Autors: Tonchev, K., Neshev, S., Petkova, R. R., Manolova, A. H., Poulkov, V. K.
Title: Person and Face Re-Identification Using Semantic Information and Single Shot Face Identification
Keywords: one-shot face identification; Person re-identification

Abstract: Person re-identification is a contemporary problem involving the identification o f single person a cross multiple camera views, usually non-overlapping. The modern solutions of this problem involve deep learning based solutions, implicitly providing feature and metric learning. In this work we propose a novel approach for person and face re-identification guided by semantic information. Face re-identification is approached using single shot face recognition for initialization using facial semantic parts. Person re-identification is also guided b y semantic information represented by hands, legs, etc. It is further supported by the decision of face re-identification, if available. The proposed approach is tested on popular databases for person re-identification and demonstrate competitive results.



    in Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (DAMT) and ECTI Northern Section Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (NCON), Phuket, Thailand, 22-25 March 2023, pp. 548-553, 2023, Thailand, DOI 10.1109/ECTIDAMTNCON57770.2023.10139406

    Copyright IEEE

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