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# Автор
4251 Hinov, N. L., Petkov, T., Ibrishimov, H., Modeling of the thermal and electromagnetic processes in the induction water heating system (2019)
4252 Hinov, N. L., Gocheva, P.V., Gochev, V.P., Mathematical Modelling of Electronic Circuits with Index Matrices (2019)
4253 Gochev, V.P., Hinov, N. L., Gocheva, P.V., Mathematical Modelling of Basic Electronic Components with Index Matrices (2019)
4254 Цеков, Р. П., Калоянов, Н. Г., Червенков., Експериментално изследване на температурната стратификация в акумулатор за гореща вода в активна слънчева система. (2020)
4255 Цеков, Р. П., Калоянов, Н. Г., Василев, М. П., Пенкова Н., Касабов И., Божков, Ц. Н., Томова М., Матанов, Н. С., Джабарска С., Маркова С., Методически указания за извършване на обследване за енергийна ефективност и оценка на енергийни спестявания на промишлени системи и предприятия. (2019)
4256 Nikolov, E. K., Nikolova, N. G., Georgiev, M. G., Description and modelling of robot-manipulator FANUC M-430iA/4FH (2020)
4257 Guergov, S. T., Nikolova, N. G., Stefanov, G. K., Application machining robots in processing operations (2020)
4258 Dimitrov, E. T., Pantchev, S. E., Michaylov, P. I., Peychev, M. H., Economic aspects of using hydrogen in compression ignition engine operating on gas-diesel cycle (2019)
4259 Arnaudov, D. D., Madzharov, N.D., Hinov, N. L., Rotary wireless inductive transmitter powered by ZVS resonant convertor (Open Access) (2019)
4260 Pavlov, D. T., Stoynov, C. M., Dolapchiev, I. D., Nikolova, K. T., Kasev, K. M., Evaluating dimmable led lighting for science and education establishments (2020)
4261 Fikiin, K. A., Stankov, B. N., Integration of renewable energy in refrigerated warehouses (2015)
4262 Hinov, N. L., Gilev, B. N., Hranov, T. H., Model-based optimization of an llc-resonant dc-dc converter (Open Access) (2019)
4263 Stankov, B. N., Kaloyanov, N. G., Tomov, G. D., Solar walls for high-performance buildings (2017)
4264 Grozdanov, D. N., Hinov, N. L., Numerical design of complex chape coils (2019)
4265 Iliev, I. T., Tabakov, S. D., Кръстева В. Ц., Real-time detection of pathological cardiac events in the electrocardiogram (2008)
4266 Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Gilev, B. N., Comparision between clasical and modern methods for optimal control of buck DC/DC converter (2019)
4267 Fikiin, K. A., Stankov, B. N., Evans, J., Maidment, G., Foster, A., Brown, T., Radcliffe, J., Youbi-Idrissi, M., Alford, A., Varga, L., Alvarez, G., Ivanov, I. E., Bond, C., Colombo, I., Garcia-Naveda, G., Ivanov, I., Hattori, K., Umeki, D., Bojkov, T. N., Kaloyanov, N. G., Refrigerated warehouses as intelligent hubs to integrate renewable energy in industrial food refrigeration and to enhance power grid sustainability (2017)
4268 Iliev, I. T., Tabakov, S. D., Krasteva, V. T., Online digital filter and QRS detector applicable in low resource ECG monitoring systems (2008)
4269 Kaloyanov, N. G., Stankov, B. N., Tomov, G. D., Penkova, N., Efficiency of transparent structures in Trombe walls (2018)
4270 Николова, Н. Г., Робастно репетитивно управление на системи с априорна неопределеност (2019)
4271 Stankov, B. N., Fikiin, K. A., Garcia, G., Kalms, A., Estevez, M., Garde, R., Dynamic energy model of a refrigerated warehouse operating synergistically with a cryogenic energy storage system (2019)
4272 Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Kanchev, H. C., Gilev, B. N., Application of Neural Network for Smart Control of a Buck DC/DC Converter (2019)
4273 Zlatev, Z. L., Hinov, N. L., Spectral Analysis of Output Voltage for Buck and Boost DC-DC Converter (2019)
4274 Iliev, I. T., Иван Асенов доцински., Assisted living systems for elderly and disabled people: A short review (2011)
4275 Popov, D. A., Fikiin, K. A., Stankov, B. N., Alvarez, G., Youbi-Idrissi, M., Damas, A., Evans, J., Brown, T., Cryogenic heat exchangers for process cooling and renewable energy storage: A review (2019)
4276 Hinov, N. L., Ibrishimov, H., Virtual Simulation and Modeling of an Inductor-Piece System for Induction Cooker (2019)
4277 Fikiin, K. A., Akterian, S., Stankov, B. N., Do raw eggs need to be refrigerated along the food chain?: Is the current EU regulation ensuring high-quality shell eggs for the European consumers? (2020)
4278 Hinov, N. L., Hristov, I. S., Modelling Loop Compensation of Current Mode DC/DC Boost Converter (2019)
4279 Iliev, I. T., Krasteva, V. T., Jekova, I. I., Ненова Б. Д., Algorithm for real-time pulse wave detection dedicated to non-invasive pulse sensing (2012)
4280 Kralev, J. K., Mitov, A. S., Slavov, T. N., Angelov, I. I., Optimal three-loop cascade PI-P-PI controller for electro-hydraulic power steering system (2019)
4281 Zlatev, Z. L., Hinov, N. L., Signal processing and analysing big mass data using lab view (2019)
4282 Nikolova, N. G., Examination of a repetitive process control system (2019)
4283 Nikolov, E. K., Nikolova, N. G., Application of generalized fractional calculus in the gain scheduled control systems (2019)
4284 Tchankov, G., Hinov, N. L., The erroneous concept of the european union's energy market (2019)
4285 Singh H., Kumar V., Bonev, B. G., Saxena K., A novel method for prediction of attenuation of millimeter waves by fog and smoke (2019)
4286 Venkov, G. P., Genev, H. G., Soliton and blow-up solutions to the time-dependent Schrödinger-Hartree equation (2012)
4287 Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., An overview of the state of art of fuel cells in electric vehicles (2019)
4288 Николова, Н. Г., Изследване на двусвързана робастна репетитивна система за управление (2019)
4289 Hinov, N. L., Tsankov, P., Ibrishimov, H., Innovative led lighting (2019)
4290 Mitov, A. S., Slavov, T. N., Kralev, J. K., Angelov, I. I., Comparison of robust stability for electrohydraulic steering control system based on LQG and H-infinity controller (2019)
4291 Nenova, M. V., Atanasov, D., Kiril Kassev., Nenov, A., Intrusion Detection System Model Implementation against DDOS attacks (2019)
4292 Stambolov, G. S., Nikolova, N. G., Guergov, S. T., Robust Control Application Possibilities For Machining Robots (2019)
4293 Marinov, M. B., Hinov, N. L., Marinova, K., Application of the activity sampling method for cost optimization of lighting in logistics sites (2019)
4294 Notton, G., Mistrushi, D., Stoyanov, L. S., Berberi, P., Operation of a photovoltaic-wind plant with a hydro pumping-storage for electricity peak-shaving in an island context (2017)
4295 Angelov, I. I., Stanchev, N., Mitov, A. S., Experimental study of electronically controlled closed-loop electrohydraulic system with variable displacement pump (2019)
4296 Marinov, M. B., Topalov, I. P., Hinov, N. L., Hensel, S., Mobile platform for particulate matter monitoring (2019)
4297 Rachev, I. V., Djamiykov, T. S., Marinov, M. B., Hinov, N. L., Improvement of the approximation accuracy of LED radiation patterns (2019)
4298 Kralev, J. K., Mitov, A. S., Slavov, T. N., Angelov, I. I., Robust Mu-Controller for Electro-Hydraulic Steering System (2019)
4299 Hinov, N. L., Arnaudov, D. D., Madzharov, N., Comparison of converters with constant output power for wireless power transmission (2019)
4300 Gilev, B. N., Ibrishimov, H., Hinov, N. L., Mathematical model of the process of volumetric induction heating of cylindrical pieces (2019)