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# Автор
9701 Nedelcheva, S. I., Tsvetkova, P. I., Approach to short-term planning of the development of distribution electrical networks (2023)
9702 Tsvetkova, P. I., Optimum power from decentralized sources in the connecting branches of medium voltage distribution networks (2023)
9703 Dochev, B. A., Kasabov, P. P., Dimova, D. P., Kamburova, G. Y., Zagorski, M. H., Investigation of the Structure of AlSi25Cu4Cr and AlSi25Cu5Cr Alloys (2023)
9704 Ivanov, I., Manolova, A. H., Petkova, R. R., Bozhilov, I. B., Christoff, N. V., Virtual Reality Application for Height Fear Treatment (2023)
9705 Ivanov, G. I., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., Experimental Study of Insulation Composite Materials Electrical Properties in Liquid Nitrogen (2023)
9706 Ralchev, M. L., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y., 3D Printed Designs for Permanent Magnets Fixation on High Speed Rotors (2023)
9707 Rusev, R. V., Tsenev, V. P., Slavchev, M. K., Sustainable low-temperature stress soldering of specialized electronic components and process optimization through statistical analysis and machine learning (2023)
9708 Tsenev, V. P., Rusev, R. V., Videkov, V. H., Slavchev, M. K., Statistical analysis of the influence of the amount of bismuth in a combined solder paste footprint on the content of voids in the solder (2023)
9709 Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., Petleshkov, A. S., Simulation Model For Evaluation Of Power Quality Indicators In Industrial Power Supply Systems With Grid-Tied PV System (2023)
9710 Tzvetkova, S. G., Lozanov, Y. Y., Petleshkov, A. S., Faults analysis of the electrical equipment in a company from the mining industry (2023)
9711 Stoynov, V. R., A Novel Emotion-Aware Networking Model for Enhanced User Experience in 5G networks (2023)
9712 Стоилов, Д. Г., Методология за стратегическо планиране на националната енергетика (2023)
9713 Atanasova, R. P., Ivanova, M. Y., Merkova M., A study on the design and production of sustainable accessories for children's clothing (2023)
9715 Simova, I. S., Angelova, R. A., Markov, D. G., Velichkova, R. T., Stankov, P. Y., Thermal Manikins – General Features and Applications (2021)
9716 Пеев, И. И., Transdisciplinarity – a Problem of Multiplying Languages. (2023)
9717 Peev, I. I., National Traditions in Pedagogy and Important Points in the National History of Education. The Process of ICT Integration into the Educational Process Throughout the Years – Traditions and Innovations. The Case of Bulagria. (2023)
9718 Peev, I. I., Inclusive Education 2.0: Digitalization and Circular Pedagogy for European Sustainable Development. (2023)
9719 Rusev, R. V., Tsenev, V. P., Videkov, V. H., Katerina Petkovska., Combined footprint of solder paste - influence of bismuth content on solder strength (2023)
9720 Koleva, N. V., Angelova, Y. S., Dimova, D., A conceptual framework for integration of the concept of sustainable development in Bulgarian enterprises (2023)
9721 Angelova, Y. S., Dimova, D., Koleva, N. V., Simulation Model of a Company System (2023)
9722 Стоилов, Д. Г., Приложения към Методология за стратегическо планиране на националната енергетика (2023)
9723 Dash, A., Bandopadhay, S., Samal, S.R., Poulkov, V. K., AI-Enabled IoT Framework for Leakage Detection and Its Consequence Prediction during External Transportation of LPG (2023)
9724 Syed, S.N., Lazaridis, P.I., Khan, F.A., Ahmed, Q.Z., Hafeez, M., Ivanov, A. S., Poulkov, V. K., Zaharis, Z.D., Deep Neural Networks for Spectrum Sensing: A Review (2023)
9725 Kireva-Mihova, D. P., Nikolov, T. A., Boyadjiev, B. B., Requirements Capture Process in the Vehicle Authorisation Procedure (2023)
9726 Dyakova V., Kostova Y., Tzaneva, B. R., Spasova H., Kovacheva D., Effect of Cu as a Minority Alloying Element on the Corrosion Behaviour of Amorphous and Crystalline Al-Ni-Si Alloy (2023)
9727 Tzaneva, B. R., Kostov, V. S., Corrosion behaviour of heterogeneous antimony-copper layers in chloride media (2023)
9728 Kostov, V. S., Tzaneva, B. R., Characterization and Electrochemical Investigation of Heterogeneous Sb-Cu Coatings (2023)
9729 Chernyakova K., Tzaneva, B. R., Jagminas A., Lushpa N., Vrublevsky I., Influence of Induced Local Stress on The Morphology of Porous Anodic Alumina at The Initial Stage of Oxide Growth (2023)
9730 Marinova, G. I., Malaj, E. G., Ibro, M. K., Hardware solution for cybersecurity of unmanned systems critical infrastructure (2023)
9731 Guliashki, V. G., Music G., Marinova, G. I., A heuristic algorithm for aircraft landing scheduling problem (2023)
9732 Marinova, G. I., Guliashki, V. G., Zeneli, M. A., IoT Approach for Improving the Energy Efficiency in the Durres Port Authority Buildings (2023)
9733 Zeneli, M. A., Marinova, G. I., Erecting pillars in a direction of a smart, innovative and energy efficient port (2023)
9734 Marinova, G. I., Guliashki, V. G., Hajrizi E., Energy consumption optimization in a smart university campus microgrid (2023)
9735 Marinova, G. I., Bitri, A. K., Guliashki, V. G., 6. Data Analytics, Viability Modeling and Investment Plan Optimization of EDA Companies in Case of Disruptive Technological Event (2023)
9736 Pleshkova, S. G., Data Transmission between IoT Modules using Audio Steganography (2023)
9737 Stanilov, A. S., Ivanov, M. P., Bekriev, O. N., Experimental study of a pump in turbine mode, energy characteristics, selection methods and operation in a system (2023)
9738 Penyashki T., Kostadinov G., Nikolov, A. A., Dimitrova, R. B., Kamburov, V. V., Kamdeva, M. K., Characteristics, composition and structure of coatings of WC-TiB2-B4C - Ni-Cr-B-Si-C electrodes formed on titanium alloys by contactless electrospark deposition (2022)
9739 Халова, Е. Й., Физика на кондензираната матeрия. Сборник задачи (2023)
9740 Андонова-Вакарелска, Т. А., Съвременни аспекти на приложението на промишлени роботи в индустрията (2023)
9741 Хрисчев, Р. Н., Електронно ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по дисциплината Автоматизация на производствените механизми. (2023)
9742 Petrov, M. G., Ganchev, I. K., Taneva, A. M., Fuzzy PID control of nonlinear plants (2002)
9743 Madzharova-Atanasova, K. I., Shakev, N. G., Intelligence in Human-Robot Collaboration – Overview, Challenges and Directions (2023)
9744 Marinov, T. M., Petkova, B. P., Comparative analysis of AODV and MTP routing protocols in VANET (2023)
9745 Valchev, R. I., Nikolov, M. I., Nakov, O. N., Lazarova, M. K., Mladenov, V. M., Timely Detection of Diabetes with Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks and Deep Neural Networks (2023)
9746 Kirilov, S. M., Mladenov, V. M., Application of New Metal-Oxide Memristor Models in Digital and Analog Electronic Circuits (2023)
9747 Asimopoulos, D.C., Radoglou-Grammatikis, P., Makris, I., Mladenov, V. M., Psannis, K.E., Goudos, S., Sarigiannidis, P., Breaching the Defense: Investigating FGSM and CTGAN Adversarial Attacks on IEC 60870-5-104 AI-enabled Intrusion Detection Systems (2023)
9748 Lazarević, M.P., Rapaić, M.R., Šekara, T.B., Mladenov, V. M., Mastorakis, N., Introduction to fractional calculus with brief historical background (2014)
9749 Авишай, Д., Павлова, Г. В., Прилагане на технологиите на четвъртата индустриална революция в третата автомобилна революция (2023)
9750 Борисова, А. Б., Попов, Д. А., Анализ и синтез на хибридна АЕЦ с газово прегряване на парата (2013)