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# Автор
4751 Dandanov, N. G., Semov, P. T., Ivanov, A. S., Christoff, N. V., Poulkov, V. K., Communication Framework for Tele-rehabilitation Systems with QoS Guarantee (2017)
4752 Tonchev, K., Tsenov, G. T., Mladenov, V. M., Manolova, A. H., Poulkov, V. K., Personalized and intelligent sleep lifestyle reasoner with web application for improving quality of sleep part of AAL architecture (2018)
4753 Tonchev, K., Velchev, Y. S., Koleva, P. H., Manolova, A. H., Balabanov, G. R., Poulkov, V. K., Implementation of daily functioning and habits building reasoner part of AAL architecture (2018)
4754 Balabanov, G. R., Tonchev, K., Koleva, P. H., Manolova, A. H., Poulkov, V. K., Cloud based service bricks architecture for ambient assisted living system (2015)
4755 Samal, S.R., Bandopadhaya, S., Pathy, A., Poulkov, V. K., Mihovska, A., An Energy Efficient Head Node Selection for Load Balancing in A Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (2018)
4756 Deshpande, V., Poulkov, V. K., Model to Improve Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Network (2020)
4757 Poulkov, V. K., Gavrilovska, L., Fratu, O., Introduction to special issue "intelligent telecommunication infrastructures and beyond" (2014)
4758 Т. Пеняшки., Г. Костадинов., Кандева-Иванова, М. К., Д. Радев., Електроискрово и газопламъчно напластяване. Възможности и приложения (2020)
4759 Kasabova, S. I., Gechev, M. T., Vasilev, V. G., Mihovska, A., Poulkov, V. K., Prasad, R., On Modeling the Psychology of Wireless Node Interactions in the Context of Internet of Things (2015)
4760 Кандева-Иванова, М. К., Динамика и трибология на машините, Част I: Динамика (2020)
4761 Кандева-Иванова, М. К., Динамика и трибология на машините, Част II: Трибология (2020)
4762 Yordanov, H. H., Poulkov, V. K., Russer, P., On-Chip Monolithic Integrated Antennas Using CMOS Ground Supply Planes (2016)
4763 Fratu, O., Pejanovic-Djurisic, M., Poulkov, V. K., Gavrilovska, L., Introduction to Special Issue “Current Trends in Information and Communications Technology” (2016)
4764 Semov, P. T., Poulkov, V. K., Mihovska, A., Prasad, R., Self-Resource Allocation and Scheduling Challenges for Heterogeneous Networks Deployment (2016)
4765 Ангелова, Й. С., Маламов, Д., Горчева Д., Резултати от анкетно проучване на фактори, влияещи на спецификата на битовото електропотребление (2019)
4766 Chaudhari, M., Koleva, P. H., Poulkov, V. K., Asenov, O., Multilayered Distributed Routing for Power Efficient MANET Performance (2017)
4767 Velchev, Y. S., Multi-lead ECG Compression Approach using Combination of Linear Transformations (2019)
4768 Киранов, С. К., Информатика - кратък курс (2019)
4769 Kyriazakos, S., Prasad, R., Mihovska, A., Pnevmatikakis, A., Akker, H. O. D., Hermens, H., Barone, P., Mamelli, A., Domenico, S. D., Pocs, M., Grguric, A., Mosmondor, M., Simunic, D., Kerner, A., Zaric, N., Pejanović-Djurišić, M., Poulkov, V. K., Tochev, K., Zechmann, B., Garschall, M., Angeletou, A., Bonassi, S., Infarinato, F., Fratou, O., Vulpe, A., Voicu, C., Gavrilovska, L., Atanasovski, V., eWALL: An Open-Source Cloud-Based eHealth Platform for Creating Home Caring Environments for Older Adults Living with Chronic Diseases or Frailty (2017)
4770 Trifonov, R. I., Nakov, O. N., Anguelov, A. H., Emerging and secured mobile ad-hoc wireless network (MANET) for swarm applications (2019)
4771 Pavlova, P. E., Applied Methodology for Dynamic Estimation of Visibility Parameters: Colors (2019)
4772 Semov, P. T., Al-Shatri, H., Tonchev, K., Poulkov, V. K., Klein, A., Implementation of Machine Learning for Autonomic Capabilities in Self-Organizing Heterogeneous Networks (2017)
4773 Cooklev, T., Poulkov, V. K., Bennett, D., Tonchev, K., Enabling RF data analytics services and applications via cloudification (2018)
4774 Ivanov, A. S., Mihovska, A., Tonchev, K., Poulkov, V. K., Real-time adaptive spectrum sensing for cyclostationary and energy detectors (2018)
4775 Ангелова, Й. С., Модел на борсов пазар на електрическа енергия (2019)
4776 Колев, С. В., Начев, И. Н., Карипжанова A., Курманбаев E., Ахметгалым T., Илиев, И. Г., Приложение на малки спътници за изследване на горски насаждения (2020)
4777 Koleva, P. H., Poulkov, V. K., Heuristic Access Points Grouping for Mobility Driven User-Centric Ultra Dense Networks (2020)
4778 Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., Budakova, D. V., Chavdarov, I., Obstacle avoidance algorithms for mobile robots (2019)
4779 Т. Пеняшки., Г. Костадинов., Д. Радев., Кандева-Иванова, М. К., Eлектроден материал за електроискрово напластяване (2020)
4780 Nikolova, Z. V., Poulkov, V. K., Iliev, G. L., Egiazarian, K., New adaptive complex IIR filters and their application in OFDM systems (2010)
4781 Kandeva, M. K., Penyashki, T., Kostadinov, G., Kalitchin, Zh., Kaleichevа, J. A., Wear of Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus Composite Coatings with Nanodiamond Particles (2018)
4782 Angelova, J. S., Borisova, S. V., Personel Motivation in Industrial Enterprises Through Bonus System with Additional Remuneration (2019)
4783 Koleva, P. H., Poulkov, V. K., Asenov, O., Resource management based on dynamic users association for future heterogeneous telecommunication access infrastructures (2014)
4784 Dehkharghani S. Sehati., Bekiarski., Pleshkova, P. S., Venkov P., Method and algorithm for precise estimation of joined audio visual robot control (2013)
4785 Ivanov, A. S., Mihovska, A., Poulkov, V. K., Prasad, R., Hybrid accuracy-time trade-off solution for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks (2019)
4786 Chaudhari, M., Koleva, P. H., Poulkov, V. K., Deshpande, V., Performance Analysis of AODV with Sectoring in Resource Constrained Ad-Hoc Communication Network (2019)
4787 Todorov, M. D., Rotaru C., Chapter 2: Helicopter Flight Physics, Flight Physics - Models, Techniques and Technologies (2018)
4788 Zadorozhnaya, E., Levanov, I., Kandeva, M. K., Tribological Research of Biodegradable Lubricants for Friction Units of Machines and Mechanisms: Current State of Research (2018)
4789 Yordanov, V., Iliev, G. L., Poulkov, V. K., Application of beamforming in wireless local area computer networks (2010)
4790 Trifonov, R. I., Gotseva, D. A., Stoynov, P. T., Neural Networks for Intrusion Detection (2019)
4791 Grigorova, T. G., Vuchev, A.S., Maradzhiev, I. P., Output and Control Characteristics of an LLC Resonant DC/DC Converter (2019)
4792 Gilev, B. N., Mixed Sensitive Controller Design for Wind Turbine (2018)
4793 Samal, S., Bandopadhaya, S., Dora, S., Poulkov, V. K., Coverage Analysis of Heterogeneous Wireless Network with n-Interacted Transmission Nodes (2017)
4794 Vuchev, A.S., Grigorova, T. G., Maradzhiev, I. P., A Unified Analysis of LLC Resonant DC/DC Converter with Capacitive Output Filter (2019)
4795 Al. Vencl., I. Bobić., B. Bobić., K. Jakimovska., P. Svoboda., Kandeva, M. K., Erosive Wear Properties of ZA-27 Alloy-Based Nanocomposites: Influence of Type, Amount, and Size of Nanoparticle Reinforcement (2018)
4796 Pavlova, R. A., Gilev, B. N., Tarnev, K. C., Axial Evolution of the Electron Energy Distribution in Capacitive Discharges (2018)
4797 Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., Budakova, D. V., Chavdarov, I., Manipulability and kinematic dependences of a leg of the six-legged robot (2018)
4798 Poulkov, V. K., Beyond the Next Generation Access (2016)
4799 Serbezov, V. S., Assessment of the fuel efficiency of unmanned cargo aircraft, based on general aviation aircraft (2019)
4800 Manolova, A. H., Poulkov, V. K., Tonchev, K., Challenges in the Design of Smart Vehicular Cyber Physical Systems with Human in the Loop (2017)