Autors: Ivanov, M. P., Yordanov, P. S., Markov, D. G., Simova, I. S.
Title: Modified procedure for assessment of the indoor environment impact over productivity and performance of students in laboratory conditions
Keywords: Indoor environment, productivity and performance of students

Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to introduce the modified procedure for assessment of the indoor environment impact over productivity and performance of students in laboratory conditions. The initial procedure, as part of the project: “Integrated study on the indoor environment impact on human performance, comfort and health and effective energy utilization”, № ДДВУ-02-8/17.12.2010г., financially supported by the Bulgarian Science Fund at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, is presented previously. Significant reduction in the paper-based questionnaires for the performance assessment was performed. The main advantage achieved is easier understanding of the questions and tasks by the students. Also, this measure refines and increases the correctness of the obtained results, and the teaching process is no longer disturbed significantly.



    Proceedings of the “XIX International scientific conference FPEPM 2014 – Sozopol, 2014”, vol. 2, pp. 35-41, 2014, Bulgaria, ISBN ISSN 1314-5371

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