Autors: Peev, I. I., Pop, L., Coetzer, J.-H., Stefan, I., 41. Morales, L.
Title: Circular Pedagogy and Digitisation A New Educational Paradigm
Keywords: circular pedagogy, digitisation of teaching and learning,

Abstract: Existing educational systems and models are insufficient to address the challenges associated with our evolving socio-economic and environmental systems. In this paper, we offer critical insights on the core elements defining Higher Education Institutions, the digitisation of teaching and learning practices with a dominant trend favouring STEM education that overlooks the value of social sciences. The neglection of social sciences and the criticism and negative connotations that affect research in the field of pedagogy are also considered as they are essential in articulating our vision of the need for pedagogical innovations that acknowledge our new learning and teaching realities and the importance of introducing new practices that help on the transition towards a new educational paradigm. We propose a new pedagogy called Circular Pedagogy, where the role of the teacher, the learner and the researcher are identified as interchangeable over the lifelong learning process. Our research



    ARROW@TU-DUBLIN, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 22 pp, 2023, Ireland, TU Dublin, DOI 10.21427/KAZW-WP42

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