Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Димов, Д. С., Борисова, С. В.
Заглавие: Оценяване на персонала и ползите от използването на компетентностните модели
Ключови думи: Perfotmance appraisal, benefits, application, competency mod

Абстракт: Nowadays human resources are recognized as the most valuable resources, guaranteeing the competitiveness of the organizations, their growth and sustainable development. In times of crisis, human resources with their competencies can help businesses in their search for new strategies for the development of organizations. Keeping qualified professionals in these conditions is a key task of management, which will make them more flexible and adaptable. The people who work in the organization are the most important asset and the investments in them and their competencies are the best investments for the organization. This is because the strategy of the organization is always associated with flexibility to change and innovation, and this change is carried out only by people and it is a function of their competence. Human resource management and appraisal has a significant role in achieving competitive advantages for the organization.



    XIX Международна научна конференция "Мениджмънт и инженеринг'21", стр. стр. 346-352, 2021, България, Созопол, ISBN ISSN 1314-6327
    Autors: Dimov, D. S., Borisova, S. V.
    Title: Performance Appraisal and the Benefits of Using Competency Models
    Keywords: Perfotmance appraisal, benefits, application, competency models

    Abstract: Nowadays human resources are recognized as the most valuable resources, guaranteeing the competitiveness of the organizations, their growth and sustainable development. In times of crisis, human resources with their competencies can help businesses in their search for new strategies for the development of organizations. Keeping qualified professionals in these conditions is a key task of management, which will make them more flexible and adaptable. The people who work in the organization are the most important asset and the investments in them and their competencies are the best investments for the organization. This is because the strategy of the organization is always associated with flexibility to change and innovation, and this change is carried out only by people and it is a function of their competence. Human resource management and appraisal has a significant role in achieving competitive advantages for the organization.



      XIX International Scientific Conference "Management and Engineering'21", pp. 346-352, 2021, Bulgaria, Sozopol, ISBN ISSN 1314-6327

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