Autors: Denev, I. N., Velichkova, R. T., Tsankov P.
Title: Experimental study interaction of isothermal turbulent jet with suction opening
Keywords: turbulent jet, suction opening, flow rate

Abstract: In current work is analysed the results of own experiments on the reaction of a turbulent jet with suction opening. It is given a geometry of the flow and characteristics distinction of the flow rate and amount of movement. It is made a comparison with the distribution of free turbulent jet leakage at the same initial conditions.



    PROCEEDINGS OF UNIVERSITY OF RUSE, vol. 55, pp. 190-194, 2016, Bulgaria, ISBN ISSN 1311-3321

    Вид: постер/презентация в национален форум с межд. уч., публикация в реферирано издание