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# Автор
4851 Kaleicheva, J. A., Karaguiozova, Z. K., Electroless composite nickel coatings strengthening with TiN nanoparticles plated on ductile cast iron (2018)
4852 Трифонов, Р. И., Цочев, Г. Р., Методи на изкуствения интелект за мрежова и информационна сигурност (2018)
4853 Цветкова, С. Г., Георгиева, А. В., Качество на електрическата енергия в електроснабдителна система, захранваща обособени консуматори (2019)
4854 Tsochev, G. R., Radoslav Yoshinov., Oleg Iliev., Key problems of the critical information infrastructure through SCADA systems research (2019)
4855 Balabanov, G. R., Mirtchev, S. T., Dynamic queue management of partial shared buffer with mixed priority for QoS guarantee in LTE uplink (2014)
4856 Trifonov, R. I., Radoslav Yoshinov., Slavcho Manolov., Tsochev, G. R., Pavlova, G. V., Artificial Intelligence methods suitable for Incident Handling Automation (2019)
4857 Tsochev, G. R., Trifonov, R. I., Radoslav Yoshinov., Slavcho Manolov., Pavlova, G. V., Improve the efficiency of intelligent IDPS by using Reinforcement Learning (2019)
4858 Kandeva, M. K., V. Balabanov., E. Zadorozhnaya., Zh. Kalitchin., P. Svoboda., Environmental Protection by Self-Organisation of Tribosystems with Self-Lubricating Materials in Dry Friction: Part I. (2017)
4859 Kandeva, M. K., Zadorozhnaya, E., Kalitchin, Zh., Svoboda, P., Tribological Studies Of High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) Superalloy Coatings (2018)
4860 Angelova, S. S., Translation with a Face (2019)
4861 Tsenev, V. P., Post Reflow Repair Technology with Automatic SMD Assembly for Big Volume of Products (2019)
4862 Tsenev, V. P., Robot assembly with flexible automatic control according to INDUSTRY 4.0 (2019)
4863 Christodoulou, C. A., Vasiliki Vita., Mladenov, V. M., Ekonomou, L., On the computation of the voltage distribution along the non-linear resistor of gapless metal oxide surge arresters (2018)
4864 Петкова, Е. И., Компетентности и подходи в съвременния литературнообразователен дискурс (2020)
4865 Tsenev, V. P., Sustainable and secure soldering of complex components with package bga, lga, flip chip, fi wlcsp, fo wlcsp to star flex pcb using hybrid printing (2019)
4866 Petia Koprinkova-Hristova., Volodymyr Kudriashov., Kiril Alexiev., Iurii Chyrka., Ivanov, V. V., Petko Nedyalkov., Smart feature extraction from acoustic camera multi-sensor measurements (2016)
4867 Videkov, V. H., Tsenev, V. P., Soldering of sensitive components by screen method and surface mounting (2019)
4868 Volodymyr Kudriashov., Ivanov, V. V., Kiril Alexiev., Petia Koprinkova-Hristova., Microphone array for non-contact monitoring of rolling bearings (2017)
4870 Omar Huerta., Abdil Kus., Ertu Unver., Ridvan Arslan., Muhammad Dawood., Muhammed Kofoğlu., Ivanov, V. V., A design-based approach to enhancing technical drawing skills in design and engineering education using VR and AR tools (2019)
4871 Ferreira, D.D., Leira, L., Mihaylova, P. T., Georgieva, P., Breaking Text-Based CAPTCHA with Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks (2019)
4872 Domingues, J., Lopes, B., Mihaylova, P. T., Georgieva, P., Incremental Learning for Football Match Outcomes Prediction (2019)
4873 Кирил Арнаудов., Антоанета Добрева., Димитър Караиванов., Иванов, В. В., Евилвентно Вътрешно Зацепване (2019)
4874 Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V., Stoynov, V. R., Mihailova, D. A., Designing Efficient Bilinear Bicomplex Orthogonal Digital Filters (2019)
4875 Pereira, V., Tavares, F., Mihaylova, P., Mladenov, V. M., Georgieva, P., Factor Analysis for Finding Invariant Neural Descriptors of Human Emotions (2018)
4876 Yakimov, P. I., Iovev, A. N., Development of a Modern Learning Environment for Education in Mechatronics and Industrial Automation (Open Access) (2019)
4877 Bogdanov, L. V., Polstra, S., Yakimov, P. I., Marinov, M., DAEDALED: A GUI Tool for the Optimization of Smart City LED Street lighting Networks (2018)
4878 Yakiimov, P. I., Iovev, A. N., Towards industry 4.0 oriented education (2019)
4879 Yakimov, P. I., Iovev, A. N., Tuliev, N. T., Balkanska, E. G., Development of Hardware and Software Methods and Tools for a Successful PLC Training (2019)
4880 Сивова, М. В., Конструиране на дамски панталон от тъкан с еластична нишка (2006)
4881 Dondon, P., Carvalho, J., Gardere, R., Lahalle, P., Tsenov, G. T., Mladenov, V. M., Implementation of a feed-forward Artificial Neural Network in VHDL on FPGA (2014)
4882 Videkov, V. H., Tsenev, V. P., New method for Two-component Soldering in Surface Mounting (2019)
4883 Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., Yoshinov, R., Jekov, B., Methodology for Assessment of Open Data (2017)
4884 Przestacki D., Chwalczuk Т., Bartkowska А., Stambolov, G. S., Laser heating of construction materials (2019)
4885 Hristov T., Nikolov, A. Y., Popivanov N., Schneider M., Generalized solutions of Protter problem for (3+1)-D Keldysh type equations (2016)
4886 Popivanov N., Nikolov, A. Y., Singular solutions to Protter's problem for (3+1)-D degenerate wave equation (2012)
4887 Yordanov, Y. E., Tsenov, G. T., Mladenov, V. M., Humanoid robot control with EEG brainwaves (2017)
4888 Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B., Infrared survey in electrical preventive maintenance (2017)
4889 Marinova, I. Y., S. Hayano., Y. Saito., Polyphase eddy current testing (1994)
4890 H. Kikuchihara., Marinova, I. Y., Y. Saito., Development of a new high sensitive eddy current sensor (2014)
4891 Dountcheva, I. G., Sanz, D., Cassiraga, E., Galabov, V. T., Gómez-Alday, J., Identifying non-stationary and long-term river–aquifer interactions as a response to large climatic patterns and anthropogenic pressures using wavelet analysis (Mancha Oriental Aquifer, Spain) (2020)
4892 Stoimenov, S., Tsenov, G. T., Mladenov, V. M., Face recognition system in Android using neural networks (2016)
4893 Ivanova, D. A., D. Ivanova, Big Data Analytics for Early Detection of Brest Cancer based on Machine Learning (2017)
4894 Marinova, I. Y., Mateev, V. M., Inverse source problem for thermal fields (2012)
4895 Shaikh, J. R., Iliev, G. L., Blockchain based Confidentiality and Integrity Preserving Scheme for Enhancing E-commerce Security (2019)
4896 Petkov, P. H., Slavov, T. N., Mollov, L. J., Kralev, J. K., Real-time implementation of H∞ and µ-controllers (2015)
4897 Petrov, P. P., Dynamics and adaptive motion control of a two-wheeled inverted pendulum robot (2018)
4898 Mateev, V. M., Todorova, M. K., Marinova, I. Y., Torque transmission characteristics of a coaxial magnetic gear (2016)
4899 Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Distributed internet of things system for wireless monitoring of electrical grids (2018)
4900 Petrinska, I. C., Ivanov, D. D., Estimation of Flicker of Contemporary LED Lamps and Luminaires (2019)