Autors: Notton, G., Diaf, S., Stoynov, L. S.
Title: Hybrid photovoltaic/wind energy systems for remote locations
Keywords: PV energy; wind energy; hybrid system; renewable energy pote

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to show that a precise study of renewable energy potential is indispensable before implementing a renewable energy system. The solar and wind energy potential is first presented for five sites distributed in a Mediterranean island and the temporal complementarity of these two energy resources is discussed. From this study, two meteorological sites are chosen and we compare the sizing and the profitability of remote hybrid PV/Wind systems for these two special cases study.



    Energy Procedia, Elsevier, issue 6, pp. pp. 666-677, 2011, Netherlands, ISBN ISSN: 1876-6102

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
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