Autors: Christodoulou, C. A., Vasiliki Vita., Mladenov, V. M., Ekonomou, L.
Title: On the computation of the voltage distribution along the non-linear resistor of gapless metal oxide surge arresters
Keywords: surge arresters; electric field; voltage distribution; varis

Abstract: The voltage distribution along the non-linear resistance of metal oxide surges is of great importance for their proper operation, since the non-uniform potential distribution results in higher thermal stresses of the varistor discs near the high voltage electrode, leading to a faster ageing of the discs at the top and, consequently, a downgrade in arrester effectiveness and reliability or even failures. The current work deals with the examination of the voltage distribution along the non-linear resistance of medium voltage metal oxide gapless surge arresters, using an appropriate computer tool, discussing configuration that improve the voltage distribution. Moreover, the impact of various factors on the voltage distribution is examined. The extracted results can contribute to the more efficient design of modern metal oxide gapless surge arresters, in an effort to ensure their reliable operation to protect the electrical equipment against lightning surges.



    Energies, vol. 11, issue 11, pp. 1-14, 2018, Switzerland, MDPI, DOI 10.3390/en11113046

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