Autors: Gancheva, V. S.
Title: Platform for big biomedical data streams management and analytics
Keywords: Big biomedical data analytics; Knowledge discovery from data

Abstract: Major challenge in the analysis of clinical data and knowledge discovery is to suggest an integrated, advanced and efficient tools, methods and technologies for access and processing of progressively increasing amounts of data in multiple formats. The paper presents a platform for multidimensional large-scale biomedical data management and analytics, which covers all phases of data discovery, data integration, data preprocessing, data storage, data analytics and visualization. The goal is to suggest an intelligent solution as integrated, scalable workflow development environment consisting of a suite of software tools to automate the computational process in conducting scientific experiments.



    International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 14, pp. 580 - 588, 2020, United States, NAUN, ISSN 1998-4464

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