Ключови думи
# | Автор Autor |
Заглавие Title |
9601 | Peshev, N. S., Tsenev, V. P., | Investigation of Different Hot Bar Soldering Modes for Obtaining Strong Solders by Statistical Methods (2023) | |
9602 | Lzazarova K., Boycheva, S. V., Vasileva M., Zgureva-Filipova, D. M., Babeva Tz., | Effect of milling time on the sensing properties of fly ash zeolite composite thin films (2021) | |
9603 | Boycheva, S. V., Zgureva-Filipova, D. M., | Development of dual-function materials by utilization of coal combustion by-products for CO2 capture and conversion into synthetic fuel (2021) | |
9604 | Tsochev, G. R., Sharabov, M. Z., Rusev, A. N., Ukov, T., | Security risks and methods for protection in autonomous vehicles (2022) | |
9605 | Загорски, М. Х., Милчев, Р. И., Цветков, С. Ц., | Управление на роботизиран манипулатор чрез модул за компютърно зрение с изкуствен интелект (2023) | |
9606 | Atanasov, V. T., Stoilov, D. G., | Problems with measurement at the borders between electricity transmission and distribution networks in Bulgaria (2023) | |
9607 | Atanasov, V. T., Stoilov, D. G., | Technical economic analysis of utilization of transformers along a long low voltage overhead power line (2023) | |
9608 | Morina, S. K., Stoilov, D. G., | Assessment of operational reserve requirement resulting from wind power use in the electric power system of Kosovo (2023) | |
9609 | Nikolova, D. N., Stoilov, D. G., | Factors influencing the public sentiment on nuclear energy investment in European union member states (2023) | |
9610 | Hadzhiyska, K. Y., Stoilov, D. G., | Multi-criteria analysis approaches for energy system development scenario — review (2023) | |
9611 | Terziev, A. K., Carla Hertleer., Benny Malengier., Aleksandar Dimov., Sanja Ercegovic Razic., Hassan Saeed., Silvana Laudoni., | Improving your digital skills in the textile and clothing industry (2023) | |
9612 | Carla Hertleer., Terziev, A. K., Benny Malengier., Hassan Saeed., Sanja Ercegovic Razic., Aleksandar Dimov., | Analysis of Digital Skills in the Textile and Clothing Industry through E-Learning (2022) | |
9613 | Carla Hertleer., Terziev, A. K., Benny Malengier., Hassan Saeed., Sanja Ercegovic Razic., Aleksandar Dimov., | Educational tools to improve the digital skills in the textile and clothing industry (2022) | |
9614 | Carla Hertleer., Terziev, A. K., Benny Malengier., Hassan Saeed., Sanja Ercegovic Razic., Aleksandar Dimov., | Improving digital skills in the textile and clothing industry through online courses (2022) | |
9615 | Carla Hertleer., Terziev, A. K., Hassan Saeed., Sanja Ergegovic Razic., Aleksandar Dimov., | Ict in textile and clothing higher education and business (ict-tex) (2021) | |
9616 | Iliya Iliev., Terziev, A. K., Milen Venev., Emilian Velkov., | Technical–economical analysis of the air heater when switching coal from natural gas (2018) | |
9617 | Илия Илиев., Веселка Камбурова., Пламен Граматиков., | Анализ на скоростта на вятъра, определена чрез измерване и моделиране (2011) | |
9618 | Ciupageanu D., G. Lazaroi., L. Mihaescu., G. Negreanu., I. Pisa., V. Berbece., D. Bondrea., E. Mavrodin., Iliev I., Terziev, A. K., E. Enache., E. Pop., A. Cernat., C. Pana., G. Geletukha., S. Drahniev., T. Zheliezna., V. Zubenko., O. Haida., M. Dragne., T. Vatuiu., S. Iana., M. Kantorek., K. Jesionek., S. Polesek-Karczewska., P. Ziółkowski., J. Badur., | Innovative Renewable Waste Conversion Technologies (2021) | |
9620 | Naydenova, I. I., Temenuzhka Radoykova., Petrova, T. S., Sandov, O. L., Ivo Valchev., | Utilization Perspectives of Lignin Biochar from Industrial Biomass Residue (2023) | |
9621 | Naydenova, I. I., Sandov, O. L., Petrova, T. S., | Thermal Analysis and PM Emissions of Lavender Residue (2023) | |
9622 | Андонова-Вакарелска, Т. А., Николов, С. Н., Чакърски, Д. С., Малаков, И. К., Нешков, Т. Д., Дамяновски, Д. Д., Петров, П. П., Георгиева, В. К., Димитрова, Р. К., Томов, П. К., Захаринов, В. В., Павлов, В. И., | Глава 12-Експериментални изследвания на автоматизираща техника (2020) | |
9623 | Markov R., Bogdanova G., Ivanova, M. S., | Creating and storing 7D digital twins (2023) | |
9624 | Durcheva, M. I., Ivanova, M. S., | Cryptography Based on Fuzzy Graphs (2023) | |
9625 | Terziev, A. K., Penka Zlateva., Ilia Iliev., Ivanov, M. P., | Methodology for energy savings estimation, resulting from the development of a procedure for air pressure check in vehicle tires (2023) | |
9626 | Traycho Trayanov., Ivanov, M. P., Terziev, A. K., | Analysis of the factorial and consequential variables in the energy efficiency study of a heat pump unit with a radiant evaporator (2023) | |
9627 | Ivanova Sv., Dimitrov, L. V., Ivanov V., Urum G., Olefir O., | Mind Maps for Key Points of a Reverse Engineering Project (2023) | |
9628 | Ivanova Sv., Dimitrov, L. V., Ivanov V., Konopolov A., Cheredarchuk N., | Heuristic Search for the Design of Silent Chain Transmissions Using Graphs (2023) | |
9629 | Pandiev, I. M., | Development of Self-Limiting LC Oscillators Using Cascade Structure of Monolithic CCIIs (2023) | |
9630 | Василев, Х. Н., Терзиев, А. К., Асенов, А. Н., Згурева-Филипова, Д. М., Филипов, К. Б., Шушулов, К. К., Матанов, Н. С., Бекриев, О. Н., Василев, М. П., Цеков, Р. П., Атанасов, Т. К., Цекова, Б. И., Въкова, Е. М., Воденичаров, Л. Н., | Енергийна ефективност на сгради : монография. Т. 1 (2023) | |
9631 | Василев, Х. Н., Терзиев, А. К., Асенов, А. Н., Згурева-Филипова, Д. М., Филипов, К. Б., Шушулов, К. К., Матанов, Н. С., Бекриев, О. Н., Василев, М. П., Цеков, Р. П., Атанасов, Т. К., Цекова, Б. И., Въкова, Е. М., Воденичаров, Л. Н., | Енергийна ефективност на сгради : монография. Т. 2 (2023) | |
9632 | Василев, Х. Н., Терзиев, А. К., Асенов, А. Н., Згурева-Филипова, Д. М., Филипов, К. Б., Шушулов, К. К., Матанов, Н. С., Бекриев, О. Н., Василев, М. П., Цеков, Р. П., Атанасов, Т. К., Цекова, Б. И., Въкова, Е. М., Воденичаров, Л. Н., | Енергийна ефективност на сгради : монография. Т. 3 (2023) | |
9633 | Stefan I. Stoyanov., Kakanakov, N. R., Marinova, M. P., | Secure Heterogeneous Architecture based on RISC-V and root-of-trust (2023) | |
9634 | Gavrailov, D. Y., Boycheva, S. V., | Study assessment of water electrolysis systems for green production of pure hydrogen and natural gas blending (2023) | |
9635 | Пандиев, И. М., | Ръководство за курсово проектиране по аналогова схемотехника (2023) | |
9636 | Iliev, R. S., Tsalov, T. I., | Harnessing of the low energy wind potential (2023) | |
9637 | Iliev, R. S., | Investigation of vertical axis wind turbine with guiding flat plates (2023) | |
9638 | Stanchev, P. A., | Investigation of the Overvoltages in Electrical Power Lines with a Grounded through a Resistance Neutral (2020) | |
9639 | Pandiev, I. M., | Design and Implementation of Self-Limiting Two-Stage LC Oscillators Using Cascade Structure of Monolithic CCIIs as Active Elements (2023) | |
9640 | Романски, Р. П., | Разпределено информационно обслужване и защита на личните данни (2013) | |
9641 | Romansky, R. P., | Features of e-business and e-commerce with a reflection on the privacy in the digital age (2023) | |
9642 | Genov, J. A., Kralov, I. M., | A Linear Quadratic Regulator Synthesis for a Semi-Active Vehicle Suspension Part 2 – Multi-objective synthesis (2019) | |
9643 | Mitov, A. S., Nedelchev, K. I., Kralov, I. M., | Experimental Study of Sound Pressure Level in Hydraulic Power Unit with External Gear Pump (2023) | |
9644 | Дибарева Д., Василева К., Найденова, И. И., Георгиева Ц., | КЛЮЧОВИ ЗАМЪРСИТЕЛИ, ПОЛУЧЕНИ ПРИ ИЗПОЛВАНЕТО НА БИОГОРИВА И РИСК ЗА ЗДРАВЕТО (2023) | |
9646 | Iatcheva, I. I., Darzhanova, D. P., | Parametric 3D FEM Analysis of an Iron-Cored Coil Thermal Properties (2023) | |
9647 | Darzhanova, D. P., Iatcheva, I. I., | Investigation of the Temperature Field Distribution in an EI Type Iron-Cored Coil Using 3D FEM Modeling at Different Load Conditions (2023) | |
9648 | Mitev, M. R., Filipov, K. B., | Feasibility Study for Minor Actinides Transmutation in Conventional Power Reactors (2023) | |
9649 | Петрова-Спасова, Г. И., | Медицинска електронна апаратура (2023) | |
9650 | Петрова-Спасова, Г. И., Спасов, Г. В., Костадинов, А. Н., | Цифрова и микропроцесорна техника (2023) | |