Autors: Hristov, M. H.
Title: Object Based Temperature Compensation for “Shop floor” CMM
Keywords: Coordinate Measuring Machine, Shop floor CMM, temperature co

Abstract: With the current closed loop manufacturing trend, the Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) is finding a new role as a flexible production gauge located directly behind the machine tool or production process. In high technology productions, there are necessary of inspection of many form and position dimensions. There are specifics of working with "Shop floor" CMM and one of the main problems is temperature deviation which affect the geometric parameters of controlled objects. To improve the performance of the “Shop Floor” CMM we introduce two types of “Object based” temperature compensation based on a specific object with a database created for, at different ambient temperature values in a wide range.



    Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, vol. 44, issue 11, pp. 167-172, 2021, China, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, ISSN 1024-1752

    Copyright Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments

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