Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Зарков, З. Ж., Стоянов, Л. С., Бачев, И. Е., Лазаров, В. Д.
Заглавие: Изследване на синхронен генератор за ВЕПС с различни DC-DC преобразуватели
Ключови думи: ветроенергийни преобразувателни системи, ВЕПС, DC-DC преобра

Абстракт: Целта на работата е да се разработят устойчиви модели на DC-DC преобразуватели за ветрогенератори в средата Matlab/Simulink. Симулирани са ветроенергийни преобразувателни системи (ВЕПС), включващи моделите на повишаващ и неинвертиращ понижаващо-повишаващ преобразувател. Изслед- вани са и паралелни преобразуватели с общо входно и изходно напрежение. Сравнена е работата на ВЕПС с всеки от разработените модели при едни и същи условия.


  1. S. Mukhitar, C. Ambrish, 2011, Application of adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system for sensorless control of PMSG-based wind turbine with nonlinear-load compensation capabilities, IEEE Trans. Power Electron, том 26(1), стр. стр. 165-175
  2. N.A. Orlando, M. Liserre, R.A. Mastromauro, A. Dell’Aquilla, 2013, A survey of control issues in PMSG-based small wind-turbine systems, IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf. 2013, том 9(3), стр. стр. 1211-1221
  3. Q. Wang, L.C. Chang, 2004, An intelligent maximum power extraction algorithm for inverter-based variable speed wind turbine systems, IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 2004, том 19(5), стр. стр. 1242-1249
  4. J.S. Thongam, P. Bouchard, R. Beguenane, A.F. Okou, A. Merabet, 2011, Control of Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion System using a Wind Speed Sensorless Optimum Speed MPPT Control Method, IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 Nov. 2011, <IEEE Xplore>, IEEE
  5. H. Li, Z. Chen, 2008, Overview of different wind generator systems and their comparisons, IET Renewable Power Generation, том Vol. 2, No. 2, стр. стр. 123-138
  6. S.M. Tripathi, A.N. Tiwari, D. Singh, 2015, Grid-integrated permanent magnet synchronous generator based wind energy conversion systems: A technology review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, том 51, стр. стр. 1288-1305
  7. V. Lazarov, D. Roye, D. Spirov, 2009, Study of Variable Speed Wind Turbine with Boost and Non-inverting Buck-Boost choppers and Maximum Power control strategy, Japmed’6 Conference, Bucharest, Romania, July 2009, <->, -
  8. M. Assaf, D. Seshsachalam, D. Chandra, R.K. Tripathi, 2005, DC-DC converters via Matlab/Simulink, ACMOS'05 Proc. of the 7th WSEAS international conference on Automatic control, modeling and simulation, Prague, 2005, <->, -
  9. R. Dowlatabi, M. Monfared, S. Golestan, A. Hassanzadeh, 2011, Modelling and Controller Design for a Non-inverting Buck-Boost Chopper, International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung, India, July 2011, <->, -
  10. H. Antchev, P. Goranov, 2012, Research on dynamic characteristics of identical converters with common input and output dc voltages, E+E, том 9-10, 2012, стр. стр. 10-17
  11. J. Betten, R. Kollman, 2005, Interleaving dc-dc converters boost efficiency and voltage, Texas Instruments, EDN, том October, 2005, стр. стр. 78-84


Годишник на Технически Университет - София, том 66, брой 1, стр. стр. 401-410, 2016, България, София, ISSN 1311-0829
Autors: Zarkov, Z. Z., Stoyanov, L. S., Bachev, I. E., Lazarov, V. D.
Title: Study of a synchronous generator for WECS with different types of DC-DC converters
Keywords: wind energy conversion systems, WECS, DC-DC converters



  1. S. Mukhitar, C. Ambrish, 2011, Application of adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system for sensorless control of PMSG-based wind turbine with nonlinear-load compensation capabilities, IEEE Trans. Power Electron, том 26(1), стр. стр. 165-175
  2. N.A. Orlando, M. Liserre, R.A. Mastromauro, A. Dell’Aquilla, 2013, A survey of control issues in PMSG-based small wind-turbine systems, IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf. 2013, том 9(3), стр. стр. 1211-1221
  3. Q. Wang, L.C. Chang, 2004, An intelligent maximum power extraction algorithm for inverter-based variable speed wind turbine systems, IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 2004, том 19(5), стр. стр. 1242-1249
  4. J.S. Thongam, P. Bouchard, R. Beguenane, A.F. Okou, A. Merabet, 2011, Control of Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion System using a Wind Speed Sensorless Optimum Speed MPPT Control Method, IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 Nov. 2011, <IEEE Xplore>, IEEE
  5. H. Li, Z. Chen, 2008, Overview of different wind generator systems and their comparisons, IET Renewable Power Generation, том Vol. 2, No. 2, стр. стр. 123-138
  6. S.M. Tripathi, A.N. Tiwari, D. Singh, 2015, Grid-integrated permanent magnet synchronous generator based wind energy conversion systems: A technology review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, том 51, стр. стр. 1288-1305
  7. V. Lazarov, D. Roye, D. Spirov, 2009, Study of Variable Speed Wind Turbine with Boost and Non-inverting Buck-Boost choppers and Maximum Power control strategy, Japmed’6 Conference, Bucharest, Romania, July 2009, <->, -
  8. M. Assaf, D. Seshsachalam, D. Chandra, R.K. Tripathi, 2005, DC-DC converters via Matlab/Simulink, ACMOS'05 Proc. of the 7th WSEAS international conference on Automatic control, modeling and simulation, Prague, 2005, <->, -
  9. R. Dowlatabi, M. Monfared, S. Golestan, A. Hassanzadeh, 2011, Modelling and Controller Design for a Non-inverting Buck-Boost Chopper, International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung, India, July 2011, <->, -
  10. H. Antchev, P. Goranov, 2012, Research on dynamic characteristics of identical converters with common input and output dc voltages, E+E, том 9-10, 2012, стр. стр. 10-17
  11. J. Betten, R. Kollman, 2005, Interleaving dc-dc converters boost efficiency and voltage, Texas Instruments, EDN, том October, 2005, стр. стр. 78-84


Proceedings of the Technical University of Sofia, vol. 66, issue 1, pp. 401-410, 2016, Bulgaria, Sofia, Technical University of Sofia, ISSN 1311-0829

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