Autors: Mateev, V. M., Ivanov, G. I., Marinova, I. Y.
Title: Acoustic Sensing in Microfluidic Cell
Keywords: acoustic sensing; fluid velocity measurements; microfluidic

Abstract: In this work are presented early experiments for fluid velocity and pressure sensing in microfluidic cell, based on low frequency acoustic spectrum. Many of microfluidic cells and microfluidic chips internal properties could be observed only by numerical modeling. Some remote methods are applicable for contactless measurements inside the microfluidic cells channels. With advanced numerical procedures it can be reconstructed internal fluid flow properties. This paper considers measurements of acoustic signals, acquired over the fluid cell mixing chamber. Acoustic spectrum is correlated with fluid flow parameters as internal velocity and pressure. Results are verified by computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling of a microfluidic cell with known velocities and pressures.



    Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 1035, pp. 259 - 266, 2023, United States, Springer Nature, DOI 18761100/978-303129870-7/10.1007/978-3-031-29871-4_26

    Copyright Springer Nature

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