Autors: E. Zadorozhnaya., Kandeva, M. K., V. Hudyakov., I. Dolgushin.
Title: Investigation of the Effect of Non-Isothermal Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid in a Thin Layer and Thermal State of the Turbocharger Radial Bearings on the Rotor Dynamics
Keywords: non-Newtonian fluid, thermal state, bearing, rotor

Abstract: The most of the theoretical and experimental works on the study of friction units are based on the classical hydrodynamic theory of lubrication. In the presented study, a system of equations for hydrodynamic problems that take into account the processes of heat exchange between a lubricant and a solid is given. To model non-Newtonian properties of modern lubricants, a rheological model of the lubricant was used. A series of comparative calculations for evaluating the performance of hydrodynamic units, taking into account their thermal loading, is performed on the example of calculating the dynamics of a flexible asymmetric rotor. The results of the calculations showed that the temperature difference between the rotor bearings was 15-18 degrees. The results of theoretical studies have shown good agreement with the results of experimental studies.



    Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, vol. 25, issue 4, pp. 985–1001, 2019, Bulgaria, SciBulCom Ltd., ISBN ISSN: 1310-4772

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