Autors: Darzhanova, D. P., Iatcheva, I. I.
Title: Investigation of the Temperature Field Distribution in an EI Type Iron-Cored Coil Using 3D FEM Modeling at Different Load Conditions
Keywords: transformer; temperature field; 3D FEM modeling; thermal res

Abstract: In this present paper, results for the temperature distribution in electromagnetic construction in the form of coil coupled with EI-type ferromagnetic core are presented. This construction is typical for small electric transformers (AC operation mode) or chokes—DC or AC operation mode. Investigation has been provided using 3D finite element method computer modeling at various load conditions to simulate power dissipation both in the coil and the core volumes. The results obtained were used to calculate overall thermal resistances toward ambient free air and the thermal resistance between the coil and the core. These results show the important role the thermal resistance between the coil and the core may play for both steady-state and transient device operation.



    Energies, vol. 16, issue 12, pp. 4581, 2023, Switzerland, MDPI,

    Copyright MDPI

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