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# Автор
4151 Гераскова, О. Д., Основи на мениджмънта в жп транспорта (2020)
4152 Vakrilov, N., Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B., 3D thermal modelling and verification of power electronic modules (2019)
4153 Стойнова, А. В., Бонев, Б. Б., Инфрачервена термография (2019)
4154 Shopov, A., Bonev, B. B., Ascertainment of the change of the ductility in corroded steel specimens by experiment (2019)
4155 Shopov, A., Bonev, B. B., Experimental study of the change of the strengthening zone on corroded steel specimens (2019)
4156 Stoynova, A. V., Bonev, B. B., Improvement the post-processing quality in lock-in thermography (2019)
4157 Shopov, A., Bonev, B. B., Experimental study of zone of yield strength on corroded construction steel specimens for reuse (2019)
4158 Georgiev, Z. D., Uzunov, I. M., Todorov, T. G., Analysis and synthesis of oscillator systems described by a perturbed double well Duffing equation (2018)
4159 Brusev, T. S., Nikolova, B. M., Kunov, G. T., Vuchev S., Efficiency Investigations of DC-DC Converter Supplying Power Amplifiers (2014)
4160 Brusev, T. S., Uzunov, I. S., Kunov, G. T., Gadjeva, E. D., Investigation of Parallel Hybrid CMOS Envelope Amplifier Designed on AMS 0.35 μm Proces (2015)
4161 Brusev, T. S., Kunov, G. T., Gadjeva, E. D., Two-Phase Switching-Mode Converter with Zero Voltage Switching Designed on CMOS 0.35 µm Technology (2016)
4162 Brusev, T. S., Hristov, M. H., Power Losses in Monolithic Buck DC-DC Converter Designed on CMOS 0.35 µm Technology (2009)
4163 Brusev, T. S., Hristov, M. H., Nikolova, B. M., Investigation of Power Losses in Off-Chip and On-Chip Inductors (2010)
4164 Brusev, T. S., DC – DC Converter Integrated on CMOS 0.35 μm Technology (2012)
4165 Brusev, T. S., Nikolova, B. M., Reliability and Power Supply Voltages of Embedded System Platforms (2012)
4166 Kunov, G. T., Brusev, T. S., Gadjeva, E. D., Multiphase Buck DC-DC Converter with Zero Voltage Switching (2015)
4167 Kunov, G. T., Gadjeva, E. D., Petkova, M. P., Brusev, T. S., Stability Investigation using SPICE of BUCK DC-DC Converter (2014)
4168 Brusev, T. S., Buck Converter Modeling with MATLAB Simulink (2013)
4169 Brusev, T. S., Nikolova, B. M., Control System Modeling for DC-DC Converter (2013)
4170 Brusev, T. S., Investigation of Colpitts VCO Designed on 0.35 µm Technology (2015)
4171 Serafimov, N. S., Brusev, T. S., Nikolova, B. M., Over Voltage and Over Current Protection for Electronic Devices (2012)
4172 Brusev, T. S., Serafimov, N. S., Nikolova, B. M., Investigation of Over Voltage Protection Circuit for Low Power Applications (2012)
4173 Brusev, T. S., Goranov, P. T., Inductors Influence over the DC-DC Converter Performance (2008)
4174 Gancheva, V. S., SOA Based Multi-Agent Approach for Biological Data Searching and Integration (2019)
4175 Ivanova, T. I., A bilingual ontology mapping and enrichment approach for domain ontologies in e-learning (2019)
4176 Тодорова, Е. А., Горанов, П. В., Ръководство за упражнения и курсова работа по Инженерна графика и CAD (2021)
4177 Atanasov, I. N., Indexing Scheme for a Model for Representing Objects in Relational Databases (2006)
4178 Atanasov, I. N., Some Aspects and Elements of the Object-relational Systems (2006)
4179 Stoykov, K. N., Lazarova, M. K., Analysing Privacy Policies (2021)
4180 Stoykov, K. N., Lazarova, M. K., Nakov, O. N., Implementation of deep neural model for analysing privacy policies (2021)
4181 Atanasov, I. N., Representation of Structures with Multiple Inheritance in Relational Databases (2003)
4182 Atanasov, I. N., Some Aspects of a Model for Representing Objects in Relational Databases (2005)
4183 Borovska, P. I., Gancheva, V. S., Landzhev N., Massively Parallel Algorithm for Multiple Biological Sequences Alignment (2013)
4184 Borovska, P. I., Gancheva, V. S., Massively Parallel Multiple Sequence Alignment on the Supercomputer JUQUEEN (2018)
4185 Uzunov, I. M., Arabadzhiev, T. N., Suppression of the soliton self-frequency shift and compression in the presence of bandwidth-limited amplification (2011)
4186 Uzunov, I. M., Georgiev, Z. D., Localized Pulsating Solutions of the Generalized Complex Cubic– Quintic Ginzburg-Landau Equation (2014)
4187 Chernyakova K., Tzaneva, B. R., Vrublevsky I., Videkov, V. H., Effect of aluminum anode temperature on growth rate and structure of nanoporous anodic alumina (2020)
4188 Стефанова-Стоянова, В. В., Стоянов К., Същност, свойства и предимства на интелигентните разпределителни енергийни мрежи със съхранение на електроенергия (2020)
4189 StefanovaStoyanova, V. V., Application of neural networks in the Methodology of the Five Component Conceptual Model of Adaptive E-Learning Systems (2020)
4190 StefanovaStoyanova, V. V., Study of scientific publications on the nature of Industry 4.0 and Bulgarian case (2020)
4191 StefanovaStoyanova, V. V., Network of autonomous energy storage modules, such as concentrators for charging stations for electric vehicles and smart cities, based on battery systems and a model for selecting the capacity of batteries (2020)
4192 Kunov, G. T., Brusev, T. S., Gadjeva, E. D., Multiphase ZVS BUCK DC-DC Converter with Voltage Mode Peak Current Control (2017)
4193 Brusev, T. S., Kunov, G. T., Gadjeva, E. D., Design of Integrated Switching-Mode Amplifier on CMOS 0.35 µm Process (2017)
4194 Kunov, G. T., Brusev, T. S., Gadjeva, E. D., Efficiency Investigation of BUCK DC-DC Converter with ZVS Using SPICE (2017)
4195 Brusev, T. S., Kunov, G. T., Gadjeva, E. D., Integrated DC-DC Converter for IoT Applications (2018)
4196 Shopov, A., Bonev, B. B., Study by experiment of the zone of fracture on S355Jr steel specimens with corrosion (2019)
4197 Marinova, I. Y., Mateev, V. M., Electromagnetic field modeling in human tissue (2010)
4198 Shopov, A., Bonev, B. B., Experimental determination of the change of geometric characteristics and the theoretical ultimate load-capacity of corroded steel samples (2019)
4199 Христов Х.И., Димитров К.Л., Kolev, S. V., Use of infrared radiometry in temperature measurement of plant leaf. (2021)
4200 Младенов, Б., Пенкова, Н., Богева-Златева, М. Й., Числено симулиране на топлообмена в пътна настилка с хидравлично отопление за топене на сняг и лед (2019)