4901 | Stoimenov, S., Tsenov, G. T., Mladenov, V. M., | Face recognition system in Android using neural networks (2016) | |
4902 | Ivanova, D. A., | D. Ivanova, Big Data Analytics for Early Detection of Brest Cancer based on Machine Learning (2017) | |
4903 | Marinova, I. Y., Mateev, V. M., | Inverse source problem for thermal fields (2012) | |
4904 | Shaikh, J. R., Iliev, G. L., | Blockchain based Confidentiality and Integrity Preserving Scheme for Enhancing E-commerce Security (2019) | |
4905 | Petkov, P. H., Slavov, T. N., Mollov, L. J., Kralev, J. K., | Real-time implementation of H∞ and µ-controllers (2015) | |
4906 | Petrov, P. P., | Dynamics and adaptive motion control of a two-wheeled inverted pendulum robot (2018) | |
4907 | Mateev, V. M., Todorova, M. K., Marinova, I. Y., | Torque transmission characteristics of a coaxial magnetic gear (2016) | |
4908 | Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., | Distributed internet of things system for wireless monitoring of electrical grids (2018) | |
4909 | Petrinska, I. C., Ivanov, D. D., | Estimation of Flicker of Contemporary LED Lamps and Luminaires (2019) | |
4910 | Mateev, V. M., Todorova, M. K., Marinova, I. Y., | Eddy Current Losses of Coaxial Magnetic Gears (2018) | |
4911 | Petkov, P. H., Slavov, T. N., Kralev, J. K., | Embedded robust control of multivariable plants (2019) | |
4912 | Чучуганов, К. Й., | Изследване на свободните незатихващи трептения на хидравличен асансьор (2012) | |
4913 | E. Mechkov., Tzeneva, R. T., Mateev, V. M., Yatchev, I. S., | Thermal analysis using 3D FEM model of oil-immersed distribution transformer (2016) | |
4914 | Tzeneva, R. T., Mateev, V. M., Slavtchev, Y. T., | 3D Coupled electric-thermal analyis of bolted busbar connections (2018) | |
4915 | Trifonov, R. I., Gotseva, D. A., Angelov, V. R., | Binary classification algorithms (2017) | |
4916 | Slavov, T. N., Kralev, J. K., Petkov, P. H., | Uncertainty modelling and robust control of multivariable plants (2019) | |
4917 | Slavov, T. N., Puleva, T. T., | LQR power control of wind generator (2018) | |
4918 | Mihaylova, D. A., Iliev, G. L., Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V., | Detecting pilot contamination attacks in wireless cyber-physical systems (2019) | |
4919 | Stoynov, V. R., Ivanov, A. S., Mihaylova, D. A., | Conceptual Framework for Quality Assessment in Human-Centric 6G XR Services (2021) | |
4920 | Slavov, T. N., Kralev, J. K., Petkov, P. H., | Design and implementation of robust controllers: Theoretical and numerical issues (2017) | |
4921 | Lengerov, A. D., Nikolcheva, G. I., Kaleycheva, J. A., Lazov L., | Computer control the accuracy of the parts processed on CNC machine tools based on statistical process control (2017) | |
4922 | Kopytowski A., Swiercz R., Nowicki R., Stambolov, G. S., | Influence of machining parameters on surface texture of Inconel 718 after grinding with multi-granular wheels (2019) | |
4923 | Marczak M., Kopytowski A., Nowicki R., Stambolov, G. S., | The idea of measuring the real induction in the machining gap filled with magnetic material (2019) | |
4924 | Mihaylova, A. D., Georgieva, V. M., | Spleen segmentation in MRI sequence images using template matching and active contours (2018) | |
4925 | Savova-Mratsenkova, M. G., | Study of random processes in the zone that handles the road transport in a port hub (2013) | |
4926 | Савова-Мраценкова, М. Г., Джонев, Г. Б., | Избор на метод за определяне скоростите на движение на автомобилите при удар между тях (2017) | |
4927 | Савова-Мраценкова, М. Г., Джонев, Г., Б., | Влияние на ъгъла на директрисата на ударния импулс върху точността при определяне скоростите на движение на автомобилите при удар между тях (2017) | |
4928 | Savova-Mratsenkova, M. G., Vasileva, K., | APPLICATION OF ANYLOGISTIX IN TRANSPORT CHAIN MANAGEMENT (2020) | |
4929 | Kandeva, M. K., Grozdanova T., Ivanov, P. I., Kalichin Zh., | Tribology Study of High-Technological Composite Coatings Applied Using High Velocity Oxyfuel (HVOF) (2018) | |
4930 | Nikolay Dishovsky., Filis Mitkova., Yordan Angelov., Kandeva, M. K., Latinka Vladimirova., | Studies On Natural Rubber Based Composites Filled With Products From Renewable Resources With Improved Adhesion To Icy Surfaces (2018) | |
4931 | Kandeva, M. K., Kamburov, V. V., Zadorozhnaya, E., Kalitchin, Zh., | Abrasion Wear of Electroless Nickel Composite Coatings Modified with Boron Nitride Nanoparticles (2018) | |
4932 | Kandeva, M. K., Kalitchin, Zh., | Tribological Investigations of Tribosystems During Lubrication Using Vegetable Oils and Mineral-Vegetable Oil Composites Containing Metal-Plating Additive. Part I: Friction (2018) | |
4933 | Kandeva, M. K., Kalitchin, Zh., Zadorozhnaya, E., | Tribological Investigatios on Tribosystems Lubricated with Vegetable Oils and Mineral-Vegetable Composites with Metalplating Additive, Part II: Wear (2018) | |
4934 | Kandeva, M. K., Karastoyanov, D., Grozdanova, T., Kalichin Zh., Balabanov, V., Chikurtev, D., | Self-Organization Effects on Tribosystems when Lubricated with a Metal-plating Additive "Valena" (2018) | |
4935 | L. Lakov., Kandeva, M. K., P. Tsonev., V. Vasilev., B. Jivov., M. Aleksandrova., K. Toncheva., N. Stoimenov., | Production Of Prototypes Of “Yellow Paving Stones” In Bulgaria Part II: Tribological And Mechanical Indicators (2018) | |
4936 | Kandeva, M. K., Vencl А., Karastoyanov D., | Advanced Tribological Coatings for Heavy-Duty Applications: Case Studies (2016) | |
4937 | Gueorgiev, V. T., | Thermal analysis and design of lighting equipment (2020) | |
4938 | Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., | Processing of thermographic images (2018) | |
4939 | Totrev, V. V., Gueorgiev, V. T., | Efficiency of regenerative braking in electric vehicles (2020) | |
4940 | Rizov, P. M., Gueorgiev, V. T., | Determination of the leakege parameters of synchronous hydrogenerators (2020) | |
4941 | Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., Petleshkov, A. S., | Use of machine learning techniques for classification of thermographic images (2020) | |
4942 | Тотев, В. В., Ибрам, Д. Й., Георгиев, В. Т., Ризов, П. М., | Eлектрически автомобили-текущо състояние и тенденции (2019) | |
4943 | Hensel S., Marinov B. M., Sprich F., Ganev, B. T., | Image-Based Automated Hit Detection and Score Calculation on a Steel Dartboard (2019) | |
4944 | Arbo, M.H., Raijmakers, P.A., Mladenov, V. M., | Applications of neural networks for control of a double inverted pendulum (2014) | |
4945 | Lozica T. Ivanović., Sandra N. Veličković., Blaža Ž. Stojanović., Kandeva, M. K., Kristina Jakimovska., | The selection of optimal parameters of gerotor pump by application of factorial experimental design (2017) | |
4946 | Yatchev, I. S., Rudnicki M., Hinov, K. L., Gueorgiev, V. T., | Optimization of a permanent magnet needle actuator (2012) | |
4947 | Gueorgiev, V. T., | Some aspects of heating analysis of electrical equipment (2009) | |
4948 | Aleksandrova, M. P., | Polymeric seed layer as a simple approach for nanostructuring of Ga-doped ZnO films for flexible piezoelectric energy harvesting (2020) | |
4949 | Videkov, V. H., Aleksandrova, M. P., Tzaneva, B. R., Andreev, S. K., | Copper Nanowires Filler to Fluxes for Fabrication of Diffusion Soldering Paste (2020) | |
4950 | Gueorgiev, V. T., | Optimal Control of Reactive Load in Road Tunnels (2018) | |