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# Автор
9901 Trendafilov, I. T., Gancheva, V. S., Hassenstein-Reichardt Detector Using Controllable Single Pulse Time-Delay Circuit for Neuromorphic Hardware (2023)
9902 Gancheva, V. S., I. Georgiev., A Scalable Healthcare Data Science Framework Based on Service-Oriented Architecture (2023)
9903 Gancheva, V. S., Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Software Anomaly Detection (2023)
9904 Стамов, Г. Т., Stamova I., Cao J., Стамов, Т. Г., Impulsive Controllers Design for the Practical Stability Analysis of Gene Regulatory Networks with Distributed Delays (2023)
9905 Стамов, Т. Г., Стамов, Г. Т., Stamova I., Lipschitz Quasistability of Impulsive Cohen–Grossberg Neural Network Models with Delays and Reaction-Diffusion Terms (2023)
9906 Стамов, Т. Г., Стамов, Г. Т., Stamova I., Господинова-Захариева, Е. А., Lyapunov approach to manifolds stability for impulsive Cohen–Grossberg-type conformable neural network models (2023)
9907 Стамов, Т. Г., Стамов, Г. Т., Stamova I., Fractional-Order Impulsive Delayed Reaction-Diffusion Gene Regulatory Networks: Almost Periodic Solutions (2023)
9908 Atanasov, V. T., Stoilov, D. G., Study on Carbon Emissions Born During the Life Cycle of Distribution Transformers (2023)
9909 Mladenova, M. D., Stoilov, D. G., Stanev, R. H., Challenges and Effects of High Penetration of Variable Renewable Energy Resources: Insights for the Bulgarian Power Market (2023)
9910 Botev, M. K., Altaparmakov, I. L., Atanasov, V. T., Stoilov, D. G., Mathematical model for balancing of active electric distribution networks (2023)
9911 Atanasov, V. T., Stoilov, D. G., Angelov, K. P., Issues with flicker detection and elimination for power distribution networks in Bulgaria (2023)
9912 Miletiev, R. G., Yordanov, R. S., Damyanov, I. S., AQI monitoring system for intelligent transport systems (2023)
9913 Miletiev, R. G., Yordanov, R. S., E. Iontchev., Damyanov, I. S., Real-time online measurement of automotive pollution emissions (2023)
9914 Дзивев, В., Гинчев, Д. Г., Концепция за изграждане, ползване и развитие на формация от безпилотни летателни апарати за военни и граждански дейности (описание и реализация) (2023)
9915 Дзивев, В., Гинчев, Д. Г., Концепция за изграждане, ползване и развитие на формация от безпилотни летателни апарати за военни и граждански дейности (използване и преимущества) (2023)
9916 Kamarska, K. V., Citric acid as an eco-friendly inhibitor for aluminum alloy EN AW-2024 corrosion in acidic medium (2023)
9917 Kamarska, K. V., Investigation of vitamin C as environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor of aluminum alloy (2023)
9918 Камарска, К. В., Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по химия. (2023)
9919 Georgiev Y., Ognyanov M., Temkov M., Nakov, G. N., Dynamic changes in polyphenols, free carbohydrates, and antioxidant activity during germination of wheat and barley for preparation of malt flour (2023)
9920 Gourov N,., Slavov, V. D., Gourova E., Challenges for Faculty of Automatics in research and innovation (2009)
9921 Ivanova, T. I., Spasova, N. V., Radoyska P G., Flexible simulation e-learning environment for studying digital circuits and possibilities for it deployment as semantic web service (2011)
9923 Ivanova, T. I., Collaborative methodology for semantic modeling of learning domain knowledge (2023)
9924 Ivanova, T. I., Semi-automatic ontology development for supporting personalized tutoring (2023)
9925 Ivanova, T. I., Knowledge-Based Semi-Automatic Selection of Personalized Learning Paths (2023)
9926 Ivanova, T. I., Semantics-Based Knowledge Representation and Personalized Learning Content Development (2023)
9927 Ivanova, T. I., A multi-agent architecture for learning paths-based personalized e-learning systems (2023)
9928 Иванова, Т. И., Уеб технологии, моделиране и обработка на знания (2023)
9929 Иванова, Т. И., Онтологично моделиране и използването му за персонализирано и адаптивно електронно обучение (2023)
9930 Draganov, I. R., Gancheva, V. S., Optimizing the Non-local Means Filtering of CT Images (2023)
9931 Терзиев, А. К., Щерев Н. Х., Иванов, М. П., Милушева П. Д., „Система за оценка на иновативни технологии в производството на текстил и облекла и разработването на процесна карта за успешното им въвеждане в експлоатация“ (2023)
9932 Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Equivalent Transformations of a Cube-like Passive Linear Оne-port Networks with Equal Impedances in their Branches (2023)
9933 Cherneva G P., Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Numerical Study on the Electrical Circuit, Presented by Duffing’s Equation (2023)
9934 Ivanov, M. P., Fluid Mechanics - Set of protocols for laboratory exercises (2023)
9935 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Prabhakar functions of Le Roy type: Inequalities and asymptotic formulae (2023)
9936 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Prabhakar function of Le Roy type: A set of results in the complex plane (2023)
9937 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., On some estimates and asymptotic formulae in the class of multi-index Mittag-Leffler functions (2023)
9938 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Deif, S. A., On some relations in the class of multi-index Mittag-Leffler functions (2023)
9939 Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Kiryakova, V., Rogosin, S., Dubatovskaya, M., Laplace transform (Part 1) of the multi-index Mittag-Leffler-Prabhakar functions of Le Roy type (2023)
9940 Kiryakova, V., Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Rogosin, S., Dubatovskaya, M., Erdelyi-Kober fractional integrals (Part 2) of the multi-index Mittag-Leffler-Prabhakar functions of Le Roy type (2023)
9941 Stoynov, Y. D., Fundamental solution for functionally graded Magneto-Electro-Elastic plane (2023)
9942 Stoynov, Y. D., Rangelov,T.,V., Inverse scattering problems for cracked piezoelectric media (2013)
9943 Pichurov, G. T., Indices for ventilation efficiency and their numerical computation (2023)
9944 Angelova, Y. S., Radonov, R. I., Kuzmov, V. Y., S. Z. Derelieva-Konstantinova., Development Of A Common Information System to Create a Digital Career Center Together with Partner Higher Schools (2023)
9945 Venkov, G. P., Tarulli, M. D., Elena Nikolova., On the Well-Posedness for The Complex Ginzburg–Landau Equation on the Product Manifold R^d X T (2023)
9946 Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P., Study of the structure and mechanical properties of test bodies from alloy AlCu4Mg2 after plastic deformation (2023)
9947 Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P., Panov, I. T., Investigating the possibility of alloying an alloy AlSi25Cu5Cr with Co, Cr and Mo Using Metal Powder (2023)
9948 Kandeva, M. K., Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P., Zagorski, M. H., Kasabov, P. P., Panov, I. T., Investigation of the wear of aluminium-silicon alloys tribosystems under reversible friction with lubrication (2023)
9949 Dimova, D. P., Dochev, B. A., Panov, I. T., Kandeva, M. K., Investigation of the effect of heat treatment on the microhardness and wear resistance of an alloy АlSi18Cu3CrMn (2023)
9950 Kasabov, P. P., Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P., Zagorski, M. H., Kamburova G. Y., Investigation of the microgeometry of the surfaces of АlSi25Cu4Cr and АlSi25Cu5Cr alloys after turning (2023)