Autors: Matzinski, P. G., Uzunov, H. V., Dimitrov, K. P., Dechkova, S. V.
Title: Training methodology for forensic engineering experts in traffic accident investigation - problem-oriented approach
Keywords: methods and techniques in education, e-learning platforms, i

Abstract: The primary purpose of traffic accident investigations and accident reconstruction is to clarify all the circumstances of occurrence, mechanism and consequences of road accidents. Requirements for accuracy and reliability of the obtained results are followed, which act as a basis for making legal decisions. The complex nature of this type of research is caused by the dynamic interconnectedness of the factors and circumstances determining the occurrence and the result of the accident. Obtaining adequate, accurate and reliable results requires the application of probabilistic, evolutionary and / or genetic approaches to search for solutions to problems. Trere is a variety of road accident cases, which are an inherent part of the forensic expertise - impact between vehicles, impact between a vehicle and a pedestrian, impact between a vehicle and a fixed barrier, etc.vAll this determines the specific nature of the training and preparation of experts in this subject area. What has been cu



    Union of scientists in Bulgaria - branch Sliven, vol. 36, issue 1, pp. 58-64, 2021, Bulgaria, ISSN 1311-2864

    Full text of the publication

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