Iliev, I. T., Tabakov, S. D., Dotsinsky I A., Automatic fall detection of elderly living alone at home environment (2011)
6984 Romansky, R. P., Privacy and Data Protection in the Contemporary Digital Age (2021)
6985 Romansky, R. P., Noninska, I. S., Deterministic Model Investigation of Processes in a Heterogeneous e-Learning Environment (2022)
6986 Romansky, R. P., Digital Age and Personal Data Protection (2022)
6987 Prebreza, B. B., Gotseva, D. A., Nakov, P. O., A Study of Documents Management System Based on Web, Case Study: University (2021)
6988 Prebreza, R. R., Gotseva, D. A., Nakov, O. N., Recommendation Systems Based on Textual Document Analysis (2021)
6989 Копаранов, К. А., Минковска, Д. В., Георгиев, К. К., Стоянова, Л. Й., Определяне влиянието на типа невронна мрежа върху прогнозата при моделиране на голяма последователност от стойности (2021)
6990 Koparanov, K. A., Trifonov, R. I., Minkovska, D. V., Georgiev, K. K., Comparison of the Results of Forecasting a Long Sequence of Values with a Neural Network Using Direct and Recurrent Approach (2021)
6991 Ujkani, B. T., Minkovska, D. V., Stoyanova, L. Y., A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Student Enrollment in the University (2021)
6992 Ujikani, B. T., Minkovska, D. V., Stoyanova, L. Y., Using Natural Language Processing for Quality Assurance Purposes in Higher Education (2021)
6993 Koparanov, K. A., Trifonov, R. I., Minkovska, D. V., Georgiev, K. K., Spectral analysis of neural network long-term predictions (2021)
6994 Briasouli, A. I., Minkovska, D. V., Stoyanova, L. Y., Development on advanced technologies – design and development of cloud computing model (2021)
6995 Chervenkov, A. G., Electromagnetic field evaluation in building located close to high-voltage overhead line (2021)
6996 Chervenkov, A. G., Identification of Moving Lightning Clouds Using Four-dimensional Electromagnetic Potential (2021)
6997 Mirchev N., Lazarova D., Georgieva, M. G., Petrova M., Tachev D., Avdeev G., “Preparation of Cu/ZrW2O8 Structures by Chemical Deposition from Formaldehyde-Free Solution” (2022)
6998 Dimitrov, S. I., Pairs of square-free values of the type n^2+1, n^2+2 (2021)
6999 Dimitrov, S. I., A logarithmic inequality involving prime numbers (2021)
7000 Angelova V.T., Pencheva T., Buyukliev R., Yovkova, E. K., Valkova I., Momekov G., Vulcheva V., Antimycobacterial Activity, In Silico ADME Evaluation, and Docking Study of Novel Thiazolidinedione and Imidazolidinone Conjugates (2021)