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3202 | Zgureva, D. M., Boycheva, S. V., | Synthetic Zeolitic Ion-Exchangers from Coal Ash for Decontamination of Nuclear Wastewaters (2015) | |
3203 | Dimov, D. S., | Competency Profile of the Innovative Enterprises (2017) | |
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3206 | Згурева-Филипова, Д. М., | Динамични изследвания на адсорбция/десорбция на въглероден диоксид върху зеолити от летяща пепел (2016) | |
3207 | Zgureva, D. M., | Carbon dioxide adsorption studies on fly ash zeolites (2016) | |
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3209 | Boycheva, S. V., Zgureva, D. M., | Coal ash zeolite as a self-catalytic-chemisorption system for conversion of carbon dioxide to hydrocarbons (2019) | |
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3211 | Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M., | A Nonlinear Drift Memristor Model with a Modified Biolek Window Function and Activation Threshold (2017) | |
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3220 | Kirilov, S. M., Mladenov, V. M., | Analysis of a Passive Memristor Crossbar (2018) | |
3221 | Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M., | Advanced memristor model with a modified Biolek window and a voltage-dependent variable exponent (2018) | |
3222 | Mo, J., Stefanov, B. I., Lau, T.H.M., Chen, T., Wu, S., Wang, Z., Gong, X.-Q., Wilkinson, I., Schmid, G., Tsang, S.C.E., | Superior Performance of Ag over Pt for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Water Electrolysis under High Overpotentials (2019) | |
3223 | Пеев, И. И., | Комуникативни аспекти на чуждоезиковото обучение – позиции на обучаващ и обучаем при индивидуалния подход (2019) | |
3224 | Pavlov, N. L., Sokolov, E. E., Iontchev, E. I., Miletiev, R. G., Peychev, M. H., | Transmission of lateral vibrations to children during car traveling and possibilities for their reduction (2019) | |
3225 | Pavlov, N. L., Sokolov, E. E., Peychev, M. H., Dacova, D. I., | Design and test of a tilting seat for improving children’s comfort during traveling (2018) | |
3226 | Pavlov, N. L., Sokolov, E. E., Peychev, M. H., Dacova, D. I., Kunchev, L. P., | Comfort Improvement and Kinetosis Reduction by the Use of a Pendulum Type Child Travel Seat (2019) | |
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3228 | Christoff, N. V., Manolova, A. H., Jorda, L., Viseur, S., Bouley, S., Mari, J-L., | Level-set based algorithm for automatic feature extraction on 3D meshes: Application to crater detection on Mars (2018) | |
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3230 | Pasheva, V. V., Gerova, G. G., | Modeling and Simulation of Thermal-Hydraulic Processes in General PWR Core in MATLAB Environment (2018) | |
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3239 | Dimov, D. S., Taneva, N. P., | Innovation Enterprises - an Essential Requirement for the Bulgarian Economy Competitiveness (2008) | |
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3242 | Dimov, D. S., | Study of the Employers Requiremens for the Preparation of Application Documents (2013) | |
3245 | Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Dimitrov, V. V., | Modelling of DC/DC Bidirectional Converter for Electric Vehicles Application (2019) | |
3246 | Vacheva, G. I., Dimitrov, V. V., Hinov, N. L., | Modelling and Control of Bidirectional Buck-Boost Converter for Electric Vehicles Applications (2019) | |
3247 | Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Dimitrov, V. V., | Research of Acceleration and Braking Modes of Electric Vehicles in MATLAB/Simulink (2019) | |
3248 | Angelov, K. N., | Franklin Monopole Antenna with Different Iteration Fractal Elements (2018) | |
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3250 | Angelov, K. N., Kalinovska K., | X-pol Antenna for ISM Applications Optimized Through the Design of Experiment Theory (2017) | |