Autors: Dyakova V., Kostova Y., Tzaneva, B. R., Spasova H., Kovacheva D.
Title: Effect of Cu as a Minority Alloying Element on the Corrosion Behaviour of Amorphous and Crystalline Al-Ni-Si Alloy
Keywords: corrosion; amorphous Al-Ni-Si alloys; crystallisation; Cu

Abstract: The effect of copper as a minority alloying element on the corrosion behaviour of amorphous and crystalline Al74Ni16Si10 and Al74Ni15Si9Cu2 alloys was investigated in this study. Amorphous alloys were produced as rapidly solidified ribbons using the Chill Block Melt Spinning (CBMS) method and subsequently annealed to complete crystallisation. The corrosion rate of alloys was obtained through continuous immersion tests in 3.5%NaCl at 25 °C and 50 °C for 360 h. The electrochemi-cal parameters corrosion current density (Jcorr) and corrosion potential (Ecorr) were determined via the potentiodynamic polarisation test. The results showed better corrosion characteristics of amorphous alloys. The addition of 2 at.% copper to the Al74Ni16Si10 alloy improved pitting corro-sion resistance without significant effect on the corrosion current and potential. In immersion tests at 25 °C, the presence of copper resulted in an increase in the corrosion rate of about 300% for both amorphous and ..



    Materials, vol. 16, pp. 5446, 2023, Switzerland, MDPI,

    Copyright MDPI

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