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# Автор
4901 Stoimenov, S., Tsenov, G. T., Mladenov, V. M., Face recognition system in Android using neural networks (2016)
4902 Ivanova, D. A., D. Ivanova, Big Data Analytics for Early Detection of Brest Cancer based on Machine Learning (2017)
4903 Marinova, I. Y., Mateev, V. M., Inverse source problem for thermal fields (2012)
4904 Shaikh, J. R., Iliev, G. L., Blockchain based Confidentiality and Integrity Preserving Scheme for Enhancing E-commerce Security (2019)
4905 Petkov, P. H., Slavov, T. N., Mollov, L. J., Kralev, J. K., Real-time implementation of H∞ and µ-controllers (2015)
4906 Petrov, P. P., Dynamics and adaptive motion control of a two-wheeled inverted pendulum robot (2018)
4907 Mateev, V. M., Todorova, M. K., Marinova, I. Y., Torque transmission characteristics of a coaxial magnetic gear (2016)
4908 Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Distributed internet of things system for wireless monitoring of electrical grids (2018)
4909 Petrinska, I. C., Ivanov, D. D., Estimation of Flicker of Contemporary LED Lamps and Luminaires (2019)
4910 Mateev, V. M., Todorova, M. K., Marinova, I. Y., Eddy Current Losses of Coaxial Magnetic Gears (2018)
4911 Petkov, P. H., Slavov, T. N., Kralev, J. K., Embedded robust control of multivariable plants (2019)
4912 Чучуганов, К. Й., Изследване на свободните незатихващи трептения на хидравличен асансьор (2012)
4913 E. Mechkov., Tzeneva, R. T., Mateev, V. M., Yatchev, I. S., Thermal analysis using 3D FEM model of oil-immersed distribution transformer (2016)
4914 Tzeneva, R. T., Mateev, V. M., Slavtchev, Y. T., 3D Coupled electric-thermal analyis of bolted busbar connections (2018)
4915 Trifonov, R. I., Gotseva, D. A., Angelov, V. R., Binary classification algorithms (2017)
4916 Slavov, T. N., Kralev, J. K., Petkov, P. H., Uncertainty modelling and robust control of multivariable plants (2019)
4917 Slavov, T. N., Puleva, T. T., LQR power control of wind generator (2018)
4918 Mihaylova, D. A., Iliev, G. L., Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V., Detecting pilot contamination attacks in wireless cyber-physical systems (2019)
4919 Stoynov, V. R., Ivanov, A. S., Mihaylova, D. A., Conceptual Framework for Quality Assessment in Human-Centric 6G XR Services (2021)
4920 Slavov, T. N., Kralev, J. K., Petkov, P. H., Design and implementation of robust controllers: Theoretical and numerical issues (2017)
4921 Lengerov, A. D., Nikolcheva, G. I., Kaleycheva, J. A., Lazov L., Computer control the accuracy of the parts processed on CNC machine tools based on statistical process control (2017)
4922 Kopytowski A., Swiercz R., Nowicki R., Stambolov, G. S., Influence of machining parameters on surface texture of Inconel 718 after grinding with multi-granular wheels (2019)
4923 Marczak M., Kopytowski A., Nowicki R., Stambolov, G. S., The idea of measuring the real induction in the machining gap filled with magnetic material (2019)
4924 Mihaylova, A. D., Georgieva, V. M., Spleen segmentation in MRI sequence images using template matching and active contours (2018)
4925 Savova-Mratsenkova, M. G., Study of random processes in the zone that handles the road transport in a port hub (2013)
4926 Савова-Мраценкова, М. Г., Джонев, Г. Б., Избор на метод за определяне скоростите на движение на автомобилите при удар между тях (2017)
4927 Савова-Мраценкова, М. Г., Джонев, Г., Б., Влияние на ъгъла на директрисата на ударния импулс върху точността при определяне скоростите на движение на автомобилите при удар между тях (2017)
4929 Kandeva, M. K., Grozdanova T., Ivanov, P. I., Kalichin Zh., Tribology Study of High-Technological Composite Coatings Applied Using High Velocity Oxyfuel (HVOF) (2018)
4930 Nikolay Dishovsky., Filis Mitkova., Yordan Angelov., Kandeva, M. K., Latinka Vladimirova., Studies On Natural Rubber Based Composites Filled With Products From Renewable Resources With Improved Adhesion To Icy Surfaces (2018)
4931 Kandeva, M. K., Kamburov, V. V., Zadorozhnaya, E., Kalitchin, Zh., Abrasion Wear of Electroless Nickel Composite Coatings Modified with Boron Nitride Nanoparticles (2018)
4932 Kandeva, M. K., Kalitchin, Zh., Tribological Investigations of Tribosystems During Lubrication Using Vegetable Oils and Mineral-Vegetable Oil Composites Containing Metal-Plating Additive. Part I: Friction (2018)
4933 Kandeva, M. K., Kalitchin, Zh., Zadorozhnaya, E., Tribological Investigatios on Tribosystems Lubricated with Vegetable Oils and Mineral-Vegetable Composites with Metalplating Additive, Part II: Wear (2018)
4934 Kandeva, M. K., Karastoyanov, D., Grozdanova, T., Kalichin Zh., Balabanov, V., Chikurtev, D., Self-Organization Effects on Tribosystems when Lubricated with a Metal-plating Additive "Valena" (2018)
4935 L. Lakov., Kandeva, M. K., P. Tsonev., V. Vasilev., B. Jivov., M. Aleksandrova., K. Toncheva., N. Stoimenov., Production Of Prototypes Of “Yellow Paving Stones” In Bulgaria Part II: Tribological And Mechanical Indicators (2018)
4936 Kandeva, M. K., Vencl А., Karastoyanov D., Advanced Tribological Coatings for Heavy-Duty Applications: Case Studies (2016)
4937 Gueorgiev, V. T., Thermal analysis and design of lighting equipment (2020)
4938 Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., Processing of thermographic images (2018)
4939 Totrev, V. V., Gueorgiev, V. T., Efficiency of regenerative braking in electric vehicles (2020)
4940 Rizov, P. M., Gueorgiev, V. T., Determination of the leakege parameters of synchronous hydrogenerators (2020)
4941 Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., Petleshkov, A. S., Use of machine learning techniques for classification of thermographic images (2020)
4942 Тотев, В. В., Ибрам, Д. Й., Георгиев, В. Т., Ризов, П. М., Eлектрически автомобили-текущо състояние и тенденции (2019)
4943 Hensel S., Marinov B. M., Sprich F., Ganev, B. T., Image-Based Automated Hit Detection and Score Calculation on a Steel Dartboard (2019)
4944 Arbo, M.H., Raijmakers, P.A., Mladenov, V. M., Applications of neural networks for control of a double inverted pendulum (2014)
4945 Lozica T. Ivanović., Sandra N. Veličković., Blaža Ž. Stojanović., Kandeva, M. K., Kristina Jakimovska., The selection of optimal parameters of gerotor pump by application of factorial experimental design (2017)
4946 Yatchev, I. S., Rudnicki M., Hinov, K. L., Gueorgiev, V. T., Optimization of a permanent magnet needle actuator (2012)
4947 Gueorgiev, V. T., Some aspects of heating analysis of electrical equipment (2009)
4948 Aleksandrova, M. P., Polymeric seed layer as a simple approach for nanostructuring of Ga-doped ZnO films for flexible piezoelectric energy harvesting (2020)
4949 Videkov, V. H., Aleksandrova, M. P., Tzaneva, B. R., Andreev, S. K., Copper Nanowires Filler to Fluxes for Fabrication of Diffusion Soldering Paste (2020)
4950 Gueorgiev, V. T., Optimal Control of Reactive Load in Road Tunnels (2018)